"Where's that story you mentioned 'bout GlimGlam?" · 2:10am Nov 4th, 2022
3.4 months've passed since my first and previous blog post, and a scant few of you may've been interested enough to wonder what that's all about. I mentioned having a lot worked out for it, but I've not posted anything, what gives?
Well, a variety of things, honestly and most've them're entirely my own fault.
Firstly, I have a really irritating.... thing. I tend to be good with ideas and at general working out of the start of fic ideas, and the end of them, but I never can do the middle stuff.
It's literally the writing equivalent of that 1. do X, 2. ??? 3. profit meme.
Second, I end up constantly having ideas that I end up never acting on much, if at all, and it doesn't take much to make me have, a new idea, as i can make an entire backstory within seconds from literally nothing.
For example, in the 3.4 months since that first post, I've gone on to come up with this entire AU where Izzy is basically an eldrich entity that's taken a mortal form and has been pulling strings behind everything, trying to sway the world down a specific path but isn't 'allowed' to directly intervene unless there's literally no other choice, and that all stemmed from a single word, in a joke with a friend that was said in passing.
Given I can so quickly and easily make something from nothing, you'd think this'd be easy for me, but it really ain't.... especially when I get distracted coming up with ideas for whatever NEW thing I've thought up instead.
Third, I don't really have much drive to do so.
I've nobody to impress, or anyone 'waiting' as it were, nobody cares as I'm effectively a nobody anyway, I don't have any real reason to write things at all outside of a desire to write them, and I'm the kinda person who needs a reason to do something, otherwise he simply doesn't give a toss to do it.
I've held interest in writing the aforementioned Glimmer one, though, as well as another G4 fic involving Twilight and a few G5-based fics I've since had the idea for.
I probably, will eventually write them but since I have no real reason to, I ain't got no drive to and as a result, it's exceptionally slow-going. Hell, I actually in all this time never even started writing down anything of that Glimmer fic outside of messages basically going over ideas for scenes in it with a friend, and the ending.
Big shock, given the point I made in the first point.... I'm good at working out beginnings and ends, but rarely ever the things in between, so that's probably what'd take the most time..... that sounds like a 'la duh' sorta thing, but it's worse in my case.
Fourth, I'm.... a bit of a perfectionist. If I don't feel something is ready for release, I simply don't release it yet, even if for all intents and purposes, it IS ready, it's hard to bring myself to it sometimes.
This pretains mostly to modding video games, but fic writting has a similar if less intense issue for me.
So, guess that's it really.
Sorry for the like, all 1 or 2 of ya that may've been eagerly anticipating that horror-themed fic involving Starlight, but it's probably a very long ways down the pipeline, if it ends up done at all.
Hell, honestly? It's more likely I'd end up doing a short G5 Sizzy(SunnyxIzzy, obviously)clopfic I've almost entirely worked out everything of already before I'd end up doing that.