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How do you find the mare behind the mask when you've forgotten who she is?
MalificMare ·
3.1k words
· 107
0 ·
You never knew what you had until it says goodbye... with one last farewell letter.
MalificMare ·
1.6k words
· 190
6 ·
Short for JakeHaritagu. Pregnant Scootaloo and Dash search for a missing Fluttershy.
MalificMare ·
2.1k words
· 23
1 ·
Sometimes, a pony needs a good story after a bad day. Of course, a muffin doesn't hurt either.
MalificMare ·
2.7k words
· 37
1 ·
Ditzy Doo's Dismally Derpy Day
With the help of a few close friends, Ditzy gets through an especially unpleasant day at work.
12,013 words
· 1,153 · 20
Dinky Debates Dexterity, Destiny and Dinner
Dinky and Sparkler discuss life, the universe, and everything.
4,766 words
· 587 · 8
Shipping and Handling
Ditzy Doo winds up in the matchmaking business
by Pegasus Rescue Brigade
131,233 words
· 2,739 · 60
The Blueblood Chronicles
Blueblood just wants to be left alone. prince-chasing mares and high society have other plans.
by Rune Soldier Dan
44,425 words
· 1,292 · 16
The Sisters Doo
Daring pays a visit to her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things get out of hoof.
by Ponky
115,616 words
· 2,178 · 39
Heh, I didn't even know about the group until another user featured two of my stories there!
Now I can trawl through it and find more good Blueblood stories!
Thank you for joining my group"the good prince".
Heh. Someone found my unofficial sequel to the Tea Conondrum. Nice. :)
Thanks for the fave on Legend of Thunder! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the Fave of Dear Idiot! I greatly appreciate it!