No computer, and basicaly no job, makes GMO very restless. · 1:20am Nov 4th, 2013
So i have no computer, my job has me on its payrole (no hours, no pay, no problem for them), and I'm on the hunt for a new job.
How are all of you?
With so little going on for me, I have been thinking a lot about random things. Such as:
What is more preferd, saying DJ Pon-3 as "D J pony" or " D J Pon Three"?
Rip author at the back of my favs tab.
I guess, but thank you for the Watch, and i think it is watchers
157610 I try and watch all those who watch me, favorite my work, and are interesting.
Everyone needs watchers... or is it watches?
Well thanks for the Watch not sure, what i did to deserve it
but im loving, Blank keep up the good work.