• Member Since 2nd May, 2017
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Just someone who wants to see what stories this site has to offer. Also willing to be an editor for any story I feel has potential. Message me here or on Discord: Speculore#8567

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Original Beyblade Profiles · 12:42pm Aug 18th, 2020

Hey guys,

I hope you all are enjoying my Friendship Through Beyblade story. As I was writing this next chapter, I thought it'd be helpful to give you guys profiles on any and all original beyblades I introduce in this story. This post will detail the one's I've introduced so far, but the ones I bring in from here on out will be described in the author's note. With that said...

Light Striker R145EWD
Type: Balance

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Report Speculore · 191 views · Story: Friendship Through Beyblade ·
Comments ( 85 )
  • Viewing 81 - 85 of 85

Hey specs. Been a while. I just sent you the next chapter draft on Discord.

Well it's not often I find someone who shares my feelings on something like that. Especially on this site.

  • Viewing 81 - 85 of 85
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