• Member Since 23rd May, 2020
  • offline last seen June 13th


stop making this hurt

Latest Stories

and leave this place the same today.


:) · 3:03am Dec 7th, 2020

Comments ( 14 )
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Well, well. I missed the three year anniversary, but I was feeling nostalgic and reread the... what I guess I'll call "Liminal Spaces" series and the new anthology story posted here, and have to announce my love for this account and its stories. Going back through I felt just as wrapped in the original stories as I did three years ago, and it's funny to see how much has changed since then- and how much still feels the same. Seeing back to my own involvement still gives me such warm fuzzy feelings- in this small little mystery tucked away, I got to play a part, and I will forever hold this story close to me because of it. Happy 3 years (if a little late) to Fiddlesticks, and I look forward to any further little beautiful oddities that appear on this account.

You have a warm beauty in writing short slice of life contemplative Rainbow Dash fics... it's really beautiful in a way :twilightsmile:

Sounds good to me!:pinkiehappy:

when it's over i'll be waiting

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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