• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen July 14th


I'm a girl living in Ashley, New Milton. Loved mlp ever since it started showing and got to learn about these fanfic in October 2013. (Also I have dyslexia, so if I make mistakes sorry)


Thanks to A.K. Yearling, Dash gets her hooves on something that allows her to have a bit of hypnotic fun with her friends.

Please note the plot of this story is not mine. A few months ago superfun asked if i could do this for her.
And I have :twilightsmile: Sorry it's a little late, but it makes a great Hearths Warming gift.

Chapters (6)

Years ago, the Royal Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna got into a fight and Luna became Nightmare Moon who was then banished by Celestia.

Now, one thousand years and a bit later, everything was how it was back then.
Well almost everything for Luna still hasn't found her daughter Selene who was only a filly when the Darkness took her.
But Luna placed the baby in an everlasting no time will move on sleep, which can only become undone by her own magic.

Please note: It has been a while since I have written a MLP story so please don't be too mad at how bad it is

Chapters (2)

The Pony of Shadows is back and one of the first things he does is use his dark magic to take over one of the ponies who freed him from his 1000 year long imprisonment.

Chapters (1)


After Fluttershy and Big Daddy Mac Colt finish building the Animal Sanctuary, a safe place for any and all animals to live until they feel like they can move on back to the world again, a young Changeling finds his way there.

Note - this is not one of Thorax's Changelings.

Chapters (1)

Rise Of the Guardians X My Little Pony Crossover

The Cutie Mark Crusaders unknowingly meet a disguised E. Aster Bunnymund and help him finish painting that years Easter eggs.

Chapters (1)

(I'm writting this, because at the time I came up with the idea, my own home has become home for mice)

A very lose pony reenactment of the Pied Piper of Hamlin

Chapters (1)

Set after Season 6 Finale

Chrysalis tries one more try to get revenge on everypony (and now Changeling) to ever cross her path

Chapters (4)

After hearing The Tale of the Two Sisters from Sunset Shimmer, Si-Twi writes to Princess Twilight to ask Princess Luna about if she had the same kinds of nightmares and if of when they will stop?

(Story thought up by seeing the first Sneak Peek of the newest Equestria Girls Movie) - HERE

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Magic Paint Brushes 3: This Ice Life...

It's been five years since Emma, Sophie, and Billy were born. Since then they, along with their parents, have been visiting Equestria whenever they can.

Coming up to their fifth birthday they get gifts from someone who says they just want to give them something for their big day.
But one of the gifts is holding a dark secret thanks to the man who gave them the gifts.

Chapters (11)

What do you get somebody who doesn't like Hearths Warming?

Apple Bloom is told a story about someone called Discord who doesn't like Hearths Warming and is said to have no heart thanks to his pranks.
So she want's to get him something to cheer him up, the trouble is she doesn't know what to get him...

Chapters (1)