• Member Since 14th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

The Buck It Bros

Heeeyyyooo! Coco the Bearded and Rosa Gears welcome you to our profile. We hope you enjoy the stories.

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  • 124 weeks
    Heyo Everyone

    Sorry we haven't been around for a while. We have been very busy thanks to Covid and life being crazy right now. Rosa and I have still been in talks about putting out more stories. I will update you if that changes. I hope you all understand and that everyone has been staying safe and Healthy.

    -Coco the Bearded:twilightsmile:

    3 comments · 208 views
  • 190 weeks
    Heyo Everypony.

    I am just giving you and update on things. With 2020 coming to an end and us being away for a while. We are still here and interested in writing the squeal to According to Plan! and we do have several other things going on at the moment. I may try to solo a short story for Hearth's Warming. Rosa is still busy and on a weird schedule as am I. I hope that I can get something out for you ponies to read. Wishing you a good month and everything for the end of the year.

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    2 comments · 183 views
  • 210 weeks
    Writing on hold

    Heyo Everypony,

    This is just an update about the sequel to According to Plan! and why it is taking a while to get it out. I have been very busy with things the past few months. While I have worked out most of how I want the story to go I have been caught up in dealing with personal things that are eating up most of my time. I hope to start writing again soon after everything has calmed down.

    -Coco the Bearded:twilightsmile:

    0 comments · 167 views
  • 220 weeks
    Heyoooo Update.

    Heyoooo Everypony,

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    2 comments · 224 views
  • 232 weeks
    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day

    Heyo Everypony,

    We here at The Buck It Bros would like to wish everyone a Happy Hearts and Hooves day. Whether you have a special somepony or not we hope that your day is filled with fun and excitement. We hope to be able to have a Hearts and Hooves day special out soon. The chapter is currently in editing and will be posted as soon as it's complete.

    -Coco the Bearded :twilightsmile:

    1 comments · 212 views

Heyo Everyone · 9:50am Mar 8th, 2022

Sorry we haven't been around for a while. We have been very busy thanks to Covid and life being crazy right now. Rosa and I have still been in talks about putting out more stories. I will update you if that changes. I hope you all understand and that everyone has been staying safe and Healthy.

-Coco the Bearded:twilightsmile:

Report The Buck It Bros · 208 views ·
Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

No worries! And glad to hear all is well! Played any good games lately? I have been playing PSO2 on Ps4 :twilightsmile:

It is. Thanks for asking. However, Rosa and I have elected not to write the sequel. There are many reasons I will not get into it, nothing serious so don't worry. It's just we have other things going on and we left the series off on a good note anyways. Thanks for reading and we can still keep in touch.

-Coco the Bearded:twilightsmile:

hope all is going well for you all!

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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