• Member Since 18th May, 2017
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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)



Two weeks have passed since magic has returned to Equestria. In those two weeks, the ponies of Bridlewood, Maretime Bay, and Zephyr Heights have begun to merge, traveling to one another's homes and exploring the new world that Sunny Starscout and her friends have created. To learn about their magic and how the other races have lived their lives all this time.

It is a new age, one that a lone unicorn Shining Star has been trying to achieve for most of her life. One that she and her husband Argyle had worked to achieve for as long as they had been together. It is a dream come true, one that their own daughter had a hoof in creating.

Now, Shining Star travels to Maretime Bay in the hopes of finally meeting the daughter she has been forced to watch grow up from afar for so many years.
Behold, my first G5 story is now ready to go! All based on an idea I had revolving around the fact that we have yet to meet Sunny's mother. Also, a quick shout out to Dr.Wolf over on Youtube for helping to encourage this idea in his own video detailing who Sunny's mother might have been.

Please enjoy :twilightsmile:

New Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Wt3HqMRrk4

Cover art belongs to NotSoSmartSmarty over on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/notsosmartsmarty/art/Happy-Fathers-Day-919811663

Update: Featured on 8/14/2022! Still amazing no matter how many times it happens! Thank you everyone who reads my work!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 187 )

Yeah, it is a possibility that Sunny's mother might be a unicorn.

But we dont have any evidence, so we will have to wait and see

Just like her grandmother had showed her, Star gently brought a hoof to her chest, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She held it for a moment and slowly let it out, moving her hoof away as she did so. The knot in her chest started to unravel, just a little, and she took another breath, and then another.

Candance is her grandmother!!!?

Star found herself smiling as she adjusted her favorite purple glasses - a gift from Argyle, who said they brought out the purple in her eyes – so they settled more securely on her nose. She couldn’t put her hoof on it yet, but she had felt like she looked more…alive now that magic had returned. Especially her cutie mark. Somehow, that gleaming purple star with a rainbow trail seemed to shine in a way it never did before. Either that, or it was just a trick of the light.

wait nvm

Its Twilight sparkle + Rainbow Dash

“Oh, they were these pressure plates on the ground that would make a metal box fold up around you when you stepped on them,” Izzy said casually. “They were pretty fun to hop around and avoid when I first went to visit, and even more fun to float around in once you detached one from the ground! I spent the whole day as a box once! Though I don’t think the earth ponies liked them as much as a lot of them kept stepping on them when I first went to visit.”

Reference to a Tell your tale episode!!

Unboxing of Izzy!

Can Izzy really see my Sparkle too?! If so, it’s not just a unique skill after all! Maybe now that I – WE – have our magic back, I can try to have Izzy help me figure out how she can see Sparkles! We could experiment, and maybe Sunny can help too!

wow, she is sooo like Twilight😊

“It was DESTROYED?!” Star all but screamed in shock. She was vaguely aware that she was drawing a few looks from the ponies of Maretime Bay, but she didn’t care. Argyle had lived in that lighthouse his entire life, as had his family going back generations . To have it be destroyed…it was almost unthinkable. When she had first seen it overlooking the town on her approach, she thought it had just been repainted or perhaps renovated! Not completely broken and then rebuilt!

ummm yeah.......

but we got the crystal brighthouse in the proses so.....😦

“We changed it quite a bit,” Izzy admitted, “though Sunny had us take some of her ideas for improving it, like some interior crystal designs, ramps to the upper floors, rainbow lights, and mix them with the old design of the lighthouse back before it was destroyed. Then it could be a new beacon for the future, but still acknowledge the past and pay tribute to her dad’s memory!”

We made it in the way of harmony😊

“Flight…lessons?” Star asked, very confused by the concept of why Sunny, an earth pony, would need those. Did pegesi have an invention that let other races fly? Some sort of artificial wings they developed to make up for their own loss of magic? That…actually sounded like an amazing idea! Why hadn’t they made something like that once it became clear only the royals could fly, even if it was later found out to be a lie?

oh ho ho ho!

You will want to see her😉

“I told them it wasn’t the magic that was important, it was us,” Sunny continued, the joy slowly working its way back into her expression. “That we, as ponies, needed to come together and try and fix things between us. And as a sign that they were willing to try, they all helped fix the picture frame of…my dad.”

what we needed

was the magic of friendship

I did tear up a little. Quite an entrance for Sunny's mother, and I see that parts of the youtube show has been incorporated.

Glad you like it, and yes, I added parts of the Youtube show as I was making edits as I quite like a number of the episodes. Especially the ones that focus on Izzy :derpytongue2:

Incorporating some of Twilight's characteristics into Sunny's mom was a brilliant move. Giving her magic that has a mind of its own and works more on instinct and emotion was a great aspect of her character as we'll. Her inner monologues were perfect and filled with excellent dramatic irony. Seeing her thoughts is A perfect idea, as this is her story and an emotional one at that, so a direct link to her thoughts is the way to go. A scholar that's always eager to learn is a really fun and likeable and adorable character type.
The love she has for her daughter was palpable. Seriously, that love was so deep and beautifully expressed that it could singlehandedly resurrect the entire Changeling race its so well written. The moment she puts her glasses on and finally sees her daughter close up and is just overjoyed and thrilled beyond words is just so beautiful.
Also, perfect flashbacks! Having them be transitioned into through photographs was a cool device. It felt like watching a movie. I also like Star Scout the Pegasus and the way you characterized him. Hopefully he's still alive. If not, more flashbacks with him please! Having all three pony races being involved in Sunny's very existence really hammers the point home.
I'm glad you had the meeting in the first chapter. It wouldn't make sense for it to be dragged out too long. Shining Star was nervous and anxious, but she wouldn't put off being with her daughter now that they're standing face to face after all these years. This isn't a story about keeping secrets, this is a story about love, redemption, and bonding, and you've done well in getting that across.
(Also, THANK YOU for not following the cartoon and cgi special. I like how you handled Sunny's alicorn powers better. Be creative and keep doing your own thing.)
Lastly, Sunny's reaction was very in character. It was adorable, sweet, and filled with positive energy. Also, the words she said are just perfect and mean a whole lot. Sunny could have said a lot of things here: "I missed you", "I'm so glad you're here", "You finally came back", or even "I've always wanted to meet you." But instead, she says "I have a Mom!" That line actually made me misty eyed because of the heartbreaking implications of that line. What that line gets across is that Sunny has been without her mother for so long that she has accepted the fact that she just doesn't have one, or even has never had one. So much so that when she sees the wedding photo, Sunny says "You married my Dad?" instead of going right to the obvious to the outside observer "You're my Mom?" She needs to see the other two pictures before she can even conceive of the conclusion that this unicorn mare is her mother. This is made even worse when you factor in her father's premature death. Sunny had no one at all, and she never even entertained the thought that she had a Mom out there somewhere because in her mind, she never had a mother. It was her strong optimism and faith in her father's teachings that kept her going, and then her friends helped even more. Quite possibly on the nick of time, because her failure at Canterlogic was possibly her breaking point. Anyway, after all this time, that empty space she's been ignoring is finally filled. She actually has a Mom that loves her and is proud of her and holds the same values and beliefs as her, and even shares personality traits with her (Sunny did assault Izzy with questions when they first met, albeit in a slightly calmer way, but that's just Argyle's genes mellowing out Star's genes).
So yeah, with an obvious and justifiable reason for having to leave her, it makes sense that after the initial shock, thag Sunny would just be SO HAPPY!!!

WOW! This is gonna be the greatest G5 story on the site. Mark by words it'll be in the Featured box for a long time. Thank you for bringing this masterpiece to life and feel free to take your time in crafting more chapters that are as ever bit of a work art as this one!

I’m glad you like it so far. And don’t worry, the next chapters will have plenty of flashbacks involving Star Scout and will give a more details about each of the photos (I was originally going to make the flashbacks of this chapter longer, but I figured that could be saved for later as to preserve the story’s flow).

Fantastic first chapter! I can't wait 'til the next comes out

I've been waiting for a story like this since Dr. Wolf's video. I can't wait for more!

Comment posted by Cervidaevian deleted Aug 15th, 2022

That video definitely played a part in the inspiration. And as Firey Joker says, “Fanfic writers, TO YOUR KEYBOARDS!!!”

This was sweet. I'll be looking forward to where this is going.

I have my own theory about Sunny's mother myself. I really should turn it into a story before canon makes it obsolete.

Glad you like it. And even if cannon does get in the way, then you can just say it’s an alternate world. I’ve done that for a number of stories that started out at least partly cannon

If only she could get her legs to move in the direction of Maretime bay.

“Hi, new friend!”

“EEEEEEEKKKK!!!” Star squealed as she jumped away from the loud voice as quickly as she could!

You know, I have never watched G5 but I somehow knew that was gonna happen :moustache:

“Oh, they were these pressure plates on the ground that would make a metal box fold up around you when you stepped on them,” Izzy said casually. “They were pretty fun to hop around and avoid when I first went to visit, and even more fun to float around in once you detached one from the ground! I spent the whole day as a box once! Though I don’t think the earth ponies liked them as much as a lot of them kept stepping on them when I first went to visit.”


“That’s what Zip did too when she first found out about them!” Izzy happily said, smiling innocently at Star’s facehoof.

She's not the only one :trixieshiftleft:

However, she was less sure about why two seagulls and a crab were excitedly following after Hitch, even if it was strangely adorable. Especially the little can one of the seagulls wore on its head like a helmet.

Awww :eeyup:

That’s not a coincidence, I assure you, Star thought to herself. She put the notebook down, or TRIED to, but her magic had regained its independence and was scribbling furiously with her pen, finishing a sketch of the crystals. She pushed at it again, harder, but all it did was draw faster.

Hilarious :trollestia:

Pipp and Izzy both looked as though someone had just proved that the moon was made of cheese and stammering as they tried to find something to say.

I thought that was common knowledge :moustache:

Sunny wasn’t moving. Star wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. She was just sitting there, looking at the final photo with a thousand-yard stare. Then slowly, her gaze rose until her eyes met Star’s once again.

“Mom?” Sunny whispered, her eyes afraid, curious, uncertain, hoping. So many emotions, all desperately searching for an answer as tears began to form.

“Hi, Sunny,” Star whispered back, everything except her daughter unimportant in this moment. She was crying too, her tears freely flowing as she finally found the voice she needed to speak.

Ahhh emotions... wonderful things :eeyup:

Author's Note:

Been working on this one for a while, but at long last, it is DONE! BEHOLD IT IN ALL IT'S GLORY!!!!!!!!

I'm beholding :moustache:


Okay, I can tell this is going to be amazing. I love Sunny's mom!

Some of the best parts, indeed. The bit with the moon was added because my editor thought the old version didn’t have enough flavor :derpytongue2:

I’m glad you like it :twilightsmile:

Just wait until you learn more about Star Scout


I'm beholding :moustache:

I read that and thought of the scean from yugio abridged

A couple of mistakes detected

“I’d rather practice sensing the weather with my magic, anyway. Bedsides, aren’t you the one who says practice makes perfect?”

Come on Star, just SAY IT! Just three words! I’m. You’re. Mother. It’s simple!

Is he perhaps a descendant of Star Hunter the Pegasus?

Well calling it now in this story Sunny is a descendant of Twilight Sparkle, with how Sunny "Twilight's" and now her mom does too it's for sure a genetic trait. Also I still swear Izzy is part of the Pie family! She had a ancestor named Moon Cheese or something!

I'm actually not 100% sure who that is, but I may look into it for future chapters.

There is probably some Twilight in there somewhere, though I can definitely see Izzy being a descendant of pinkie

This is so beautiful! And it's only the first chapter. I can't wait to see more. :pinkiesad2:

My head cannons pretty similar to this, basically the same orange unicorn that's most likely a descendent of twilight but with the added twist of her being the mom of both sunny and Izzy but they had to split the family after ponies came sniffing. Izzy is just as much of an outlier in her town as sunny with the same purply colors of argyle.

A very interesting idea. I remember a story somewhere on FIM where Izzy was born to two pegesi and had to be taken to Bridlewood by Queen Haven


Pipp and Izzy both looked as though someone had just proved that the moon was made of cheese and stammering as they tried to find something to say.

I thought that was common knowledge :moustache:

“Oh, they were these pressure plates on the ground that would make a metal box fold up around you when you stepped on them,” Izzy said casually. “They were pretty fun to hop around and avoid when I first went to visit, and even more fun to float around in once you detached one from the ground! I spent the whole day as a box once! Though I don’t think the earth ponies liked them as much as a lot of them kept stepping on them when I first went to visit.”

Nice call back to New Generation and tell your Tale of her experience

“He’s on probation and has been performing some community service to help try and make amends,” Izzy chirped. “He’s really putting a lot of work into it too! Hitch also asked me to hang out with him so he can get over his remaining fears that led to him going all silly.”

To be honest I kind of wish to see the relationship between Izzy and sprout

“Flight…lessons?” Star asked, very confused by the concept of why Sunny, an earth pony, would need those. Did pegesi have an invention that let other races fly? Some sort of artificial wings they developed to make up for their own loss of magic? That…actually sounded like an amazing idea! Why hadn’t they made something like that once it became clear only the royals could fly, even if it was later found out to be a lie?

And funny you mentioned it there was supposed to be an original idea about Twilight tried to advance a flying machine so Earth ponies could fly

Sunny, her own daughter, was flying through the air on a pair of glowing yellow WINGS! And she had a glowing yellow HORN!

Surprise your daughter is sort of an alicorn

Young, heathy, beautiful, happy . Her eyes were shining with a light that just screamed ‘everything is going to be just fine.’ Something about her… everything just seemed to glow. Star could see it, feel it, even if she couldn’t quite put it into words.


Star shook her head to clear it and straightened her glasses, watching as Sunny approached the two nearby pegesi who were looking over Izzy for injuries. Star immediately recognized them from Izzy’s story. The one on the right with the pure white coat and red mane with a green stripe (Izzy was right, it really did look like toothpaste) must be Zipp, while the shorter one on the left (she wasn’t THAT short, Izzy) with the light pink coat and the purple mane must be Pipp. Star could easily see from Sunny’s smile that they were all close friends, so she slowly began to inch her way forwards to try and remain near her daughter.


“Perfect!” Star said, grabbing both from midair and beginning to write and sketch madly as her mind began to form all types of questions. She could see it now, her and Sunny studying the crystals, learning the secrets of magic, practicing with magic to learn how their horns worked and would stop just teleporting things (that might just be her though). “Oh, this is so exciting! A new frontier of the old world to study! Sunny, I need you to tell me everything about the crystals! EVERYTHING!” Star said, grinning as widely as biology would allow.

There's a couple of theories about that she could be related to Twilight Sparkle but that could be a stretch but still it makes sense I mean the family knows the story pretty well of her history

Will Phylis, and Sprout meet Star, and the two mares have a reunion?

Star’s rambling came to a screeching halt as she realized that everypony was staring at her with varying degrees of concern and curiosity. Sunny’s eyes were particularly wide in shock and confusion. Only Hitch, the one who had silenced her, looked mildly amused.

I did it again, Star thought, her face getting so hot she was sure she was as red as her grandmother’s coat. I got to excited and went on a science rant. Why now? Ok, I know WHY, but still!

Probably that runs in the family she's twilighting and I do like how hitch is not to shook about this

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