• Member Since 18th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)


This story is a sequel to How to Meet Your Daughter

After Misty's latest failure to obtain the Dragonfire, Opaline decides its time for a trip to the secret lab. Certainly there's no way this could possibly go wrong.

An accurate depiction of the relationship between Misty and Opaline.

Cover art belongs to NotSoSmartSmarty on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/notsosmartsmarty/art/Pull-the-lever-Misty-931155227

Update: Featured on 10/28/2022! WOOOOOOOO!!! :pinkiegasp::twilightsmile::moustache::pinkiehappy:

My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Wt3HqMRrk4

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )

"Why do we even have that lever, Misty?!!"

“These failures are becoming tiresome, Misty,” Opaline proclaimed, pacing around the viewing pool in the center of the throne room. The room was dark, more so than usual, but that didn’t help Misty hide any more than normal. “This is the second time when you practically had the dragon in your grasp, yet he still managed to slip away. How is it so difficult to kidnap one little baby?!”


“I don’t know! You installed it!”

That at least had let her make a nice sum of bits to buy supplies for future plots (or popcorn if she was feeling hungry)

Misty: "Or smoothies!"

“These failures are becoming tiresome, Misty. This is the second time when you practically had the dragon in your grasp, yet he still managed to slip away. How is it so difficult to kidnap one little baby?!”

Misty: "Well, how about you go out then and catch him to show us how it is actually done? I mean that shouldn't be too much trouble for someone as powerful as you, right?"

“Why do we even HAVE that lever?!”

Opaline: "And which idiot thought this was a good idea to install it in the first place?!"
Misty: "Well... you did."

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

“These failures are becoming tiresome, Misty,” Opaline proclaimed, pacing around the viewing pool in the center of the throne room. The room was dark, more so than usual, but that didn’t help Misty hide any more than normal. “This is the second time when you practically had the dragon in your grasp, yet he still managed to slip away. How is it so difficult to kidnap one little baby?!”

It's not easy as you think it is you crazy alicorn

“Why do we even HAVE that lever?!” Opaline angrily groaned, smacking the crocodile on the nose, causing it to squeak in fight and scurry back down the way they had come. “We will discuss this latest failure later,” she growled at Misty, prompting the already terrified unicorn to scurry out of the way as the larger, more intimidating alicorn approached the levers herself. “If you want something done right, do it YOURSELF!”

Well I guess for example I guess that lever was supposed to be a trap for your enemies and you really need to put a label on it

Especially since they are the only two in the castle or even know where it is.

Lol wow that was pretty funny I really enjoyed the story seeing the Opaline get the all the traps because Misty couldn't figure out which one especially the classic pulled the lever this was pretty good A little short but good keep up the good work

(When the Mane 5 trying to find Opaline in her hideout)

Sunny Starscout comes out of a fake door, wet and a crocodile on her tail. “Okay, so why does she even have that lever?” Sunny asked as she bucked the crocodile, making it run away, before Izzy pulled the other lever.

I can see that happening

She needs to get her lazy flank up and get him herself!!

Cannot believe I commented on a piece of artwork that then inspired the artist to make another piece of art which then inspired this hilarious fic.


Blake Edwards did it first.

I read the story's title and my first thought was "TO THE SECRET LAB!"

11406279 Reminds me of "You're wearing his MERCHANDISE!"

Oh good, I'm not the only one who thought that. :rainbowlaugh:

That was my first thought too when I first saw the comic

I kinda want a sequel for this.

I have no idea what a sequel would look like, but I’ll keep that in mind. Inspiration strikes from the most random of places, so maybe one day I will write a sequel

Maybe you could add more traps that have more "Cartoonish" consequences.

The first thought that "springs" to mind is having two pistons squash the victim in between them, causing them to become a 2D pony. Thanks to cartoon logic, this would be non fatal and would look silly.

The pistons squish them into TYT form.

Wait, how did Opaline fall down that hole? She's got wings.

But according to the show, she at least for now doesn't have much magic to work with. Also, between the shock and the possibility of the hole being too small for her to unfurl them, she could have easily still had a problem flying.

I love The Emperor's New Groove


Cartoon logic. It's just funnier that way. :rainbowlaugh:

Opaline: um who are they?..

Kronk: hi
Yzma: hello

Misty and Kronk would get along so well.

Why do we even have that lever?

Audiobook Request with STTPS.

I be laughing like a maniac. Perfect story

I saw the comic and just couldn't resist.

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