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Friendship isn’t always easy. But there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. | YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbEH3wUKo6S3rEqTudjDWQ



This story is a sequel to Sunny’s Promise

After so many nights of trying, Misty finally succeeds in capturing Sparky! She is so excited as Opaline will finally be proud of her and give her a cutie mark as promised, something she has always wanted since fillyhood.

However, she is about to learn a very hard lesson….

Part 1 of the Misty Saga. Rated T for graphic depictions of abuse around the latter half of the first section and one mild use of profanity. Proceed at your own risk.

Sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/527821/forgiven

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 61 )

Oooof! Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what happens in the show to some extent.

Though personally I’m expecting Opaline herself to rat Misty out after she makes friends with the Mane 5 and that leads into some drama.

I don’t know which would hurt more and I probably don’t want to look forward to it, but I still do

That would also work really well too actually. Ultimately, I think it’s clear that sooner or later, Misty will have to realize the truth about Opaline as there’s only so long the status quo can be maintained. What I think we are headed towards is that we’ll get our big lore-heavy episode in the finale of the first season with the Mane 5 fighting Opaline. I think that would be the perfect time for Misty to realize she’s been played and join Sunny and co and together, they defeat the dark alicorn. I’m holding out hope that they’re building up to something huge and I sure hope Misty gets the closure she deserves, whether in this season or the next one.

I feel that depends if Opaline is going to be a seasonal main villain, or series wide.

Personally, I hope she’s not a series wide villain. She’s definitely pretty cool and ruthless, but I just don’t think she can carry the entire series. Not to mention it would be a huge missed opportunity to not include more relics from Equestria’s past. You know, get creative. Make Twilight the new Starswirl or something (What I mean by that is that every villain in Equestria Girls had something to do with Starswirl). It worked for EG, why not this?

I don’t know. Maybe she can carry the entire series, but I feel like there would be a huge missed opportunity if that happens. Make Your Mark is already going strong in my opinion. I want them to continue that winning streak. And for me, this ain’t it.

I can actully see the show heading into this direction. Though, I was actually hoping that for once, we'd get a dynamic villain-minion duo instead of that old cliché of the minion turning good and joining the heroes, but they made it painfully obvious from the start that this is what's going to happen. ANd now I can't see it happening any other way than how it went in this story.

Nice work! :twilightsmile:

Another Misty fic, and I just finished the draft of mine and it’s waiting for editing/pre-reading. :rainbowwild: Misty really needs all the love we can give her.

Opalines castle shuddered and a wall crumbled in a cloud of dust claws teeth and fire entered the darkness

:moustache: Discord said I'll find my child here. . . Are you the one who took him from his chosen caretakers?

Needless to say Opal was his wifes cat and we all know Opal was a nasty cat...

:twilightangry2: Spike you didn't have to broil and bake her... :moustache: You left out tear rip rend and compact
:facehoof: If Rarity were alive today :moustache: She'd do the same but fashionably wrapped in a bloody bow :duck:

Let's be real here. We all know this is where it's heading in the show. Nowhere near this abusive obviously. Even Hasbro is not that stupid to put something far too many suffer through in the show in this form.

Of course, Opaline will eventually just get tired of Misty not being able to do it and do it herself.

Cutie marks can't be given.
They need to be earned

i love it

After all, she didn’t have to worry about staying there long term. Opaline would soon come and bail her out, remarking on how much she frequently got herself into trouble. They would laugh over it and once Opaline took her rightful place on the throne, Misty would become a princess too! She would be showered with all the love and attention in the world and she would finally feel like she belonged somewhere.

Aww that poor naive Pony 😔

Misty took several steps back, trying to wrap her head around what she was hearing. The entire reason she did anything for Opaline was a lie. Everything she ever believed was a lie. She felt tears come to her eyes again, but this time, they weren’t tears of joy, but of sadness. She wasn’t getting her cutie mark. She would never be special. She was never special.

Oh man poor Misty she felt so betrayed

Excellent characterization and dialogue.

“You think I ever cared about an insignificant little screwup like you?!!” Opaline yelled back at her, “You thought I actually loved you?!! How can anypony ever love you, Misty?!! You’ve been nothing but a thorn in my side since the moment I met you! I only kept you around so I could use you further when I should’ve disposed of you a long time ago!!!!”

“I think we might be…out of luck,” Pipp stated, “Just don’t go all capey and growly again. That was weird.”

To be honest I thought that was actually kind of cool and pretty funny at the same time and also understandable why he should be very worried about Sparky being the first time parent can be very challenging

“Some medical ponies found her just outside of Maretime Bay,” Sprout explained, “She was bleeding all over and looked like she got a severe concussion. They asked me to take her to you first as you’re the sheriff, not me.” He said the last sentence with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

And whose fault is that sprout and not only that at least you got her to them

Dang that was some heavy stuff going on but it looks like Misty finally got Sparky and she still felt guilty for that but all she wanted is to get her cutie mark that Opaline promise when she delivered the dragon to her and what she did she got nothing in fact she basically was lied about the promise that Opaline made and she never cared about her and out of anger and betrayal she tried to take Sparky away from her but unfortunately Opaline was too strong for Misty and deliver a harsh flow on Misty there was no way she can't stay there she had to run away leaving behind Sparky even though she didn't want to but she had no choice meanwhile the other tried to find Sparky but unfortunately they don't nowhere he can be but Sprouts found Misty and told them where they found her and they took her back to the Bright House and try to recover when she woke up she admitted that everything she did and committed lying to them kidnapping Sparky and basically doing Equestria to a mad Pony the others felt so betrayed by her as well especially Izzy it's going to be a long time for any of them to trust her but they still want to give her the chance to help them to stop Opaline and rescue Sparky and she's going to do it this will be her chance to redeem herself and become somebody boy this was a pretty heavy duty stuff as I said but this was pretty good too keep up the good work


Ultimately, I think it’s clear that sooner or later, Misty will have to realize the truth about Opaline as there’s only so long the status quo can be maintained.

The end of the last "Make Your Mark" episode suggested that Misty is already starting to question whether Opaline is worthy of her loyalty.

Misty needs a hug.

We need a sequel this story is not over yet





Dude. Is there any reason you refuse to do all of these in one comment? Especially in a one-shot? I get your obsessive-compulsive need for a story summary (you're getting better at putting spoilers around them). But not this.

And who knows how many other stories.

Oh yeah, I loved that part of the episode.

That is true. I also think the end of that episode is planting the seeds of doubt for Misty’s allegiance to Opaline and it’ll pretty interesting to see where this goes, whether it be a full out betrayal like how I portrayed it or with Opaline ratting out Misty like how Flamewarrior02 portrayed it, or some other obscure third idea. Either way, I’m looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

Thanks! More juicy stuff to come in the future.

Yup. I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to have Hitch subtly roast Sprout there without undercutting the seriousness of the moment. Adds a bit of levity to an already life-threatening situation in Misty’s case.

Oh don’t worry. A sequel is now in the works. Still don’t know when it’ll come out though. I have another Izzy story unrelated to this story coming out as soon as I think it’s ready. Then I think the immediate sequel will be something focused on Sunny right after these events. Then the final confrontation shall begin. Stay tuned!

Exactly. And unfortunately, Misty had to learn that the hard way.

Oh yeah, obviously it will not be in the way I did it. It’s far too dark and real for even this show’s standards and I think what we might get is something similar to what I did, only without the graphic violence and Opaline’s harsh words. What that will look like is anyone’s guess considering I can’t imagine a sugarcoated version. If nothing else, you’re probably right about the way it’s going to go down, although if Opaline’s just going to get tired of Misty, we’ll need a form of resolution for that part of Misty’s arc.

Thank you. :twilightsmile: As for what you said, I think we technically got the irredeemable villain-minion thing with “Grogar” and his Legion of Doom in Season 9, so the fact that we don’t get this here isn’t a problem for me. I actually applaud the writers for going this direction for the reasons you see in my Author’s Note.

Thanks. This fic has been a long time coming. Misty is the character with the most potential for a great arc in my opinion and I wanted to write a scenario in which she experiences a harsh betrayal and comes out a stronger pony in the end, which can send a powerful message for those in the real world suffering from this sort of abuse right now. I hope I did it justice.

Well there was no rules about saying there has to be one comment as long as you don't put any hate spam or anything there's nothing wrong what I'm doing again I understand people get a little bit annoyed at how I do these but that's how I do it even at fanfiction.net or YouTube

You should totally use that for a story.

I’ve learned to not worry about his comments and instead focus on everyone else. But that’s not to say I don’t agree with you. The difference is I haven’t said anything to him.

Good potential ending to the second season, looking forward to the sequel! :yay:

Thanks! A sequel is in the works. :pinkiehappy:

Yes. Sequel. Me want. Gimmie NOW. This story was so good!

This story was SO GOOD, and I can't wait to see what they're going to do to resolve the relationship between Misty and Opaline in the series. Good for Generation 5 for covering some topics and concepts that Generation 4 never did. Instead of focusing mostly on friendship and relationships with other ponies, G5 focuses on individual ponies and how to be yourself in a world that says otherwise. I think that, since we already have shows like Friendship is Magic that discuss friendship and harmony between different ponies, Make Your Mark doesn't have to focus all of its episodes on just that. It's still a prominent theme, but Make Your Mark and Tell Your Tale can branch off to discuss what it means to be yourself.

Also, if I hadn't said it before... SEQUEL. ME WANT. GIMMIE NOW.

Thank you so much! I appreciate your insight. You’re absolutely right about the two differing themes. I didn’t even notice that! Well, more ammo for my upcoming G5 defense video on my new YouTube channel. Good eye! Don’t worry. Two sequels are in the works and once complete, will form the rest of the Misty Saga. But I don’t know when they’ll come out yet, so you guys will have to be patient. I have one unrelated Izzy story ready to submit and then afterwards, the first sequel will be released titled: “Friends Are Always There For You.” So stay tuned for those! My next story will launch in any minute. :pinkiehappy:

Seeing good audiobook potential here, I'll consider it.

Thanks!! I hope you do. I’m quite proud of this one.

STTPS beat me to it though :(. I think if I do cover one of yours again I'll want it to be something that wasn't done yet.

Alright then. I think one of the two upcoming sequels oughta do it. Or you could try my fun Izzy crossover story that was released the other day.

I am actually crying at 4 am right now. We need a sequel,,, my heart cant take it

Thank you so much. I’m so happy you loved it. A sequel is in the works, but is likely a number of weeks away considering I’m struggling with how to write it in a way that meets my standards. I’m really happy that this story has gotten so much praise and success, so the sequel has to be as close to perfection as possible. I’ll continue to update everyone on my blog how it’s going.

Stay tuned!

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Nov 11th, 2022

Comment section it explains about why I do that because a lot of people complains about me and I get that but I'm not harming anybody

She had a huge smile on her face as she did so, feelings of accomplishment and excitement encasing her entire being. She couldn’t wait to show the dark alicorn her latest accomplishment and she knew that this was the day Opaline would finally be proud of her.

Sounds hopeful so far, but the title and description make me hesitate to cheer yet...

Opaline would soon come and bail her out, remarking on how much she frequently got herself into trouble. They would laugh over it and once Opaline took her rightful place on the throne, Misty would become a princess too! She would be showered with all the love and attention in the world and she would finally feel like she belonged somewhere.

Maybe it's just me, but I fear Misty might be a bit too optimistic about this.

She felt tears come to her eyes again, but this time, they weren’t tears of joy, but of sadness. She wasn’t getting her cutie mark. She would never be special. She was never special.

Maybe she could hide in the mountains for a few years, then come back to try and get an alicorn slayer cutie mark.

“Some medical ponies found her just outside of Maretime Bay,” Sprout explained, “She was bleeding all over and looked like she got a severe concussion. They asked me to take her to you first as you’re the sheriff, not me.”

Or maybe bring her to the hospital instead?

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

This only the beginning of the Misty Saga.

Sounds Misty-rious!

Small suggestion: If you want to create an horizontal line just type [hr].

And she was going to save Equestria or die trying.

Yaaaas mare, slay!

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