• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Sep 30th, 2024


30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


Misty has recently reformed and decided to help her friends defeat Opaline. She acts as a spy for them and tells them Opaline's secrets and moves. But they didn't expect to be able to take her down so soon. When Misty says Opaline wants a smoothie, they hatch a plan to stop her, but it ends up going a little farther then they anticipated.

Done for kicks as part of an idea that occurred after Misty's redemption.

Made Popular Stories and has a reading on youtube.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

... I don't know what I just read, but I love it. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, good riddance. She's not even a good villain anyway.

If you know what actual nightshade poisoning looks like, Opaline got it really easy here...

Trust me, it's better you don't.

The largest flaw of G5 is how it is too self-contained with a barebones and minimalist cast, as opposed to the large-scale continent filled with all sorts of fantastic creatures and cryptids of all sorts that was in G4 which apparently G5 supposedly shares the universe of...??

I've decided to personally consider it an alternate universe. Too many contradictions, and yeah the background characters could really use more chances to shine. Like the Pipsqueak trio, Rocky, Jazz, Posey, Sprout.

Edit: Also the battle we got was kind of underwhelming, not bad, just that I thought it should have more tension. Opaline is probably out of practice after hundreds of years but still she should have the experience to beat a new alicorn like Sunny. Then Misty would have to interven and save everyone somehow. Like shooting Opaline in the back.

You know it's silly for a villain to try to because the villain when even the villain

the racooicorn

laugh about how silly it is:rainbowlaugh:

In all, I thought this was a nice, silly story. I thought was interactions between the characters were humorous to help carry the tone of the story, and the comedy with a bit of sadness near the end was pretty well-done. I don't really have anything in the way of constructive criticism this time.

Glad it has your approval. Especially since you are probably my favorite comedian on here.

If anything, the fight between Sunny and Opaline should have been more of a rout; where Sunny due to her inexperience with Magic would be forced to run and hide from her stronger and more experienced opponent; using subterfuge and trickery to escape from Opaline at their first meeting.

Alas, the writers of G5 are a part of the Star Wars Fanfic Trilogy demographic: where well-established narrative concepts like "Character Arc" and "The Heroes' Journey" is completely ignored in favor of making a Power Fantasy Storyline where there are "high stakes" for our heroes that they must overcome by putting in as little effort as they possibly can, despite the writers not wanting to make any sort of meaningful or intelligent challenge or obstacle that the Heroes are forced to experience very human emotions like Loss, Betrayal, Sorrow, Anger, Arrogance or even a moment of conveyed personal weakness that would serve to have the audience empathize with their plight more and that can only be overcome through Self-reflection, Diligence, and Training.

The kind of character-driven story where there is no place for a character-driven story.

So Twilight Sparkle and her friends shouldn’t’ve been able to defeat Nightmare Moon in their first encounter because they had zero training or experience whatsoever. Duly noted! Man, isn’t the pilot episode of FIM soooooo flawed ‘cuz it’s also trying to be a Power Fantasy storyline? Nevermind how both times, the main character was only able to win thanks to the power of friendship. Nope! That didn’t happen! Let’s just conveniently ignore the fact that Sunny would’ve actually lost to Opaline had it not been for the power of her friends’ cutie makes helping her out in the same way Twilight was only able to defeat Nightmare Moon thanks to the virtues of her friends’ actions powering up the Elements of Harmony.

Also, nice job bringing the Star Wars sequel trilogy into this as if that means anything. I already discussed at length with you in the comments of Star Strike’s video as to how they’re absolutely nothing alike on a story, character, and overall narrative level, and I have no desire to engage with you again after you left my brain rotting trying to figure out how you could possibly come to the conclusions you did. I’m just leaving this comment here so people see how flawed your logic is. Let’s not clutter the comments of someone else’s story with our beef now, m’kay? Good day.

This story was so funny on a multitude of levels. I love how Opaline’s main weakness was a poisoned smoothie and as ThePinkedWonder said, the comedy made this story on so many levels. Definitely didn’t expect the sad part at the end, but it’s interesting to see that Misty still feels bad for doing this to Opaline in spite of everything the evil alicorn put her through.

Also…I already love the racooicorn as the new villain. Now that’s a twist I didn’t see coming. How will the Mane 5 defeat this adorable little menace? The world may never know. Fantastic story!

First of all: Twilight did have training to go toe-to-toe with Nightmare Moon, since it was established that Twilight was the apprentice to Princess Celestia: you know, the same Pony that managed to beat Nightmare Moon the first time 1000 years ago? This implies that Twilight would have had a measure of training under her belt and would explain why Celestia had confidence that Twilight would be able to handle Nightmare Moon.
Sunny Starscout, much like Rey Palpatine before her: has absolutely ZERO training with Magic, and is fighting against another Alicorn that not only just drained Magic from Sparkys' fire, but is also the one Pony that Twilight couldn't defeat that she had to resort to removing all Magic just in the off-chance that Opaline would waste away in a magicless world, and as found out in that same Chapter-Whatever: was alive at the same time as Celestia and Luna as fillies, indicating that Opaline was of as high-tier of a spellcaster as the two were in their youth. To have Opaline be defeated by Sunny Starscout in a realistic manner is as likely to happen as an 8-Year Old being able to disarm a Nuclear Warhead... Unless you're Tails, because that kid has been ESTABLISHED as a genius.

There's no established baseline for Sunny just as much as there's one for Rey Palpatine to do all her cool Lightsaber Combat crap against Kylo Ren who was established as a fallen apprentice to Luke Skywalker.

So, any more leaps of illogic that you need me to dismantle for you Bosun Producer?

I don’t see how I’m the one with leaps of illogic here. Let’s go over that point you made. So automatically because Twilight was trained under Celestia, that’s automatically a license for her to be able to defeat Nightmare Moon? You think all the magic in the world would be able to train Twilight to defeat a literal god? Absolutely not. I literally explained to you in that other video that no amount of training would prepare Twilight to face Nightmare Moon. You think simply training under Celestia was enough to do it? Heck no! That would be implying that Twi was already blessed with the powers of an alicorn from day one and she just needed to be trained to hone those skills, which not only makes no sense in canon, it makes no sense in whatever universe you try to put that in! Also, I hate to tell you this, but even Celestia only was able to defeat Nightmare Moon because of the Elements!! Get it through your head. TWILIGHT. COULD. NOT. DEFEAT. NIGHTMARE. MOON. ALONE!!! The only reason why Twilight was able to defeat Nightmare Moon in the first place was because of the Elements of Harmony. I don’t know if we were watching the same pilot, but Twilight couldn’t do a thing once the Elements were destroyed. And even before that, she wasn’t experienced enough in the slightest to do that sort of thing. She couldn’t create the spark as it required unity, she couldn’t even land one hit on Nightmare Moon, she only made it out alive BECAUSE of her friends! What in Equestria are you not understanding?!! The same applies with Sunny!!

As I just established in my previous comment, Sunny would have outright LOST to Opaline had it not been for the power of the cutie marks. She did a good job holding Opaline off initially and that was ONLY because of the powers that the Unity Crystals gave her, which let’s refresh on whose magic the Crystals come from. That’s right, Twilight’s. And we’re talking Alicorn Twilight with years of experience’s magic here, not unicorn Twilight. Her alicornhood was given to her as a result of Twilight’s magic!! And even if we take that out of the equation, do you really think Sunny was going to defeat Opaline without her friends?! Similar to my Nightmare Moon example, the only reason why Sunny is alive is because her friends’ cutie marks gave her the strength to defeat and trap Opaline. She absolutely, positively would have not survived had it not been for that extra power because as you said, she has no training!! So what exactly is your argument here?!

Since you keep bringing up Rey, let’s compare and contrast that for a moment. You keep using the example of Rey beating Kylo Ren on her first try. And yes, she did it with no help whatsoever. Sunny did have help!! We’re talking about magical help vs no help here. Rey was portrayed as a Mary Sue, Sunny Starscout is NOT a Mary Sue. Do I need to bring up her list of character flaws again because it seems like you’re ignoring certain parts of my argument to suit your own narrative. If you actually read all of what I told you before, we wouldn’t even be having this debate in the first place. The only reason that Sunny beat Nightmare Moon was because of the cutie mark magic, which I’m sorry to say, doesn’t equate to beating Opaline on her own. If you’re in the midst of a boss fight and your friends or allies suddenly give you the power of anime to defeat the villain, does that mean you defeated the villain, as in on your own? No! And that is the point. Sunny would have given out eventually because she’s not all powerful yet! She had to receive help from her friends because that’s the point of MLP!! Hello?! Friendship?! Teamwork?!

You got any other moot points for me to rip to shreds?


You two please continue this in PMs, I don't want a big argument to take place here.

I don’t want to argue with them here either. I’m sorry for the inconveniences we’re causing you.

I already said my peace with this story.

So have I. You can hate G5 all you want if it makes you feel good, but please try to stay on topic and just keep your thoughts relevant to the story. I’ve had my beef with you already, and the only reason why I responded to you again is because I can’t stand when you invade other people’s stuff, whether that be stories or threads, and spam your off-topic, hate-filled vitriol towards G5 for no apparent reason. Let’s just agree to disagree and move on with our lives, okay?

Didn't see this comment earlier. Glad you liked it and thought it was funny. And yeah, Misty is kinda innocent, even though she saw Opaline's true colors, that pony still raised her. Yeah I thought that would be pretty funny as I remembered Opaline had a racoonicorn that she at first chased around but then let watch TV with her in Opaline alone. It's probably the same Racoonicorn that chased Misty at the end of the parade episode but the colors don't match. I'm gonna guess that is just another one of the writers stupid mistakes. MLP is good and all but they need to really keep track of their lore.

Hey did you know this story is gonna get a voiceover from the YouTube channel called “StraightToThePointStudio” ?

No! What? Really?:rainbowderp:

Edit: OMG it's true!:raritystarry:

Of course in true canon, it won't be this funny. Sadly :pinkiecrazy:.

Yeah. And it looks like I officially have an alicorn killing fetish :rainbowlaugh::facehoof::eeyup:. At least this one actually deserves it.

Yep. Though going by the show, Opaline had something to do with whatever happened to them methinks.

Yeah, if Twilight and the other alicorns are gone she is the cause. Of course I consider it an alternate universe but we all have our opinions.

Thing is, Hasbro has the ultimate final say on what is and isn't canon. Just easier I feel to accept everything you write or come up with is an AU, and then you can't be mad if Hasbro goes a different route on something.

Well they haven't officially said G5 is in the same universe as G4 to the best of my knowledge. Even if it seems to be a sequel, they are not keeping their canon straight. So I'm just gonna put a wall between the two generations for myself. You do your thing I'll do mine.

Okay the chapter name spoils the joke before you read anything else :(

Early press releases talked a big game about G5 being a sequel to G4. Though you do have a point in that there is the question of why Twilight and her friends couldn't stop Opaline from trashing everything she worked for - after everything else they'd gone up against, that's kind of a tough pill to swallow.

Yeah and they didn't show Twilight in her form from the last problem. So that combined with other things makes it so I can't take it seriously as a sequel. I'm just gonna consider an alternate universe and keep my own headcanon on what happened in g4 after that episode.

Perhaps just Ending Opaline would be better?

Dude. Do you have a killing alicorns fetish? Granted, Opaline had it coming. But still. Still a great read.

Like I told mystic sunrise I guess it's official now. Though it might be more accurate to say i have a break the curse of immortality fetish. Though this was just an idea that occurred for humor after Misty's redemption. My desire for breaking the curse had nothing to do with it this time.


for some reason I saw Rocket Racoon with a Unicorn Horn.

rip bozo, worst character design of all time

Shrug. I guess it’s better than being turned into a tree

I think she was trapped in it.


Correct. Opaline was sealed within the tree, and if TYT is anything to go by the tree is seemingly now dead. Suggesting Opaline died along with it.

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