• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago


30 year old man from California who likes to fight with swords. Author of Successor, Love Mark, and Daybreaker at Canterlot Wedding Verses.


Problem at Home · 12:53am Last Tuesday

Okay, so the power went out at my apartment, likely due to it being older and not able to handle multiple devices going. I got a new fan a couple days ago and was running it, my ac and microwave all at once. Guess it proved too much. This could affect my ability to create chapters this week as I need my laptop charged, and all my outlets are useless right now.

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Splitting the Seasons Up · 4:50pm July 10th

Okay, so I mentioned a couple times that I might split the seasons up into different stories for Element of Balance, been thinking about it for the past month or two and finally decided to go through with. Whether or not I will use different pictures for each cover remains to be seen. I have considered drawing a picture of Fire and Rarity together that could for the next season, maybe include the others as well as Discord and Queen Chrysalis since they are gonna be the two big villains of the

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Game of Thrones Fanfic · 7:28pm July 7th

Well, been planning to make one for a while now. Had two ideas in mind, redoing Season 8 (which I've gone through with but also decided to throw in Season 7 as well), and one about Robb Stark and Myrcella Baratheon falling in love.

I got out the first chapter last night. If you're a Game of Thrones fan and hated Season 8 like I did (at least the final 3 episodes) then I'd recommend checking it out here.

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Sonic Rainboom · 5:17pm July 6th

Okay, I finished Feeling Pinkie Keen in Element of Balance just last night before bed. Up next it will be Sonic Rainboom. I wanted to discuss possible changes here.

1. Someone suggested that Fire can bring Scootaloo along to see Rainbow Dash do her greatest move and I kind of like the idea so that could definitely happen.

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Break Again · 7:58am June 25th

Well subject as some of my previous blogs. Gonna be taking another week off. Have a trip planned for Santa Rosa toward the end of it and didn't want to rush the next chapter. So I will see you next week with Feeling Pinkie Keen. Any suggestions for an alternate path or two I can take with Fire Sword being in the mix? Like he could fight the Hydra and help the mares escape. It also occurred to me to have Fire catch Twilight when she jumped but then she wouldn't come to trust the Pinkie sense

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No Chapter For Element of Balance This Week · 4:49pm May 24th

Unfortunately I am somewhat lacking my writing ability this week for some reason (to caught up in video games this week) :twilightsheepish:. I haven't been able to complete my Star Wars chapter that I usually try to have out by Wednesday. Same thing happened a couple weeks ago though it was my Star Wars chapter that I skipped. Hopefully the next few weeks I'll be able to focus more on writing and not let my addiction override.

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Taking this week off · 1:11am April 23rd

Okay, so I hit a major milestone with the recent chapter of Element of Balance. So I think now is probably a fair time to take a little break and do some editing on that and my other fanfic. So, no new chapter this week. But I'll back next one for sure. I know last blog post I said I fixed the mistake with Steel Gold's name being changed to Gold Steel, but I actually like the sound of that better then the former. So I'll be spending this week doing some corrections rather then creating new

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Steel and Gold Mix up · 8:57pm April 19th

Okay so I had a little mix up with my unicorn thief character's name these past couple weeks that I just became aware of. I had Steel Gold set as the name in the chapters of Element of Balance, but it seems I switched to Gold Steel in the last two chapters where finally gets caught. Well I just edited the last two chapters to have it be Steel Gold. He does steal gold after all. But Gold Steel sounds better, so I'm kinda torn. Ah well, it was Steel Gold that decided on a while ago it seems.

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Where to go now · 6:37am April 1st

Okay, so the next canon section of Element of Balance will be Winter Wrap Up. But first we're gonna need quite a few original chapters to cover the space between that. I don't think we really need a Nightmare Night, though that could be fun I suppose bit we'd have to not have Luna in this one. That can wait till next season/year with Luna Eclipsed. What would be a costume for Fire? Maybe a lion or tiger? Didn't Applejack do a lion? Might have to do tiger then. Though it might be funny if both

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Call of the Cutie Alternate Version · 5:18am March 24th

Okay so for those of you who have been keeping up with Element of Balance, I'm going to be doing an alternate version of Call of the Cutie in which the CMC's already know each other and are already best friends. This avoids the contradiction in canon which deviates from the premiere episode where they are shown hugging each other in fright at the sight of Nightmare Moon.

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