I’ve lost myself! · 10:08am Jun 4th, 2021
Not me, me, though sometimes it feels that way.
I’ve lost my design for the updated Falak Disc!
I treat these characters as extensions of me, you see, and I put my design in a forum thread.
It’s my fault for not writing it down someplace that couldn’t be deleted!
Unlike the Deca-D, I had in mind this very specific design, which was something to distance Falak from being a Discord clone and pay some homage to Hollow Knight.
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks a ton for the faves on The Horrible Misunderstanding Of Cupcakes, and Pinkie Pie Gets Possessed!
Thanks for favin A Demon in Equestria
Thanks for adding "The Rise of Vampire Sunset" to favorites. I hope you like my little tribute to "Froght Night".