• Member Since 13th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th


I'm a writer...with stories. What else would I be?

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Well...Crap · 5:22am Feb 8th, 2018

Dear readers, just want to say that I'm so sorry for this taking so darn long. A combination of writer's block, physical exhaustion, and real-life obligations pushed my writing WAY back. I'm sorry for that, and I'll try harder in the future. I am in the middle of writing my next story however, and I can't thank you all enough for your incredible patience. I promise you that it will be rewarded.
Thank you so much for all your patience and understanding.
Sincerely, SirShadestrider.

Report SirShadestrider · 274 views ·
Comments ( 130 )
  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130

Thank you very much for checking out my story "Elements Change the Dark Hearts". I hope you enjoy it and I greatly anticipate your thoughts be they positive, negative, or otherwise!

Thanks for the interest in Missing Number Escapes To Equestria! I hope you enjoy reading it!

No problem, I'm sure I will!

thanks for adding Three Tenses of Friendship to your bookshelf! I hope you enjoy it!

  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130
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