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Admiral Producer

Friendship isn’t always easy. But there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. | YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbEH3wUKo6S3rEqTudjDWQ



This story is a sequel to Repressed Memories

Inspired by the Tell Your Tale song of the same name

Queen Haven and Alphabittle are officially getting married! Zipp certainly didn’t expect this announcement. She didn’t think it would happen so quickly and so soon. As she and Pipp attempt to grapple with the new father figure in their lives, Misty is petrified about becoming part of the Royal Family, fearing that she will never fit in as the only unicorn princess in a family traditionally composed of pegasi…

A/N: Episode 6 of the G5 Supplementary Universe. Featured on Fimfiction’s List of Stories On The Homepage: June 10, 2024!

Sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/543648/a-day-out-with-dad

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 34 )

I feel like every pony is acting rather irrationally here.

As I recall AlphaB, Misty flat out told you in Father of the Bridlewood that she hates being the center of attention and now you're promising her to be the center of a whole kingdom's attention as a princess.

Pipp is worried about being grounded for life if she speaks out against this marriage? Pretty sure your parents can't ground you once you're an adult and you live on your own.

Misty, darling, I know Opaline obliterated your self esteem, but I think it's high time you stop acting like you're the worst thing that ever happened to the universe. Immediately assuming the pegasi will hate her for being a unicorn in the royal family kinda flies in the face of the reunification theme of the whole generation.

Zipp's and Haven's conflict feels like they are both bringing up good points though. Let's see how they'll make amends in the next chapter...

That was a very wholesome conclusion. I loved how you added the cutie Mark magic shining like the actual Tell Your Tale episodes do. Thankfully everypony had time to cool off and managed to make amends.

You know, now that we've seen Sunny's mother, I think it would be high time we also got a glimpse Zipp and Pipp's father. Especially if Haven's wedding to Alphabittle is really going to happen. I hope that happens at some point.

Very good and sweet little story. Nice work! :twilightsmile:

This was wonderful and emotionally packed. Bravo.
I appreciate you giving Zipp and Pipp's dad a name.


“Then I think it’s settled,” Zipp declared. “If anything in Zephyr Heights is going to make it through the night, it’s a Royal Family composed of pegasi and unicorns.”

And of course Earth Ponies still get the shaft! Well, unless one of the girls hooks up with Sunny...

Definitely a great first part for a set everything up.

Like that time Pipp and Zipp don't want to have a stepdad with Alphabettle?

This was a really good story! I love the song and I know that whatever the new episode is gonna be about, it's gonna be amazing.

This story was amazing. Whenever the new episode is gonna be about, I’m so looking forward to it. I love the song as well.

an interesting concept yuo did about misty. she needs more love

Well I can’t say I wasn’t expecting someone to make a story based on that gorgeous song. And who better to make it than you, Admiral?
This was pretty much all the emotion I was expecting, and Zipp fearing her and Pipp’s real father would be replaced is something I also imagined. That leaves the question of who Misty’s real mother was.
If this is actually what the song is about, I’m certainly curious to see how it plays out.

And so all of this could’ve been avoided had we just talked things out beforehand.

OK, enough joking around, this was still a good story. Don’t think it needed to be a two parter, as this could’ve easily fit in with the first part, but you do you.

I do like the different dilemmas present with Misty having both fear of going public as a princess times how the rest of Equestria will react. Then we have Zipp struggling to accept it as she feels that it is insulting their father’s memory. And Pipp is mostly afraid to speak up about how she feels.

Really liked the reconciliation at the tree scene, seeing how everypony feels about such a change coming from nowhere, I can repeats myself if I was in that situation with no prep time.

Despite not needing to be more than a one shot, still a good story.


Yeah, the song is absolutely beautiful. This generation still knows how to make me cry with its music. I don’t know how they do it, but they always manage. And I cannot wait to see the actual context to it soon.

Yeah, it was definitely my first time making something out of such a minimal prompt. But the song really spoke to me on a personal level, and I could tell there was a story to be told here. It probably won’t be my last time doing so as this was a lot of fun.

Oh I have no doubt.

Ah, yes. The root of almost all MLP problems: proper communication. That certainly was an intentional nod on my part. I’m experimenting with expanding my story premises to more than one chapter in order to add more meat to it, so while I agree, this didn’t need to be a two-parter, I definitely feel the story flows a whole lot better split into two rather than me just cramming everything into one chapter. I’m so happy you enjoyed it.

They burst through the doors, slamming them open and startling Queen Haven, who was in mid-conversation with…Alphabittle? What was he doing here? This struck Zipp as quite odd. Obviously, her mom hung out with the unicorn elder a lot, but there was never a point where he had actually come to Zephyr Heights itself to see her due to personal reasons. But here he was in the flesh and right next to her. Not only that, but there was a ring on her right front hoof. An engagement ring.

I assume Mare Family Mare Problems isn't canon to this story?

“And in Maretime Bay?!” Zipp asked. “I mean, two days is not enough time to plan any wedding, let alone a royal one.”

Can concur; it took more than a year for my cousin to get her wedding assembled.

“Don’t worry, Sunny,” the pegasus monarch said, smiling. “Alphie will be a King in name only. He doesn’t like the formalities.”

If Zephyr Heights functions anything like real monarchies he wouldn't be able to claim the title of King anyway. This is because only a direct descendant of a monarch has a claim to the throne, and as Alphabittle is marrying into the Royal Family he has no legal claim (and thus at most he'd be a prince). This is why, for instance, Elizabeth II's husband was Prince Phillip and not King Phillip, and for the same reason Camilla will not become Queen when Charles dies; the throne will pass straight to William. Incidentally, this is how we know Queen Haven is the daughter of the monarch and not a Queen Consort, as otherwise the throne would have passed to Zipp on her spouse's death.

Misty, likewise, has no claim of her own to the throne, though her fears about not being accepted by the establishment are well-founded in history; there was a massive uproar in Noble and Royal circles when Prince Albert Edward (Edward VII) started courting an actress, and Queen Victoria promptly married him off to Alexandra of Denmark to try and calm said uproar. Nowadays, we wouldn't think anything of this-the current Princess of Wales was an art historian for her previous job, for example. This has been pointlessly detailed royal protocol with The Blue EM2.

Setting that aside... damn. You sure know how to write a page-turner; you're one of the few authors for whom I drop everything and start reading when you update. This chapter hit really close to home as my own family went through something quite similar; my aunt remarried and my cousin (a different one from earlier) didn't take it very well. His bio dad still being in the picture didn't hugely help.

I'll read the next chapter now, and put my thoughts up there.


I assume Mare Family Mare Problems isn't canon to this story?

The canonicity of that episode is a bit dubious considering “The Jinxie Games” also exists with the exact same premise. I’m primarily following MYM canon as Season 2 is trying to, so I treat “Mare Family Mare Problems” as sort of soft canon. It could have happened, but considering both episodes exist, I’m allowing myself some wiggle room here in case I want to say it isn’t canon, since the official writers can’t seem to make up their minds either. 🤷‍♂️

Anyways, thank you so much! Can’t wait to see your full thoughts!

“We realized that having a ceremony two days was probably not the best idea,” Alphabittle explained, smiling sheepishly. “It would be too much stress on poor Hitch to properly prepare for. It also allows us to go through any loopholes that we give Misty in case she refuses the title of princess.”

And no doubt clean up any discriminatory laws whilst they're at it; I would not surprised if Zephyr Heights had passed anti-miscegenation laws at some point, or had laws with built-in loopholes to harrass interracial couples (case in point, the Mann Act; whilst nominally designed to prevent sex trafficking across US State lines, it was generally used to target mixed race couples, with one famous victim being the musician Chuck Berry).

Gotta say this, you pulled off something incredible here. You understand these characters so well, and write with a clarity that shines through. Have you ever considered a career in TV and film writing?


Gotta say this, you pulled off something incredible here. You understand these characters so well, and write with a clarity that shines through. Have you ever considered a career in TV and film writing?

Thanks. I’m actually more interested in a directing job when it comes to film, though it’s also my dream to publish my own novel series one day. I have a dream project book that I intend to write at some point and then maybe turn into its own movie way down the line. But both goals are a long time away from happening right now. At the moment, I’m just honing my writing skills whenever I can so that I can be fully experienced by the time I write a possible debut novel. I wouldn’t rule out maybe trying out TV writing at some point since I seem to have accomplished it here, but it would have to be the right project. Something special like “The Owl House” or another MLP series actually airing on a network to really grab my attention.

Oh, fair enough. I tend to play fairly fast and loose with canon when it comes to my own work, so dropping bits of TYT that don't gell properly makes perfect sense.

Best of luck with those goals.

In fact, I combined at least two episode premises for this, that being “The Last Crusade” and most importantly, “Common Ground.”

Plus a bit of "Beginning of the End" thrown in there, what with the "it may have been unfair of us to arrange this so soon, so let's postpone!" thing. :twilightsheepish:

Hmmm. You know, just dipping my toe into fic readings, this one intrigued me, and I just might. . .
Not sure how much justice I'd do it though at this time starting out, whether I could get it done in a timely manner before the said episode, or whether this will be relevant after said episode releases. 😮‍💨
(Edit: also, some part hinted at in this kinda rubs up against my values a bit. . . ah, might've considered this regardless, as it is a complicated situation. . . But for the other reasons stated, plus I just let myself run out of time before the episode. . .)

Zipp’s heart broke for her. It was like she had just found her true family, and suddenly her world was all confused again. It was like she had been cast back to the days of uncertainty, back to the days of serving under Opaline. She had been gaining confidence over the past few months, but now she was as frightened as she used to be.

“This isn’t right,” Misty repeated over and over softly. “This isn’t right. This just isn’t right.” She was trembling, clearly filled with fear at the mere thought of telling her father anything, and that continued to eat the detective up inside. She wished she could tell the unicorn that everything was going to be okay, but even she knew that was a lie.

Deep down, the detective felt horrible for her. Putting her own feelings aside, It wasn’t right. It wasn’t right that either of them had been put in this predicament. They had just been living their lives as normal and suddenly they were thrust into accepting a changing family dynamic, and a stepfather they never wanted nor needed. It was all unfair, and she could only imagine the betrayal Misty must have felt, not being told by her own father about this earlier.

I love that, despite having her own bitter feelings about the engagement, Zipp has this protective instinct towards Misty. This is the kind of dynamic that I hoped they would have after Misty reformed. And ever since this song came out, I'm all the more eager to see what's to come!

Absolutely agreed. She goes from being the most suspicious of her to the first one to jump to her defense.
That's a true big sister for you.

They burst through the doors, slamming them open and startling Queen Haven, who was in mid-conversation with…Alphabittle? What was he doing here? This struck Zipp as quite odd. Obviously, her mom hung out with the unicorn elder a lot, but there was never a point where he had actually come to Zephyr Heights itself to see her due to personal reasons. But here he was in the flesh and right next to her. Not only that, but there was a ring on her right front hoof. An engagement ring.

Oh boy this is going to make things very complicated

“Mom told us to come as quick as we could!!” Pipp reminded him. “I barely had any time to brush my mane!! AND YOU KNOW HOW FREAKED OUT I GET WHEN I DON’T BRUSH MY MANE!!”

Yes I can understand that pipp like Rarity well always make a fuzz about that

Okay apparently the song has shown up in the episode today. But this story is beyond great, so please don’t delete it!

Of course I’m not going to delete it. I’m still very proud of this story.

Thanks. Sorry about that.
There’s coincidences and then there’s this!

Wouldn’t be the first time I predicted something that happens in this generation with my work, and it certainly won’t be the last. :raritywink:

Soooo The episode confirms it

I like this story and it would make sense that Zipp and Pipp have problems with the marriage. Misty needs more therapy before she can perform a public role like a princess.
Also they do indeed need more time than 2 days to prepare the wedding.

Comment posted by The Blue EM2 deleted June 21st

Coming back to this, I've spotted something interesting. The decision to hold the wedding in Maretime Bay is, if you think about it, a brilliant one from a legal perspective.

As I noted previously, it's probably quite likely that Zephyr Heights passed laws prohibiting pegasi from marrying unicorns and earth ponies, and Bridlewood probably had similar laws preventing unicorns from marrying pegasi and earth ponies. But Maretime Bay, which until very recently was exclusively an earth pony settlement, would probably only have laws preventing earth ponies from marrying unicorns or pegasi. There would have been absolutely no reason to pass a law banning unicorn-pegasi marriage.

Thinking about it, Maretime Bay becoming a centre for such marriages would make a great story...

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