• Member Since 28th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2022

Vineyl Scratch

About me

Hi everypony! I'm Vineyl Scratch, and no, it's not a typo. My first story had vines in it. :) You can call me Viney if you like.

Er... don't have much to say other than that. Nice to meet you!


New story: Applejack-o-lantern · 7:43am Apr 18th, 2015

Just a silly one-shot I did for a request in a forum thread, about Applejack being transformed into a jack-o-lantern and her pumpkinny experiences as a result. It's not Fluttershy's Brew 2, that's still on the way. :yay: In fact, this story might be the kindest one for Fluttershy that I've written. :rainbowlaugh:

Report Vineyl Scratch · 467 views · Story: Applejack-o-lantern ·
Comments ( 13 )
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I don't even know if you're active, but if you are I'd LOVE to see a continuation of the Fluttershy's Brew storyline! It just hit all the right notes for me!

1995319 Sorry about the long wait, I had to delay the publication due to a constant influx of new ideas I had to implement.
Hope it will be worth the read, once you get to it.

I just attempted to publish the story, even if it is somewhat longer than my regular stories. I couldn't split any chapters out fairly here.

1995225 - sounds good, I look forward to it! :yay:

1995152 Oh, that part is more of an in-joke from a group I am in.

On the matter of Ponies and latex, I do enjoy these stories too.
I'm actually working on such a story right now, if it will be approved any time soon, which would most likely be ext week. :pinkiesmile:

1995100 - No stalking! I find your latex stories interesting, so I'm following. :twilightblush:

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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