• Member Since 6th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 31st, 2014

The Delirium

I've always enjoyed reading other great fan fictions and I've always had great ideas for ones of my own. Now I write to share those ides with every other fan of mlp,

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Where have I been? · 8:54pm Sep 20th, 2014

Sorry for my long period of absence. I've just been busy with a lot of other things. However, there is no need to panic because I am back! A new chapter in Thunderlane's New Life will be up soon as well as another one-shot. Thank you.

Report The Delirium · 405 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
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How in the fuck do you write words so fast???

Thank you very much for the Faves of my stories On Pins and Needles and Our Gifts, but especially for the Watch! I'll do my best to keep deserving it!:twilightsmile:

You are a fantastic, FANTASTIC...writer in the making.

Follow me, I have some good tips for you, as a published author myself!! ;)


You sir know on how to write, and in a fast way too. Keep up the awesome work! :pinkiehappy: :eeyup:

Welcome to the site.

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My OCs

Delrous Shadow (The Delirium)