• Member Since 18th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen September 17th

Dashie Bro

I'm a teenage brony. I'm also a Youtuber, a fimfiction writer an all around nerd. I hope to write great stories that my fans will love. I do this all for them and because I love it!


Just an Update for you guys · 6:27pm Oct 27th, 2014

Hey hey there Everybrony! It's Dashie bro here. I'm here to give you guys an update for why I've been inactive for so long. Well, I've been in school for quite a while now. I also wanted to tell you guys that I am going to improve the chapters of A Dragon's Temptation quite a bit, so if you are unable to view any chapter, it is being updated at the moment. I am also grounded at the moment so I'm not able to work on my stories unless I'm at school. So until I'm ungrounded, I can't work on my

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10

Is there anything you wouldn't be willing to draw.

Possibly. I've never done one before.

Do you take requests?

Thanks for the follow bro!

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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