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The Hat Man

Specialties include comedy, robots, and precision strikes to your feelings. Hobbies include hat and watch collecting. May contain alcohol.


In the distant future, a probe arrives in the skies above Equestria after a journey of five thousand years.

Once discovered, a mare's voice tells of a lost colony on the galaxy's edge, and begs for rescue before speaking these mysterious last words: "I am sorry... I hope this was enough..."

Submitted for the Science Fiction Contest #3, 2024.

Cover by OutterBozak.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 36 )

Why isn’t there a dark tag?

Good question! I'm not a huge fan of the Dark tag in general just because I think it's a poor descriptor. But when I think of "Dark," I think of something bleak and pessimistic in ways this story isn't.

Because, ultimately, it's about Rosie doing whatever she can, sacrificing everything for the one friend she ever had so he has a chance to be happy. I think that's enough to negate a "Dark" tag.

Still, I did add a few more tags to clarify the type of story, so I hope that will suffice.

Thanks for commenting! :twilightsmile:

...Oh yeah... You know, I write them so rarely that I forgot we had a "Tragedy" tag. And considering all the references to classical Greek tragedy, that's little embarrassing. :twilightblush:

Good note, thanks! Genre has been updated. :pinkiesmile:

Edit: Actually... on second thought, I'm pulling back on "Tragedy." Rosie's misfortune is tragic, as is her having to suffer the guilt of a real Trolly Problem type of decision... but ultimately she goes the distance and succeeds, and I think, if she saw the end result, she'd be overjoyed. So, yeah, sticking with just "Drama."

I. Am. Impressed.

Wonderful tale. I can but admire.

And so I shall.

Thank you, that's very kind of you to say! :twilightsmile:

(Also, nice to have a comment that's not about the f:yay:king tags, too. :rainbowlaugh:)

Damn that was beautiful.


Wait...Turing, is that you?


No YOU'RE a bitch, Jason!


So Rosie's dead?


And so she sacrifices even herself


Ah, 3-Body Problem aliens.


And so she dies.

No, but perhaps - in another world - her descendant.

Thanks for all these comments, by the way. It's nice to check on my story and see so many waiting to be read. :twilightsmile:

Where did the name Jason come from?
Was that a placeholder that got left, or was it intentional.
It doesn't seen a very pony name, and while the subject isn't a pony, the name seems out of left field a bit.

Also while I see the sci-fi trappings, I'm not sure of the Sci-Fi question - unless it's supposed to be the trolley problem.

Other than those nitpicks, it was decent story,
Good Luck in the contest!

Good questions!

The planet "Medea" is named after the title character in the Greek tragedy by Euripides. She was married to Jason, the leader of the Argonauts (hence the name of the space station in orbit).

The "trolley problem" I mentioned is that Rosie is in the same situation: she could do nothing and everyone would die, or try to save at least some of them by sacrificing others, but be personally responsible for killing them. It might seem logical from a robot's perspective, but as a sapient creature, it's a huge emotional burden to live with.

Thanks for reading and for the well-wishes! :twilightsmile:

God damn, what a beautiful story about the lengths we go through to provide a better future for the ones we love. Rosie gradually separating herself, sacrificing each bit at a time just to try to give Seed a better life...

God damn, dude. I hope you're proud of this.

Aww that was nice Hat! The random line in the beginning, hoping this was enough. But then you keep reading and you realize just how much that line meant and how much Rosie had sacrificed for that one opportunity. And all for a hope. A sliver of a chance on a sliver of a ship.
Even if Star does have a stank booty

“‘Emergent,’” she corrected. “And yes, it is why sapient robots develop personalities through their contact with ponies and other creatures over many years. And why even corporate droids like myself are considered ‘liberated’ free citizens after 40 years of service.”

This is a great little tidbit of worldbuilding! And I like how reaching that point allows her to give herself permission to act.

I really enjoyed this one! The laws around recognition of robot sapience reminded me fondly of Asimov's Three Laws of Robots and Martha Wells' Murderbot series -- love to see how society integrates robots/AI into itself, especially when it's in a more interesting or nuanced way than pure slavery.

And oof, although I successfully predicted that at least some of the colonists would still be alive, Star Seedling in particular, you managed to take me by surprise with the revelation that Rosie had sacrificed the rest of them to keep him and his parents alive. I wonder what his parents thought, once they woke up? And yet, it retroactively perfectly explains several minor details like her self-destructing upon reaching somepony she could successfully pass her message on to. I also like that you didn't ever really explain the Foresters in any detail -- I think they worked better as an unknown threat. :)

As someone who's read quite a bit of classic sci fi in the past, this reads like classic sci fi in all the best ways. Nicely done! :D

Once Jason called Rosie selfish, I correctly guessed that she'd doomed most of the colonists to save Star Seedling.

My other (less accurate) prediction was that she'd saved a copy of herself in the data cube to be restored and reunited with Star Seedling if her mission was successful. Glad to see that what she actually did was more selfless and sentimental.

This story's setting and themes of perseverance and sacrifice reminded me of this:

I think the lyrics and visuals are very fitting. A lone mare, soaring through the cosmos for centuries, searching for a way to save her loved ones... :pinkiesad2:

That was a very enjoyable read. Thanks for writing it! :heart:

Hey, thanks gentlemen! I know I said thank you for your kind words elsewhere, but I might as well make it an official public show of gratitude. I'm really glad to see the story made an emotional impact. :twilightsmile:

Hey Cyan, hey Raugos! Thank you both for your kind words on my story!

I really enjoyed this one! The laws around recognition of robot sapience reminded me fondly of Asimov's Three Laws of Robots and Martha Wells' Murderbot series -- love to see how society integrates robots/AI into itself, especially when it's in a more interesting or nuanced way than pure slavery.

So glad to hear that. I'm a big fan of classic age sci-fi, and recapturing that sort of classic storytelling along with the wonder and optimism was a goal with this story, so it's great to see that it was recognized. :yay:

Wow, what a great tune! I'm familiar with the artist, but not that song specifically, and you're right that it has some similar themes. I love it when people associate my work with music, especially in this case since the story is inspired by an album (albeit one from 1970). I'm so glad the story resonated with you!

Thank you both again for your comments!

“No, Captain,” the computer replied. “It is an old dialect closely identified with the border worlds of the First Diaspora.”

always a fun way to indicate how much time has passed since the setting we know

“Understood… translation is as follows: ‘This vessel was sent from the terraforming colony on Medea-3, established by the AguaVita Corporation in 2372 CYP. Terraforming efforts have failed. Rescue and recovery missions never came. Survivors request immediate rescue. This message will repeat until acknowledged… This vessel was sent from the terraforming colony on Medea-3, established by the AguaVita Corporation in 2372 CYP…’”

oof, guessing there aren’t any survivors to rescue at this point!

Blue Dot furrowed her brow when the helmspony suddenly sat upright. “Ma’am, we detected a surge within the probe, after which all functions ceased! The central computer seems to have self-destructed!”

definitely a weird way to react to a message acknowledgement

Her mane and tail were composed of icy blue filaments of polymer that served as a means of heat distribution but also helped her keep a somewhat more approachable appearance, at least according to her corporate manual.

augh love it that the ponies made efforts to make their robots reassuringly pony-like

She swept it clean with her tail, then hit the button to activate the airlock. It hissed and groaned and let her in before shutting the heavy steel doors, hissing again, and letting her into the main facility.

and aww love the very pony detail of sweeping it with her tail

She gave it a glance before returning to her work. “That is a can of applesauce,” she said. “And unless the rules have changed, you are forbidden from taking rations outside of the dining area or supply room without permission.”

is that a Crystal War reference?

RO-513 watched the pipe and gave a satisfactory nod when she confirmed that it no longer leaked. “The cheap kind,” she replied.

hehe very honest!

Star Seedling was the first foal born in the Medea-3 colony. It had been the intention of all the colonists not to begin raising families until they’d made more progress with terraforming the planet. But his parents, Seed Sower and Fertile Field, apparently couldn’t help themselves (and thus earned a lifetime of jokes to be made about both their names) and Fertile Field announced her pregnancy.

i mean given how pony names work what did these ponies expect?

“The most advanced ships in our local region can achieve Hyperspace X5. If you traveled from here to Equus starting today, you would be an old stallion by the time you arrived.”

His eyes widened for a moment, but then he bowed his head, apparently soaking in the implication: he would most likely never see the pony homeworld in his lifetime.

oof! the consequences of an interstellar civilization

She supposed that was partly why they got along. That, plus the fact that they were the only two beings there that weren’t there of their own volition. Nopony could choose the circumstances of their birth, after all, whether one were a colt born on a desolate alien world or a corporate droid with a few decades left of service.

and aww so true

A few meteor showers were nothing to be concerned about.

so that is definitely how the colonists go out, huh

“Virtually impossible,” they said again and again. And they kept saying it right up until the sky caught fire and the north horizon heaved upward in a black cascade that swiftly swept over them and engulfed the world.

oof and rip, literally, especially to Star Seedling

But no ship ever came. Resupply ships were supposed to arrive every 3 years, but even with the transmitters at full power to peer through the thick haze encircling the planet, no ship was ever detected. Rations were cut back, a constant distress signal was broadcast, and they waited another three years for rescue.

augh, this is going to be one of those stories where hopes are crushed and colonists die slowly one by one in ever-increasing despair isn’t it

She came to the last pod in the row, and read Star Seedling’s name on it. His light was green, and his vitals were normal.

yay Star Seedling made it!

“‘Emergent,’” she corrected. “And yes, it is why sapient robots develop personalities through their contact with ponies and other creatures over many years. And why even corporate droids like myself are considered ‘liberated’ free citizens after 40 years of service.”

yay diegetic exposition

“None of that, Star Seedling. Insult me again and I may just draw rude things on your pod while you sleep. And all the colonists will laugh at you when they see that I have written ‘Star Seedling has a stank booty’ on your pod.”

lol i did not expect this

She could stay on this cadaver of a world and be the last wriggling maggot infesting its flesh, or she could make a decision that might save the colony.

Or, she reasoned, at least part of it.

ooh, just what will this robot do?

“Accessing… date of activation confirmed. Unit RO-513 is considered ‘liberated.’ …Congratulations!”

RO-513 had no need to roll her eyes. But she did it anyway.

ahaha love it

“But the Colonial Council and all colonists other than myself are currently incapacitated. Following emergency bylaws, that therefore makes me the sole Councilmare capable of presenting any resolutions and also the only citizen capable of voting for said resolutions. Correct?”

yay rule of law

And then, in that moment of starlit solitude, the lone daughter of a dead world quietly hummed “Happy Birthday” to herself.

aww! this robot pony deserves a birthday hug

Five thousand years, she thought. What stories could that machine have told? What had it endured?

and oof, given that five thousand years is at least an order of magnitude and change larger than the “centuries” the statis pods are rated for…

“Captain… this might well be your last mission before retiring. You had the option to turn it down. The crew has been curious about why you chose to volunteer the Venture to accept it. I have to admit, that same question crossed my mind as well. I hope you won’t think it out of line if I ask why.”

oh no, she’s on her last mission before retirement, that’s not good!

2372 CYP… that anything on the frontier could have survived the Foresters… no, keep it together, old mare, she told herself. That colony will be a tomb. There is no point hoping for better now.

and yeah, i have a few guesses as to what “the Foresters” are, given the concept of the Dark Forest. very ominous name!

But for interstellar travel, you needed it for the Hyperdrive engine.

very fitting that the way to FTL travel is to apply literal magic

If something had gone wrong on Antigone, she’d need to go further to the next nearest world, Rex, or maybe even further.

and oof does that explain what happened…

She paused. Thinking aloud was a habit she’d picked up from the colonists. What was weird was that sometimes it actually worked. And this was one of those times.

so true, self-reflection is important!

And she didn’t need a body.

and oof, yeah, i thought this might be what had happened, given her being a misshapen hunk of metal in the first chapter!

“Precisely! Well, dear sister, I am Xerxes, personal assistant droid to Caballo Magnifico II, former CEO of AguaVita.”

dang, what a pony name! also, these space colonists are really going hard on the Pony Greece references

Apparently, Mr. Magnifico had wanted his assistant to come preloaded with eccentricities.

as he should eccentricities own

“...Wow. You’re awfully impatient for someone patient enough to endure years alone in the center of a metal tube in the frozen emptiness of space.”


“So you called them ‘Foresters.’ Why not ‘Hunters?’”

“You know ponies… even amid the world’s destruction, they have a flair for the dramatic.”

so true they picked a good name

“Of course,” she said reverently.

She wouldn’t. A pony who loved his wealth too much to part with it deserved to be buried with it, alone and forgotten as far as she was concerned. But Xerxes didn’t need to know that.

love how good she is at lying

“And on that note, since I’ve completed my final directive, I bid you adieu, sister. Bon voyage… heh heh heh.”

aww, goodbye Xerxes!

She gusted past columns of star-crusted nebulae that stretched upward into spires and arches of red and blue light. They formed statues light-years in height that took the shape of a trio of ponies arching their necks upward, their very nostrils the size of whole star systems.

ooh that is quite something

And then, at last, she knew peace.

and auaugh, poor Rosie! that really tugged at my heartstrings, augh

And on the panel of that last pod were a few words painted in a careful mechanical hoof:

Star Seedling has a stank booty.

ahahaha ok wow she actually did that

She brought out the data cube. It was connected to her personal computer attached to her foreleg. “Computer… input the following encryption code: ‘Star Seedling has a stank booty.’”

oh no that is actually the center of the plot somehow

And the synthetic voice took on a pleading tone as if it were breaking apart: “Forgive me, Star… oh, please… please forgive me…”

and augh, what a decision to even have to make. and as it turned out, the choice to sacrifice 90% of the colony to extend the lives of the remainder tenfold was the right one, since rescue took about five millennia longer than Rosie originally expected…

He looked back up at the gleaming ocean of stars in a brand-new sky, and he took a bite.

and augh, full circle with their first conversation! beautiful story, with a very classic Sci-Fi feel, love it. thank you for writing!

Aw, thank you so much for all the comments and for your assessment of the story! I'm really proud of this one and so glad I got a chance to be a part of the contest (even if it was a very last-minute entry... I'll be sure not to do that again :twilightblush:)!

Thank you and the other judges for all the effort you put into the contest, and I'm glad you enjoyed my humble entry. :heart:

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