• Member Since 13th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen July 14th

The Digital Guy

Uh... what? Is this thing on?

My stories, a majority of them will be crossovers.

About me

I'm 18 years of age and a male graduate. I quite enjoy the show MLP, video games, and writing. I tried making art once. Once. My writing style has heavily improved over the years from junior to 'adept' if you would allow me to use such a term, as is exemplary in some of my older stories. (I DON'T suggest you read those.) I am a far cry away from being a great writer, but can allow myself to indulge in the title of moderate enthusiast. RPG's and indie games are my favorite in the realm of gaming, and Sci-Fi or medieval worlds (perhaps both?) are among my favorite types of settings for stories. Too say the least, I was born in the wrong millennium. Thank you for taking the time to read this, The Digital Guy.

Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

2134275 Oh that's sad. But it happens. Hope you get it back.

No, but I've otherwise lost something of a creative spark as of late. My apologies if that has caused any negativity in your life.

Sup m80
I'm returning to my old favorites. AND YOUR ONE OF THEM. ARE YOU DEAD? WERE YOU KILLED?

1502112 I know I should... Eh... I think I might finish a chapter before Remembrance Day. Hold tight, I know that's ironic because of how long it's been, but it's coming, trust me.

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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