• Member Since 28th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen July 5th


I write stuff and help people write stuff. If you want something written, or need help writing, I can help. Always move onwards!


I am a devoted worker who is currently trying his hand at writing in the world of fanfics. I love reading, and figured I'd try giving back to the community. I enjoy taking time each day to immerse myself in a story and let the world around me fade away, allowing myself to be drawn into the storyline and escape from everyday life. Because of this, I hope that my writing can do the same for others, and will always accept advice on how to better achieve this. I love constructive criticism, and can't wait to hear what you all have to say once I'm done!
My writing and editing may be a bit different from what most of you know, as I grew up with British schooling, and that influences how I write and edit, so heads up.

Stuff I Edit

Work in progress

Finally got around to submitting one of the stories I've been working on for a while. Unfortunately, I lost quite a bit of the story, so I will mostly be writing the chapter, then posting it, rather than uploading from a collection of already completed chapters. I'm not sure how this will affect the upload frequencies, but I try to keep them pretty close to each other. If I get ahead enough with this story, I'll maybe continue work on the big one, which is one I've been working on since I joined the fandom. For those of you who enjoy my stories, never fear! I shall continue to produce as best I can whilst dealing with classes and picky professors.

I'm also doing some editing for a few people, to help me get started. If you'd like an editor, feel free to ask!
Also related to this, is that I am running a series of blog posts on writing fanfics and other tips, such as how I edit, what it entails, and other things your English teacher never told you. Check it out; it's pretty helpful.

Blog Series: Tips to Writing a Fanfiction


Seriously, people. It's good work, but the thanks are unnecessary.

Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 12 - 21 of 21
Comment posted by horsepoweryt deleted Sep 26th, 2023
Comment posted by Oneimare deleted Jan 25th, 2020
Comment posted by Sorcerer deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by The Bricklayer deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by Scorch215 deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by ChasingResonance deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by Towkio deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by ChasingResonance deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by Towkio deleted Sep 17th, 2019
Comment posted by KingJoltik deleted Sep 17th, 2019
  • Viewing 12 - 21 of 21
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