How Long It's Been! (Two Years?!) · 4:15pm Feb 12th, 2016
My little ponies, it has been far too long since I've written for you! I remember I used to love hearing what you had to say about my work, the praise and the critiques! The last thing I was writing was "The Rise of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." I'm afraid that that piece will need some serious renovations, as several canon episodes have explained Cadenza's past. But never fear, should you be fearing at all, I am here, because I've gotten an idea for a brand new fanfic! What is it about? Well,
I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE
Thanks for favorite
Lel, sick. I'm sorry for bothering.
My day was good. Just working on a story now. How was your day?
I feel lonely man. Plus, I get friendzoned and stuff. Sucks bro. Lel, what can you do, eh?
So, your day been good?