
Viewing 1 - 20 of 555 results

One year · 10:15pm Jun 8th, 2017

Exactly one year ago, I updated my first story.

It was a simple little thing. I knew I wasn’t good, nor experienced.
Sho I choose a simple topic I could relate to and wrote the simplest story I could.

I just read my first fanfiction again.
And it’s still beautiful.

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Report andrizzi · 323 views · #journal

The Secret · 5:32am Nov 11th, 2017

The secret to becoming a great writer is to write.

I don't know who said that first, but that's okay. The secret to writing is to steal from others.

I do know who said that first. I was paraphrasing from T. S. Eliot.

Well, I'm writing. I may not be the best, but I'm getting there. Short silly fic by short silly fic. Thank you all for hanging in there as I try to get better.

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Report Silent Whisper · 363 views · #journal

2017 is dead and gone. Thank Celestia. · 8:37am Jan 2nd, 2018

Hello hello, everyone. I saw that some of my most favorite ponies in the world wrote some deeply moving analyses about their year, and let me tell you, they're the strongest ponies I know. My year... has been heck too. Not quite as bad as others, in ways, but I figured I may as well post about it. Ignore if you'd like, there are no story updates hidden here.

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Report Silent Whisper · 314 views · #journal

What has happened lately and why the lack of updates. · 6:50pm Jun 27th, 2017

So for two years I've been dealing with something rough that has been causing me problems. It's pretty much ended last night with someone going around trying to dox me. That sucks but I have good news for all of you. To those that have been waiting on commissions, good news! I'll be blurring through them quickly now that the burden has been lifted.

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Report mrwoofles · 361 views · #Journal

Blogging: Pony Music Edition · 10:56pm Nov 28th, 2018

Journal date 11/28/18 - Pony Words and pony music edition

Today, I rediscovered pony music in the form of PonyVilleFM and its associated webcasts. The ideas flowed like they haven't in years... Yeah. Years. Or year. I got Cake Thief done pretty quick (relatively) once I started writing in that story again.

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Report Noble Thought · 214 views · #journal

Writing Journal: Serious Romance · 3:15am Dec 10th, 2018

Journal Date: 12/9

Today, I started on what will probably be my most serious romance to date. It's somber. But I want to write it because I feel it has a lot of potential for me as a writer to explore modes of thought and methods of delivery that I've only used briefly before.

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Report Noble Thought · 215 views · #journal

Journal Entry - Volume 14 - Chapter 7 · 11:32am May 9th, 2020

The truth is not always surface deep.

Report Kamahido · 53 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 16 - Chapter 14 · 8:26pm May 14th, 2020

Often times those who have been abused or neglected need special care. Do not look down on them for being what they are.

Report Kamahido · 56 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 14 - Chapter 18 · 11:12am May 10th, 2020

There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks. Have too many and you'll lose your senses. Have too many, too often, and you could lose everything.

Report Kamahido · 41 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 14 - Chapter 10 · 11:43am May 9th, 2020

Even those who have done wrong in the past can still be a valuable addition to society if given a chance

Report Kamahido · 47 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 15 - Chapter 17 · 8:21pm May 12th, 2020

Sometimes we all need a friend to confide in. Not to tell us what we want to hear, but what we need to hear.

Report Kamahido · 43 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 6 - Chapter 10 · 2:38am Aug 26th, 2019

The princesses are… I cannot even write the words! I found them lying there so peacefully! Oblivious to the perilous state our nation is now in! While I can only hope this was not somehow intentional… a way to get some much needed (and deserved) rest, the nation still requires leadership! As I write this, I have sent for the Hero of Light and await his arrival. He is next to lead Equestria through these difficult times. Should he decline, Captain Decimus will be informed later today

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Report Kamahido · 53 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 8 - Chapter 10 · 11:53pm Aug 29th, 2019

Dear Journal,

She… Cherry… she doesn’t remember me! I knew being forgotten hurt, but… this is just overwhelming! The love of my life doesn’t even remember my proposal! This has got to be one of the worst days of my life! It’s right down there with when my mother passed away! It’s like… like the old Cherry, the one I loved… died. Hopefully she’ll remember me soon!

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Report Kamahido · 89 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 11 - Chapter 5 · 1:29am Oct 1st, 2019

Dear Diary,

Well… my plan from yesterday was a complete failure! I just don’t understand what went wrong! By my calculations, everything should have been accounted for! What could I have missed?! How can I make this work?! ARGH! More questions than I have answers for!

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Report Kamahido · 88 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 11 - Chapter 4 · 1:28am Oct 1st, 2019

Dear Diary,

Arc is finally coming to tea! I’ve been planning this for some time now! If all goes according to plan, he won’t be alone any longer! Arc’s been a good friend to me… to my friends… and to Equestria! He deserves proper female companionship! Sadly, with Cherry gone, there’s nopony good enough for Arc in this land, myself included! I may not be much, but… I’m willing to give everything of myself to make Arc happy! Even… even my body and marehood…

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Report Kamahido · 91 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 11 - Chapter 2 · 1:04am Sep 28th, 2019

Dear Diary,

My dad took me to something called a “mall” today. I’ve never seen so many stores before! Not even when we toured Canterlot! And these are all inside one BIG building! We were inside this really big store with a lot of clothes inside. Dad said something about me needing to wear girl’s clothes. Not sure why, but… I don’t know anything about being a human. It’s still a bit uncomfortable wearing these things, but… if I didn’t, I’d freeze here on Earth!

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Report Kamahido · 88 views · #Journal

Writing Journal: Craft Book Edition · 1:12am Dec 1st, 2018

Journal Date 11/30/2018

Whatever you may think of reading craft books, whether a waste of time, or going slavishly by the advice, and everything in between, I think it's a universally held truth that reading them, ingesting ideas from other authors about the craft we're all engaged in, churns the well of ideas within us.

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Report Noble Thought · 200 views · #journal

Journal Entry - Volume 15 - Chapter 5 · 11:46am May 10th, 2020

Try to think of ways to make sure your date has a good time. Especially if they're as overworked as Luna.

Report Kamahido · 85 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 14 - Chapter 16 · 11:57am May 9th, 2020

Even the greatest of heroes are human too. They still feel remorse and are discouraged at their failures like anyone else.

Report Kamahido · 72 views · #Journal

Journal Entry - Volume 15 - Chapter 9 · 8:30pm May 11th, 2020

No one can ever truly replace a lost loved one.

Report Kamahido · 50 views · #Journal
Viewing 1 - 20 of 555 results