• Member Since 11th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 29th, 2018

Son Of Mu

I am a new author who writes to improve his writing and to see if I can come up with great ideas for people to enjoy.


Hanzo The Salamander · 12:25pm Feb 15th, 2018

So judging from my profile pic everyone can guess I'm a naruto fan. So my idea is after Hanzo is released from the reanimation jitsu he is ready to go to the afterlife. But Kami seeing him regained his convictions decides to give him another chance with him being reborn in equestria

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I found all your stories u posted before u lost ur memories

Hello how are you doing today?

I don't remeber posting one. I have been working on one but thats it. I did just post it though

:pinkiehappy: btw I still have your old story ideas

  • Viewing 1,896 - 1,900 of 1,900
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