My love for persona 5 grows like an addiction to fast food and pornography! Both leaving you full but empty at the same time while exclaiming their love for you! But enough of depressing metaphors that don't actually serve as metaphors! You came to read a badly written fanfic about HORSES! SO LET US START THE GAME!
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Equestrian Judges! The future of criminal justice is very different. Instead of trials by jury we have highly trained officers who act as Judge, jury,and executioner! They deal with every type of threat and especially those of a more magical position. They are Judges! by Zeno the Masked Writer 35,770 words · 25 · 6
Thank you very much for giving me your Watch! I really, really appreciate it and I hope I can keep doing my best to deserve it!
2215156 No prob! Love your stuff man!
Hey thanks for the follow!
Heh! Welcome to the high-risk, high-stakes world of Pony fan fiction writing.
1862209 well after the first time around and stuff....kinda learned my lesson the hard way there.
you guys are seriously dedicated to this stuff I have to admit I wasn't expecting so many rules for a fanfic website. I'm cool with it though