• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Common guy who likes to play games and write art. Born and bred in Mexico. Viva mexico!

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A story reached the popular stories list. Freakin' done!

About me.

Nationality: Proudly Mexican.
Languages: Spanish (obviously), English (at 95%), French (at 15%) and Japanese (15%)
Likes: Writing (like you can see), playing video games every now and then, listen to music (Daft Punk, yeah!), reading, walk. (Oh! And watching with my little sister the show.)
Dislikes: Vain things and overly-dramatic stuff.
My original name actually is John, so you can call me like that. So, I like ponies and my name is John. Therefore, the image you behold as my avatar.

Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76

You did get my last PM, right?

Just curious, but would you be willing to possibly take a request?

  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76
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