• Member Since 29th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Nova Star Sparkle

A guy with a brain that doesn't care about feasibility, but fun. Moreover I render Alicorns way to overpowered. xD

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Who am I and what is it you can find here?

  • Currently I´m 22
  • I´m a German Guy from the South Edge of the country
  • I am mostly happy, drink to much Energy and like to Game in my free time, whenever I feel like (well and obviously I also write MLP:FiM Stuff)
  • Or I visit my friends and do stuff with them

  • Even if I use names from G5 (Like Sunny, Izzy or her father - very good characters), I don´t acknowledge the story and it´s events for my AU´s. Pure G4 here. [Don't get me wrong. G5 is not bad per se but it just doesn't fit my style of writing and my personal imagination how things play out in Equestria. Even thousands of years in the future.]

    However, if it ever comes to G5 considering all G4 alicorn's truly gone/dead....well then I will laugh, raise my "special" finger and leave the whole G5 universe behind me in good forever. (Well except for the names, Sunny's fable for Twi is still just too good to be left out.)

    --> For that would be way too big a slap in the face to the legend of Friendship is Magic, everything it stands for, what it has built up and most of all Twilight's work for me.

    Yes I am thrilled with Twilight, especially as an alicorn and the possibilities it gives one - maybe even a bit too much, but I don't have a problem with it. FIM was and still is one of the biggest inspirations in my life and has helped me a lot.

  • Obviously my favorite Pone is Twilight, then Dashie and Shy
  • If Twilightˋs age isnˋt mentioned she and her friends are around 20
  • You will always see her in my stories as A Princess aka. alicorn; immortal and with Godlike/reality bending powers. (Well that kind of is true for every alicorn, because for me they are Godessess).
  • If I mention the alicorns as more than Princesses they are referred to as "Empress(es)", I never came to terms with "Queen(s)" as the good name of that was destroyed by Chrysalis for me.

  • Twilight is first portrait to gladly always give her immortality if she could. In order to be with her friends.
    HOWEVER I WANT IT NOTED: That´s not a given possibility and she never actually will. Because that single thing defeats all purpose for me and I find the idea absolutely silly. What would she gain from giving up her immortality? The higher the potential of magic a Pony has the longer it lives and the harder it can be killed. Twilight is incredible gifted in magic and so she would live at the very least twice as long as all of her friends. Alicorn or not. She would have to live without them anyway. (Maybe there are Stories were Twilight doesn´t outlive her friends as a Unicorn, but in about 95% she does so thats a fact for me)

    So...no giving up immortality and better find a way for all of them to live for eternity. Eh eh, don´t you agree? - You dońt? Well to bad as that´s my headcanon your reading here:rainbowwild:

  • As of my opinion Twily is the smartest and most powerful being on Equus (sheˋs raw magic in its embodiment and that´s the strongest perk of an alicorn and generally a rather deep anchored force on Equus), even if she herself has issues believing it. Tia and Lulu will help her.
  • To further add to the above:

    Twilight IS also by far the most powerful magic user in the entire existence. It's even stated in the series that not even Discord could break Twilight's protection charm and he is shown to be stronger than Celestia AND Luna combined. (Either way that's the head cannon I use).

  • Alicorns have a pure soul and mind and are immune to corruption (well...pretty much anything to be honest)
  • An alicorn always seeks peace in my opinion, they represent the Good there is. They also never kill, but know that some beings can´t be reasoned with
  • There are (normally) a maximum of four alicorns, hence the plot of the story tells me otherwise - sorry Cadance.
    - Princess Twilight
    - Princess Luna
    - Princess Cadance
    - Princess Celestia
    - Flurry Heart is not existent in my AU
    -> I follow the law "everything powerful comes in two or a multiple thereoff" and she just doesnˋt fit there.
  • T.S. has a incredible big heart and her affection and love for her friends and subjects knows no bonds (yet the one for her friends is still far greater).
  • She is the Alicorn (God and highest master) of Friendship, Magic, Stars and Peace/Harmony (I reffer to the last as kind of the same thing). -> Some Story might add something to that list, if so itˋs also canon
  • I canˋt stand sad so the other mane 6 wonˋt die in my Stories of old age - or other means, thats not me (How I will continue doing that I donˋt know until I wrote it. Itˋs not the same for every Story I will write)
  • I have a strong (and I mean very strong) hate for Starlight Glimmer the bitc unicorn. She is my least favorite pony and even thinking about her makes me aggressive. So I erased her completely from my own AU. If I mention her it wonˋt be for good - sorry.

    -> hence someone asks. No I donˋt know why I have such a hate/disgust for her, not at all. The moment I saw her I hated her and that was BEFORE knowing what she would do. I just never could like or "forgive" her in the end. For me sheˋs the only thing MLP:FIM truly never needed. Just a reason so that alicorns wouldnˋt be unmatched and overpowered. What a dumb idea Hasbro....

  • Oh overpowered - yeah that sounds like me. My Characters will continue being unrealistic strong, so sorry if thatˋs not your liking

Just to clarify for all, thatˋs how I see it:

Spirit/Demigod: (like Discord as the Lord and spirit of chaos) Incredible Level of Power (might be able to do many things logical impossible) and Immortality (wonˋt die of old age), very hard to kill but still possible.

God/Godess/Deity: Like an alicorn -> Near Infinite or Unlimited Power (depending on the Story) over Aspects of the Cosmos or literal Reality itself, laws are kind of nonexistent for them (state laws, the basic laws of physic, etc.). Have at least Immortality (aging) and Absolut Immortality (Soul) + in some cases Absolut Invulnerability AND Absolut Immortality (they canˋt be hurt, killed, changed, affected or erased in any way there is, no matter what - seriously there is none) Their powers make them the strongest being in the existence (YES that means they are undefeatable, YES for some that might sound boring, YES it is an easy way to justify litteraly anything and also YES I stand to my headcanon, its the way I am)

Yes, it's absolutely nuts but honestly, that's me and that's how I see the things.


Short Update · 3:15pm Sep 22nd, 2023

Finally decided to work on getting all my ideas sorted and written down into my reference docs I use to write the actual stories I intend to release. Boy do you collect a lot of new information and things in about a good year...been working for 8 hours the last couple of days and I think I´m about half done. Well buck!:rainbowlaugh:

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Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

It was so good I even gave it two upvotes now ^^

Thanks for favoriting my clopfic! :pinkiesmile:

Awww no need to thank me.

Your Story is short, but doesńt lack anything important, uncomplicated and sweet. What more can someone wish for?:twilightsmile:

Hehe I'm honored that you consider my cute little cloud napping story among the best you've read! :twilightsmile: bows politely

I shall be greatfull....will do my best:raritywink:

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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