It all started with a simple question. "Can the portal go to other places besides Equestria?
The answer turned out to be "No, but we might be able to make one that can."
When their research is complete, Sunset and Twilight are pulled into an adventure in another world, where they meet even more doppelgängers of themselves. But their alternate counterparts may reveal some things about themselves they never knew.
Before I read your story
What's the Gore for ?
7590981 PG-13 level fantasy violence.
This Sunset Shipping project is just the gift that keeps on giving
7590987 What, they jest get hurt ?
You need to write more actiony adventure stuff. Those bits with Sunset being a badass were so ridiculously amazing I forgot I was reading a love story. Not that Sunset and Twilight weren't adorable together, of course.
I think I liked the Rarity one a little more from a romance perspective, but this one was just so entertaining from start to finish that it's my overall favorite so far.
Fantastic job, would love to see more like it.
I don't know why, but I cried a bit reading this. Maybe it was the onions from downstairs? Nevertheless, I enjoyed it and the other ‘Sunset Shipping’ stories this week. However, I can't help but wonder who the last victim of Sunset's charisma will be?
Starlight Glimmer? Pony Twilight? Or even Maud Pie?
One of these days, you and The Albinocorn need to sit down together and write a collaborative multi-chapter Sunlight Romance Adventure story. And then we can shut down Fimfiction, because there will be nothing that will ever top that.
Cute story, but Wagner is not a classical composer, Sunset, what are you thinking!
Big epic fights. People die but no blood and guts.
Well, remember, she probably learned about human music from one of the five. Maybe Rarity could tell Baroque from Romantic, but even that's doubtful.
After five days of delicious romantic comedy and/or confessional relationship fic I don't think I was expecting hardcore fantasy world-hopping cheese and ham adventure but you know, I think I'm completely okay that this is what I got.
Everything in here is just fun. I keep trying to pick something apart - how does Sunset know how to use a spear? Because it's fun. Is this actually Berserk? That makes it more fun. [iDid that last demon pull a Star Platinum]?
Oh god I'm going to start fanning myself!
This is pretty much the ship story where the "ship" ended up being just total background noise but the high adventure and exciting conflicts were more the point. Also out of all the stories, this is the one I'd like to return to most someday down the road just because there's so much else you can do with a pair of world-hopping magical geniuses who are crazy about each other. And hey, I like Flash Sentry now! I knew the kid had it in him.
(Oh hey did we just get a forecast of tomorrow)
For serious though, it's hard to write a love story with a third wheel and Flash sidesteps that neatly just by being really cool. Also would not object to seeing more of.
Also that Golden WIsh cameo was there just to freak me out wasn't it.
Final verdict: All of my yes out of ten. Universe worth someday returning to for funsies.
I agree, this was very action packed. Maybe a little long for a one shot, but hey it's your story. I would personally love to see a set of stories involving this universe.
Loved this Story!
This Flash is well done...
Keep up the great work.
7591109 Neither is Wagner baroque, darling
Wow, this one was much longer than the rest, and way more adventurous. Though I find Sci-Twi a bit annoying with how she rushed off into the unknown, but then that's part of what makes this relationship interesting, with Sunset as the sensible one, and Sci-Twi as the, well, mad scientist. I liked the other Flash, very sensible and loyal and a good guide for them. Fun adventure story, too bad just one more Sunset shipping story to go, thanks for the great week!
I would like to see a continuation of this, maybe have the queens visit Canterlot High and hilarity ensures.
Seriously loved this although I am disappointed that we did not get to see more of Queen Sunset and Queen Twilight. Would have been awesome to see what their reactions were to seeing other versions of themselves. Kinda sad that was skipped over, oh well, still an awesome story.
Have a like and a favorite.
1 more story to go for the week of Sunset Shipping, time to see if any of our theories are correct.
I'll be back with a proper comment later, once I find time to properly sift through 16k words (for pony's sake Oroboro, some of us have lives! We can't spend all our time reading your horsewords no matter how much we want to! )
I know. He's a Romantic. I didn't say he was Baroque. Didn't actually say he was anything.
7591307 I was just fooling, have been since the start. Hence the wink at your post and the over-the-top italics and exclamation mark in mine.
And here goes the SunLight one. But urgh, 16k word really. I can take it on multi chapter story, but over 10k one shot are a mouthful to take.
Anyway, this was adventurous. Started all science fiction, middle with a Romeo and Juliet kind of scenario, to end up in an epic DnD tale.
So tomorrow is the last one. Are gonna have the harem story that most of believe in or are you gonna surprise us.
Also too bad the first stories didn't stay in the feature box. It would have been an amazing feat if you had all your seven story in it.
Just my taste, but it is a little frustrating to be dropped into the climax of someone else's story- I wonder how the heck the Queens were apparently taken off guard like that. But all that's just window dressing after all- the important thing is that, once again, the Twilight and Sunset we know, and their bond, are just about perfectly characterized. Heck, it was easy enough to recognize Flash within the grizzled soldier he became.
Now to savor the wait for the finale....
I hope the next one is human world Sunset.
I didn't recognize the significance of the chapter name until the comments, but I was definitely thinking of Chrono Trigger by the time they stepped into the Chapel. Sunset and Twilight even match up with Marle and Lucca fairly cleanly, with Flash standing in for Frog. Good stuff.
I love that this story in addition to being good romance was a giant omage to a part from Chrono Trigger.
As Mugen already pointed out, this seems to be heavily inspired by Chrono Trigger. And I love it.
My song of choice would have been this:
That was a really good story! After many days of sappy romance i enjoyed a nice action packed thriller romance to break up the monotony. I agree with a previous poster though, you should definitely write more action, your combat scenes flowed so well it was a joy to read. Let the SunLight continue to shine!
Sorry; I had to go there. I mean c'mon, with that setup? They even have a MALP!
:sigh: Goddamn demons. I'll call Sam and Dean.
***Three seconds later***
Oh, shit! It WAS demons!
Well that's a crapton better than the OTHER hiking trip you took as a kid...
Great story; feels rushed here and there, but then again that was exactly the point Sunset kept making to Twilight (a little bit of in-character lampshading never hurt anypony). Really enjoyed seeing Flash get a better treatment than he does in most cases, even it was an alternate version of him.
Also, I agree with Sunset; I was holding out hope for Sombra or Nightmare Moon or sumthin',
At first I was like:
"Yaaaaaay, more Sci-Twi x Sunset, instant fav"
Saw that Flash is in the story
"No favs for you"
Read the fimfic, and I was like:
"Damn, this deserves the fav x3"
More like this pleaaaaase Q_Q
Wasn't expecting this for a SunLight story........
Ok, I was expecting science, but more like a science fair........
Good story.
7591064 Two words for you; Past Sins.
starwars rebels referrence?
7593181 Star Trek actually
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne.
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
I gotta say, I really liked how you did Flash here, and I'm gratified that so many commenters seem to like it too. There's so much hate out there for Flash, so I always like stories that give him an actual personality and background and make him a genuinely real character (good or bad). Granted this is technically a different Flash, but the point still stands.
I'm not the only one that got Chrono Trigger thoughts when reading this, right?
goddamnit oro sci-twi sunlight is my one true weakness i might actually be compelled to get off my lazy ass and read your bullshit now god i hate you so much why brb dragging skirts into this
also this story is total skirtsbait
also your avatar is cute and it makes me angry
Also, I should start properly constructing my sentences.
I'm enjoying this story, but how the crap can Sunset read the rank insignias of another universe?
In any case, this was a lot of fun, a great penultimate entry into the series, and a most unexpected dip into adventure. That last fight was fantastic, especially Twilight's involvement. Thank you for this. On to the final installment!
This was such a fun story. Is it wrong that I wouldn't mind seeing more of this parallel world and its people?
Really Sunset, I never figured you for lacking in imagination. You're messing about with inter-planar portals! The worst that could happen is that you accidentally delete the entire multiverse.
Excellent read. Badass commander friend Flash Sentry is improved Flash Sentry. Queens Sunset and Twilight sexting now there's a thought. Spike is still a dragon that is good.
Songs listened to while reading:
Wind Scene
Manoria Cathedral
Silent Light
Boss Battle 2
All Chrono Trigger. Because of the title.
I swear! That's a Soyro 2 reference. Or at least that's what came to my head when I read that. XD
I always love it when I catch references to other stories the author has written. Makes me feel well versed in the fimfiction classics.
Nice story, all around. You should take Sunset on more adventures.
Some corrections, no malice:
delete 'the'
Wel. That was a bit strong in the 'homage' department. Starring
Sunset as Crono/Marle, Twilight as Lucca/Marle, Flash as Frog, and the Chancellor as the Chancellor/Magus.
Sunset is a fighter…and resembles the queen, but younger, and is to be trotted out as a body double to fix the problems of the queen vanishing…and also Has No Problem With This.. Twilight has a gun and is nerdy and purple-haired. Flash does an Epic Cleave through a demon. The queens've been abducted to a cathedral quite close to a castle in a forest…except, more precisely, to hidden passages underneath it. There are demons posing as nuns.
Okay, this one's my favorite. that surprises anyone that the one with Twi and Sunny is my favorite.
Seriously, great short glimpse into a fun fantasy world. I'd love to see more of this particular universe.
I love this line.
Okay, didn't get a chance to get to the other fics, so pick up with the big one. Sci-Twi and Sunset go on an epic journey.
Well I know this is for the whole portal test, but I'm going to pretend for a second it's Sunset asking if Sci-Twi is ready to go for a 'pony ride'.
"I mean, if all the other girls ended up being lesbians, only fair to find out if I am too."
Now to work out if that is some obscure reference to anything.
important to get those patents filed quickly. To bad I'm sure there is some Patent Troll out there sitting on "A means to cross dimensions" as some patent filed like ten years ago on the back of napkin who will sue you the moment you make any profit from this.
Well that was exposited out of the way quickly. Still it's meant as a one shot little story about these two hooking uip, not some massive epic about their adventures. Still this would make one hell of a set up for such.... Though how did they do it without magic?
Yes.... that does not sound the least bit dangerous.
Damnit Sci-Twi you are supposed to be smart!
Exactly. Granted WORST case is you cause a fracture in the underlying fabric of the multiverse itself causing ALL realities to crumble.
'Well you asked."
Ah and going with it right out in the open for a change. I do like how each of these has a different take on ways a relationship starts out. AJ, both coming to better understand and grow close to each other as they spend a lot of time alone together. Rarity, the other mare slowly developing feelings for Sunset over time that Sunset doesn't return, so much as agree to see if they can get work. RD, both bonding over competitiveness till they reach the point of either fighting or fucking, and choose fucking, Pinkie, Pinkie having a hidden crush on Sunset, Fluttershy, Sunset being the one with the hidden crush, and now Twi with an outright crush.
Trying to to take advantage of the newbie, quite the Gentlemare Sunset. Good on you.
Yes yes it is.
And in another story, this being SO blatant a handwave plot device would be a much bigger issue. But given this relly is just all a straight up excuse to get to the main plot and not the real focus... it gets some leeway.
Or a disintegration field...
.. Please tell me she is not stupid enough to just rush through.....
Oh thank Faust....
Goddess speed young rodent! You shall forever be remembered for your heroism!
If not...... can we at least get a cameo from Death of Rats fro Discworld? SQUEAK!
The not often talked about hazards of this kind of thing... and yes definitely the more pressing worry.
Which might actually be worse, still nice bit of not taking a joke to far
Twilight.... you are SUCH a nerd. So, which one? "The Right Stuff" theme? "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" maybe?
Ah right "Bombastic classical" yup, Wagner would have been my third choice. "(Don't) Kill da wa-at! (Don't) Kill da wa-at!"
Didn't hook up a wi-fi link to it to transmit back through in real time? Even just tape a cell phone to it on live record?
So not going by Stargate physics, also, how do you know this? it's an open portal, the photons of the EM signal should be able to pass through.... Or, does it require a certain amount of mass to breach the surface tension of the portal? Why not a hardline then?
Exactly, and that works even when the portal is closed.
Or both, and in a smaller world where the little rover is a massive mechanical monstrosity that destroys a city, leading to the populace bio-engineering massive Kaiju to fend off further attacks.
.... how... I mean I know the how really does not matter here, but the more the story talks about it and brings it up, the more it raises questions that I kind of want answered, rather then just sweeping it all under the "Science" banner and getting on with things.
........... If you see any standing circles of stone, and Elves... get the fuck out of there and destroy that portal.......
Nice troll, and yeah, that would be fun. Hell you could make a small fortune off that.
yeah, Sunset's actually LIVED one of those already.
1. either added " here, or earlier if the as Celestia student part was meant to be internal.....
2. "Long periods of boredom punctuated by brief moment of utter terror."
Until tonight when the Xenomorph inside breaks free and begins infesting the school.....
Assuming that you have equipment that could detect them if they are radially different the on Earth.. or weren't altered to be like Earth ones in route.
One, is it like, actually around the portal as in forming it.. or just, kind of written all over the rock?
Whelp your own fault when you get a face full of alien wing-wong later.
Also, and looked how THAT turned out.....
Twilight, this is SUNSET, the absolute master of "Did not think this through" and making idiotic decisions when it comes to other worlds... telling you something is a bad idea... listen to her.
Now would be a good time to channel some Littlepip.....
"Going to other world wit Twi b/c she did an RD. If not back in hour, send Prin-Twi to save us. KTHXBAI"
To bad... Sunset Griffon would be awesome
Well, if there is, as seems to be the case between EQG and Equestria, at least it seems to be stabilized and time pass the same while the portal is open.
"This is my experiment, I can use the giant death ray of doom if I want!"
Twilight... you are ostensibly a smart girl..... HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF TAUNTING MURPHY!
... is she REALLY this naive? The two are nothing the fuck alike Twilight! There you KNEW about risks and knew what to expect, here... for all you know this is some TOS "This Way to Eden" type planet where all the plant life excrete a deadly acid.
Now I'm torn, on the one hoof, you are assuming it's something Sunset can deal with, when she just mentions some really really bad thing. On the other hoof.... watching Sunset take down a bear would be awesome....
I get that.... but she's acting like a freaking idiot about it. Her being excited is perfectly understandable..... seeming suicidal.. not so much.
Why am I not the least bit surprised Sunset's first reaction to potential threat is "I'll cut ya! I'll cut ya bitch!"
... Now I want the story of that.. was it just practice or.. did she get up to some really fun adventures?
Because apparently ponies have this thing called a self preservation instinct that you seem to be lacking.
Also.... buuuuuurrrrnnnnn!
oh......... OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! This... this does make sense now. She likes Sunset, but the others are so much closer, they've shared so much, Twi is hoping to have some alone time with Sunset, and to go on a grand, epic adventure that helps them bond......
Twilight.. be careful what you wish for......
Same, nice idea, stupid execution. Also, that, plus max ranks in intimidate and your +2 brass balls.
....... Did Sci-Twi invent a freaking laser weapon?
She built a magical ray gun? That is at once both so ludicrous, and so awesome.
She did kind of say that before you even crossed over.
Do you even have weapon proficiency with that thing?
Or, you know, they simply have horses they ride like EQGverse....
Ehhhh... I.. can't really argue with that.. but it still seems like a bad idea....
It's been years since she's had a proper rutting......
Twilight.... nitpicking apart the details is supposed to be MY job.....
Well fuck.. let's hope he's wearing a red shirt under that armor......
So... he's played by Harrison Ford in this one?
Well..... at least you not the evil sorceress who tried to take over the land and has a 'behead on site' decree out on them. Granted, what's the penalty for impersonating royalty here?
.... well said. But again, this really is a good time to go full Littlepip so.... "Oh Luna rape me with the Moon..."
......... wait...Twi........ okay THAT is hilarious...
Time to tap into that magical field?
Magical bitch slap on the Flash.... AWESOME. Secondly... yeah do not fuck with her friends....
And yeah, I can totally see Sunset stepping right in to fake it and figuring things out rapidly, she is smart like that and really good at adapting.
Sunset.... this is Flash, there is no such thing as 'to much contempt' for him.
Ohhh, nice turn around. So...... this world's Sunset actually get captured by Evil-Twi?
....... How does she know what ranks mean here?
'I have this dungeon fantasy scene all laid out in my head, trust me it will be so damn hot."
Sunset.... it's YOU, only actually being royalty..... we all know that ain't happening.
Well, one easy solution to that issue......
How often has she actually been in combat?
Well, true all the fights she likely got in.. mostly of her own making.
....... And yeah.. can't deny this seems to be big case with her pupils. Still... better off then someone under Xavier's tutelage as far as constant threats go.
So is that a "because it's to late for that." or a "I'd be fine hurting him more"? I'm all for the latter.
And that makes sense, give her something she can make sense of to deal with.
Kinf od d'awwww. So, Magic just that hard to do here, or is it a case of Sunset just not knowing how to do it easier? Trying to force it to behave like the Equestrian magic she's used to?
yet at the same time
....... This Sunset was running away from something, wasn't she?
........ Wording choice Sunset.... wording choice......... you really might want to think over what you just said....
Well, seems this lands Sunset is a bit of a hard assed bitch..... gee who'd have thought?
And you didn't? A once in a lifetime chance to truly be treated like a queen..... Well at least you are enjoying the pampering. Now to see what clothing, or lack there of, they leave you freshly cleaned new playing in your room in.
Given ti's Sci Twi, likely something more along the lines of
Sunset...... you've been down this road before......
Okay, good on you for being able to not let it go to your head.
Battle Queen... nice.
Ummm, okay then.... did not see that coming but.. okay.
Oh, most certainly..... Just remember that if another version of you shows up and starts rifling through your stuff.
Well then.... I kind of saw that coming. Still... keep reading, maybe there are details! And, so Sunset want's to hook up with Sci-Twi, she's not allowed to, and.. upcoming arranged political marriage? So this Sunset ran away to have hot, magical lesbian sex with Witch-Twi instead?
And you aren't sharing///unset.. for shame.
Still, go go medieval magical phone sex
Blush, squeak, tremble, ad try to change the subject?
He really doesn't have a sister, and this Sunset would rip his lips off for being so direct, right?
How the fuck is Flash... competent?
... what a waste.....
Always great to see practicality in a fighter
As much as I hate saying this... yeah.. this Flash doesn't really deserve that... nor does the other one.. just.. roughed up a bit.
Come on, it really is stupid, and who the hell would use THAT stupid a lie if it wasn't true?
..... holy shit actually going that way.....
"Trust me, you'll love it.. especially page 69, damn I kind of want to try that with my Twilight now...."
"If she is even half as kinky as this Twilight......... I am so getting me a piece of that."
That they just conveniently started talking about right in front of you.......
Okay, that makes more sense... Nobles trying to take over?
It's okay Twilight.. not being allowed to shot Flash would bum a lot of people out.
Suuuuuuurrrreeeeeee........ I bet they were all wrapped in Twilitia flags and screaming their love of their stereotypical native delicacy while also humming their national anthem while they did it....
Why? just have Sunset pretend to be the Queen.
Well you got a few hours and you are a quick study, have Flash give you enough of a crash course that you can fake it well enough to buy some time to find the real Queen.
Given there is at least one AU where you end up banging everyone. Not really.
Having an adventure!
And now you get hat AND a chance to ogle Sunset in her underwear. Lucky you.
Oh sorry kind of got lost i thought for a moment.....
That's it Twilight, true courage is not never being afraid, it's being afraid, but doing what you have to anyway.
Sunset.. you are on a time table, just kiss her, slip a hand down her pants and tell her you know she wants to ride you hard.
That was rather sweet, and still in the 'Sunset takes relationships rather lightly and is more then open to just seeing where things go, without being deeply in love" angle.
Sci-Twi not so good at riding? Or, just in general both of you suck?
Ya think!?
"And I'm not talking about the person behind me....."
Huh.... fair enough excuse.. smart move.
That is never a good sign.......
You really, REALLY had to do that, didn't you?
Well, if a trick works.... seriously, how many people fall for that?
Okay.. that seems a tad extreme.. then again it IS Golden Wish, and that whole sulfur smell so... literal Demons then I take it?
Yeah better response would have been "I don't have a brother, you must be mistaken me for someone else." Or in Sunset's case just a "Your sister?" In a way that could be a "What are you talking about."
... I'm going to blame Flash for that one, because, well, it's Flash Sentry.
You know it wont be that easy....
Awww yeah, time to kick some ass!
Harry Dresden would be proud.
Yes, yes she did.... and who wants to lay odds she closed her eyes before she did so?
... How the hells did you give that thing a stun setting?
So, this worlds Twilight actually evil.... or these Demons just here to keep their honeymoon a secret? Or going after both of this worlds Sunlight pair?
And now.. Dresden would be impressed. Nice job.
But.... they were Diamond Dogs......... not exactly the same threat level here....
16,000 words of nonsensical fun. I can't believe I powered through that in one setting. Totally worth it though. The story was fun and never took itself too seriously. And of course, best ship. Times two! Well, only one more story to go.
And this is my own choice for the final battle music.
I love this story!