• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Just a gal writing about gals bein pals


  • Registered: Dec 23rd, 2013

Stories ( 37 )

Top Stories

  • TA Suit With Sincerity
    Pretending to be Rarity's boyfriend at her cousin's wedding isn't the weirdest thing Sunset Shimmer has ever had to do for her friends. It might even be fun. But just what is Rarity hoping to get out of this subterfuge in the first place?
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  • ELittle Apple
    Apple is a funny word, one that Winona doesn't quite understand. Her family uses it to refer to food, trees, themselves and to each other. It's very silly. But either way, she'll always be there for the pony she knows as Little Apple.
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  • TThe Sun Sets Over the Apple Orchard
    When Applejack needs a hand around the farm during harvest, Sunset Shimmer is the only girl who has time to help. During the long hours of work and, they grow close, learn more about each other, and discover what family means to each of them.
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  • ELost and Never Found
    Helping a lost filly find her way home should have been a walk in the park for Princess Twilight Sparkle, but this time things turned out to be a bit stranger than she was expecting.
    Oroboro · 3.9k words  ·  917  17 · 8.6k views