• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Just a gal writing about gals bein pals


I wrote a thing. · 2:57pm April 11th

Not pony. An angsty Satoko/Rika fic, from the franchise Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni.

The fandom overlap here is probably vanishingly small, but maybe someone will be interested.

It's 2019, and Rika is back from her travels, visiting her closest friends in the world. All of them have spouses, have children. It's hard to keep denying that absence in her own life, so she finally comes out as a lesbian.

Satoko doesn't take this well.

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Report Oroboro · 256 views ·

Everfree Northwest · 9:48pm Jul 20th, 2023

Hey folks. I'll be attending Everfree Northwest this year, and will hosting a panel on Saturday as well!

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Report Oroboro · 523 views ·

New Owl House Story: Something to Share · 12:24am Jan 1st, 2023

I wrote a new story, as part of a Christmas fic exchange, for my good friend R5h.

Luz shares an important place with Amity; memories both playful and painful.

Amity learns from the past and mends something broken.

It's the best date they've been on yet.

It can be found here.

They wrote a story for me too, which should also be checked out here.

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Report Oroboro · 323 views · #The Owl House

I wrote a new story! · 5:44pm Mar 18th, 2022

When Luz Noceda was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.
When Amity Blight was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.

... it's not a pony story though.

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Report Oroboro · 811 views · #The Owl House #Luz #Amity

Sunset Shipping Contest Print now available! · 2:38pm May 13th, 2021

Hello folks. I guess I haven't posted here in awhile, and that's not likely to change past this. But still, I have good news.

The print copy of Chasing the Sunset, a collection of all 13 winners for the three Sunset Shipping contests is now available on Lulu.

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Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings Results · 3:21am Nov 28th, 2019

Sunset Shipping Contest - Endings Results!

Sorry for taking so long! Life gets in the way sometimes, and this particular batch of stories was rather heavy.

But it’s over and done with, and ready to give you what you’ve been waiting for. We’ve read through 57 different stories about relationships ending, and now here are the best of them.

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Endings is closed. · 5:49am Sep 16th, 2019

The story submission folder has been closed.

If you submitted the story to the site and forgot to add it to the folder, pm me.

If you're one of the new authors who's stories still need manual approval, don't worry, we'll get it taken care of in the morning.

Go read my vanity entry to the contest.
And also everyone else's, I guess.

I have a lot of judging to do.


Less than 24 hours remain · 6:40am Sep 15th, 2019

I'm in a hotel room and up too late. Lots of late entries are pouring in, and I'm sure there's plenty more to come.

As a reminder, the deadline is 11:59 PM CDT on September 15th. As long as your story is submitted before then, it'll be good, even if it doesn't make it through the story approval queue right away. One of the story approvers is on the judging team, Majin Syeekoh, so we've got you covered there.

Best of luck to you all.

Report Oroboro · 810 views ·

It's September. · 4:42pm Sep 2nd, 2019

Two weeks remain for the deadline to the Sunset Shipping Contest. We're at 13 entries so far, and I know a lot of people are still hard at work.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone has to offer, and wish you all the best of luck on getting your entry in.

Also, I've been working on a vanity entry to the contest myself, which should be ready shortly for your reading perusal.


Good article on relationships · 4:22pm Aug 20th, 2019


This is an excellent article on the things it takes to make a successful relationship work.

For those of you participating in the Sunset contest, or thinking about it, this is also an article about all the different points in which relationships can fall apart.

Report Oroboro · 422 views ·