Rarity explores the memories of her wife, Sunset.
To relive all of the little moments that made their life together so special.
And to say goodbye.
Just a gal writing about gals bein pals
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Rarity explores the memories of her wife, Sunset.
To relive all of the little moments that made their life together so special.
And to say goodbye.
This story is a sequel to A Rock Facing West
Sunset Shimmer would never break up with Marble Pie. Sure, the relationship could be going better—a lot better—but ending it would break Marble's heart. Only a really terrible person would do that, and Sunset is done being the bad guy.
Unfortunately, it looks like someone else has decided to be the bad guy for her.
This is an (ineligible) entry into my own contest.
Special thanks to Sam Rose for the amazing cover art, and to R5h for editing.
It's been a month since Sunset and Trixie started dating, and Trixie is dragging Sunset off to CornFest 2018, to meet her parents and see where she grew up. But family isn't always what it's cracked up to be, and sometimes there's a reason to leave home behind.
My own (vanity) entry to the Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys
This story is a sequel to 404: Romance Not Found
Twilight buys Rarity the perfect gift to celebrate their relationship.
Too bad it's cursed.
Dashing swordswomen, wizened wizards, bitter revenge, and the power of true love.
All part and parcel of Twilight's favorite book. And what better way to spend an afternoon with her sick girlfriend?
Vaguely inspired by The Princess Bride.
An entry into Aragon's Comedy is Serious Business Contest, under the Prompt, "We Learned Something Narrative."
Thanks to r5h, Kalan, and Novel Idea for editing.
Thanks to multiversecruise for the coverart.
There's a problem at the Pie Quarry. One that Sunset Shimmer is uniquely equipped to handle.
Dealing with magic is easy. Dealing with cute quiet girls is too, but to solve this one, Sunset is going to need to dig deep. Real deep.
Getting rejected by Sunset seems like a pretty good reason for Twilight to hole herself up in her room for three days. But when Rarity comes asking for help to develop a website for Carousel Boutique, Twilight can't ignore a friend.
Both of them may find they have something to learn about rejection, how to deal with it, and if a friendship really can become something more intimate.
An entry in Monochromatic's "Interwoven Colors" contest.
Cover art by Novel-Idea.
Sunset is bored. Discord is bored. What better way to solve their problems than a wacky time travel adventure? A trip to a strange and mysterious era, where nothing makes sense, and everything Sunset knows about the world is called into question.
The Nineteen-Eighties.
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza receives a lot of love letters every Hearts and Hooves Day. Most of them are harmless, maybe even a little silly. Most. Some precious few are too sincere, too earnest for that.
This can have unintended consequences in a kingdom powered by a love radiating artifact.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders have gotten pretty good at helping ponies find and understand their cutie marks. They could even be considered experts on the subject.
A cutie mark that's vanished might prove a bit trickier.
Apple Bloom knows of a few things that could remove a cutie mark, but she'll have to dig deep to find the cause of this strange phenomenon, and help a poor filly get her destiny back.