• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
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Just a gal writing about gals bein pals

More Blog Posts84

  • 15 weeks
    I wrote a thing.

    Not pony. An angsty Satoko/Rika fic, from the franchise Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni.

    The fandom overlap here is probably vanishingly small, but maybe someone will be interested.

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    3 comments · 256 views
  • 53 weeks
    Everfree Northwest

    Hey folks. I'll be attending Everfree Northwest this year, and will hosting a panel on Saturday as well!

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    9 comments · 523 views
  • 81 weeks
    New Owl House Story: Something to Share

    I wrote a new story, as part of a Christmas fic exchange, for my good friend R5h.

    Luz shares an important place with Amity; memories both playful and painful.

    Amity learns from the past and mends something broken.

    It's the best date they've been on yet.

    It can be found here.

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    1 comments · 323 views
  • 123 weeks
    I wrote a new story!

    When Luz Noceda was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.
    When Amity Blight was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.

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    12 comments · 811 views
  • 167 weeks
    Sunset Shipping Contest Print now available!

    Hello folks. I guess I haven't posted here in awhile, and that's not likely to change past this. But still, I have good news.

    The print copy of Chasing the Sunset, a collection of all 13 winners for the three Sunset Shipping contests is now available on Lulu.

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    15 comments · 1,224 views

I wrote a new story! · 5:44pm Mar 18th, 2022

When Luz Noceda was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.
When Amity Blight was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.

... it's not a pony story though.

Last time I published a story was in September 2019, which feels like an entire lifetime ago. Since then, I've mostly drifted away from pony. It just doesn't capture my interest the way it used to.

But in September 2021 I finally got around to watching The Owl House, and I was bitten by that fandom bug again. Ideas struck me, and I had to start putting them to paper again. Which I've got to say, feels great.

So I cranked out this story pretty quickly, and then sat on it for 6 months waiting for commissioned cover art and editors to get around to it. Took until the day before new episodes aired, but hey. It's finally ready.

And that's not all! In those intervening months I've been hard at work on another TOH story, this one a novel length murder mystery. For those of you who've been my fan since the beginning, I'm finally returning to my roots. The story is currently 40k words long, and about 1/3rd of the way complete. It's been an absolute blast to work on.

For all those of you who aren't familiar with The Owl House, well. I highly recommend it. Will this story be worth it without that knowledge? No idea.

Big thanks to everyone who helped me with this story, and to Kare-Valgon for the cover art.

Comments ( 12 )
Wanderer D

Oh shit. I'll be checking it out!

This story was great fun to edit. Thanks for giving me the opportunity!

... it's not a pony story though.


I'll allow it. :scootangel:

Author Interviewer


shows that I need to watch need to stop coming out so quickly D:

Where do I find it? Can you send a link or something?

The link was in the picture. I made it slightly more clear though, in the text underneath as well.

... it's not a pony story though.

There are stories that aren’t pony stories?

Ive been looking to read some good TOH fanfics and this looks like the perfect place to start.

New Oroboro story? I'll give it a read.

Looks like fun:pinkiehappy:.

Sweet! I didn't know you existed on the archive as well! I will read it as fast as I can!

Dude, I JUST got into Owl house last week and I was hoping to find a decent place with OH fanfics.
Totally reading this!

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