• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2013
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Just a gal writing about gals bein pals

More Blog Posts84

  • 15 weeks
    I wrote a thing.

    Not pony. An angsty Satoko/Rika fic, from the franchise Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni.

    The fandom overlap here is probably vanishingly small, but maybe someone will be interested.

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    3 comments · 256 views
  • 53 weeks
    Everfree Northwest

    Hey folks. I'll be attending Everfree Northwest this year, and will hosting a panel on Saturday as well!

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    9 comments · 523 views
  • 81 weeks
    New Owl House Story: Something to Share

    I wrote a new story, as part of a Christmas fic exchange, for my good friend R5h.

    Luz shares an important place with Amity; memories both playful and painful.

    Amity learns from the past and mends something broken.

    It's the best date they've been on yet.

    It can be found here.

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    1 comments · 323 views
  • 123 weeks
    I wrote a new story!

    When Luz Noceda was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.
    When Amity Blight was eight years old, she made an imaginary friend.

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    12 comments · 811 views
  • 167 weeks
    Sunset Shipping Contest Print now available!

    Hello folks. I guess I haven't posted here in awhile, and that's not likely to change past this. But still, I have good news.

    The print copy of Chasing the Sunset, a collection of all 13 winners for the three Sunset Shipping contests is now available on Lulu.

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    15 comments · 1,225 views

Sunset Shipping Contest Print now available! · 2:38pm May 13th, 2021

Hello folks. I guess I haven't posted here in awhile, and that's not likely to change past this. But still, I have good news.

The print copy of Chasing the Sunset, a collection of all 13 winners for the three Sunset Shipping contests is now available on Lulu.



This collection features the following stories:

Dappled Shored, by MaxKodan

The Girl Who Couldn't Change, by R5h

...But it Often Rhymes, by Posh

Driver's Side, by DrakeyC

Lost in Paradise, by NaiadSaglotaOar

One Night in Buckkok, by StillInBeta

Neither Rhyme, Nor Reason, by Posh

Stopping by Woods on a Sunny Afternoon, by King of Beggars

Small Insignificant Things, by DrugOverlord

Arrhythmia, by Posh


A Letter To My Lover, and One For Myself, by King of Beggars

Zealots of Canterlot, by Aquaman

All of these fantastic stories are of course, still available for free on the website, but if you'd like to own a collection you can hold in your hands, you now can. As was promised, all of the contest winners have already had copies ordered for them, as part of their prizes.

Note: This collection is being sold at print cost, meaning there is no profit generated from sales, except to Lulu, the printing company.

Special thanks to RBDash47, of Ponyfeather Publishing, who toiled many long hours to get this collection polished enough for printing, since I certainly don't have the book formatting skills to make it shine.

Thanks again to all the authors who submitted stories for these contests. They were a hell of a fun time. I've pretty much moved on from the fandom at this point, but there are still plenty of good memories.

Comments ( 15 )

Well, I know what I'm getting. Also, if that profile pic change means what I think it does, hi sister!

I've pretty much moved on from the fandom at this point, but there are still plenty of good memories.

Well, take care, wherever life leads you. đź‘‹

I cannot for the life of me figure out who that girl Sunset is shipping herself with is. Could she perhaps be the embodiment of all Sunset shipping, the personification of all Sunset’s possible loves, made manifest?

Also likely: it is a Smoochbot. Sunset built it so she could make out. Its name is 5M00C4 and it can kiss with the force of ten thousand hydraulic pistons and apply hundreds of pounds of force per square inch.

I forget what this blog was about. I think Oro is selling knives?

5517866 promised me four dollars to edit his stories and make them good enough to place in the finals of these contests, a hefty task, as anyone who's ever seen one of his first drafts would know. I fulfilled my end of the bargain, but when I went to collect my payment, he pointed at something behind me and ran away when I looked. I tried again a week later, and he did the exact same thing. Can't believe I fell for it twice. The third time he set off a smoke bomb, and the fourth time he faked his death and skipped town. This went on for nearly two years, until last week, when he finally made good on the debt. But he paid me in Blockbuster giftcards.

Please help spread the word about P*sh and his many crimes against humanity.

5517870 Am I truly a bad person for identifying someone stupid, then exploiting them? No. In fact, that makes me the greatest person who ever lived. Even greater than Joshua Abraham Norton.

Also a quick shout-out to Soup Boy here, as well as AndrewRogue and Hugmuffin, who worked with me on all three installments. I credit Andrew, specifically, with how well the first story turned out. If he hadn’t threatened to kill me, and replace me with a replicant, I never would have redrafted the story to make Cheerilee less creepy.

Site Blogger


Could she perhaps be the embodiment of all Sunset shipping, the personification of all Sunset’s possible loves, made manifest?


I'm not much of an EQG fan, but my bud Ice Star highly recommends I check this out, so I might have one pressed.

I can reliably trust his taste.

Good to see this compilation published at last.

Wherever your future takes you, Oro, I hope it's to good, happy places :twilightsmile:

5517901 your FACE is :twilightsmile:

boom, gotten lmao

Are you still writing elsewhere?

Not really at the moment, but perhaps I'll get back on that horse someday.

i c wut u did thar

Man, I miss Durandall

He was a good dude. I had some good times hanging out in his IRC circa 2011, and working on that visual novel adaptation. Hell, I still have all the old files somewhere.

Thanks for all the great stories, and thanks for getting so many people to write so many more great stories.

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