• Member Since 4th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


How could you do this? And on Jueves?!



For four years, Sunset Shimmer has carried a torch for Miss Cheerilee, and for four years, she's struggled to look at her without thinking of the one who got away.

First place in the Changing Seasons Sunset Shipping Contest!

Edited by AndrewRogue

Art by LeekFish, used with permission

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 58 )

This, thus far, is super cute and intriguing! :D I'll totally get on finishing this ASAP. :pinkiehappy: "Sixty page annotated biblography" I totally know that feel.

I can ask LeekFish about using the art. We're friends IRL. Give me a few seconds.

8400375 Don't suppose you've heard back?

Aw, well this was just full of cute moments all over! Sunset x Cheerilee isn't the strangest pairing I've ever seen, but it's probably the best written strange pairing I've seen recently. As much as I loved the development of our main couple, I thought Flash and Derpy (I know it's 'Muffins' but old habits die hard) ending up together was a cute nod to the running gag from the films.

I'm curious, is this canon to the TMG series? I remember you mentioning you were making another story in that universe, but aren't sure whether this is it. I can kind of see it fitting in.

8402223 Not gonna lie, I would be content with Flash and Derpy Muffins ending up together in the series. I'm pretty sure they're setting up Sunset and Flash, though.

Also, no, this is a standalone and not connected to any of the other continuities I've set up. Though the Eyeball, being a luminous cosmic entity without the constraints of linear space/time, is probably aware of is particular reality, and ships Sunset and Cheerilee together. The sequel I have in mind is actually a direct sequel to that story.

I should create a separate category on my profile for my standalones, come to think of it.

Sent you a PM, but you're good to go! :D

Something tells me Sci-Twi is running a meth lab... After all, she wasn't in Crystal Prep for nothing.

Also, I can see where that "sexual predator Cherilee" from your blog comes from :pinkiehappy:


That was a really strong and good story, and I'm astonished it's gotten such little exposure so far, even if it was only published two days ago. Kudos for writing a powerful pure romance, and I think you stand a good chance at winning this! Or at least doing real well.


Sunset stares – she can't help but stare, because this filly is the most magnificent thing she's ever glimpsed. She gulps when the filly notices and turns a diamond-studded grin on her.

I've never had braces. But if I did, and if I felt insecure about them, I feel like this line would make me feel really confident about them instead: it's so good!

8403922 Hey, feel free to expose me if you'd like!

...Uh, you know what I mean. Heh.

I've never had braces. But if I did, and if I felt insecure about them, I feel like this line would make me feel really confident about them instead: it's so good!

D'aww. :heart:

This story was amazing. The characterizations for Cheerilee and Sunset were great, and the slow build-up of their relationship was wonderfully written. The flashbacks just served to accentuate and build the tension throughout the story, which I thought was a nice touch that helped set the atmosphere. All in all, I think this might be the strongest entry in the contest. Good luck!

La història va ser genial! Em va encantar el desenvolupament de personatges i la forma en què vau passar entre escenes! La vostra descripció m'ha fet feliç i espero que ho feu bé. Assegureu-vos que no poseu la salsa a la bugaderia.

I loved this story. And not just because I've had a framed mini print of the cover art on my shelf for years.

Cheerilee was one of my favorite background ponies for awhile in the early seasons of the show. The version that you've created doesn't really match what I had constructed inside my head, but for the most part I like what you've done with her. That being said, this Cheerilee did feel a little... weak-willed? The scholarly streak makes sense, and it's an obvious way to connect her to Sunset (SunLight works, so turning Cheerilee into Twilight works), but throughout much of the story I couldn't help but feel that she's written to be much less mature than Sunset. This led to some mixed feelings when she tore up her resignation letter, and when she ended up sleeping with Sunset. I can understand these actions, but they felt immature.

I can't help but feel that you did that intentionally, however. In the first chapter you very explicitly established that in terms of developmental age, Cheerilee is only a year older than Sunset, and Sunset's wider variety of experiences in her life would give her a more experienced outlook on the world. So I guess I should say that you did a good job of making Cheerilee old enough to be a teacher, but young enough to do something this immature!

All in all, this is a really cute story. Sunset's trepidation about the relationship is well developed, and Cheerilee's is self-evident. The important part is that in the end, there was a big ol' helping of d'awww!


I can't help but feel that you did that intentionally, however. In the first chapter you very explicitly established that in terms of developmental age, Cheerilee is only a year older than Sunset, and Sunset's wider variety of experiences in her life would give her a more experienced outlook on the world. So I guess I should say that you did a good job of making Cheerilee old enough to be a teacher, but young enough to do something this immature!

Your comment inspired an idea for a possible sequel to this story (one that I might not get around to writing for a while :twilightblush:).

So, thank you for doing that.

Not my personal favorite out of this contest, but I absolutely understand it winning.

Nicely done!

Very well done. This story definitely deserved 1st place. I never thought a Sunset/Cheerilee ship would work but this is super cute.

I can see why this won. Grats on an excellent story, man!


That being said, this Cheerilee did feel a little... weak-willed?

This may sound unkind to say about Cheerilee, but there's precedent for that. Do you realize how often she let others walk all over her in various episodes in earlier seasons, mostly Diamond Tiara? But you can also see shades of it in S06E14 - The Cart Before the Ponies. When the older sisters are being all unreasonable and insist on driving the carts themselves, instead of laying down the law and standing up for the fillies, she just rolls her eyes and permits this travesty to go on. There's enough of this kind of behavior to establish a clear pattern, as much as I don't really like it. I've thought more than once that Cheerilee could stand to show some backbone as an authority figure once in a while.

This probably isn't quite what what you were getting at, but I just felt like sharing my observation. I also like Cheerilee a lot and I think she's great, but this does seem to be a character flaw that she has.

That's a very good point, and one I won't disagree with.

That's honestly the most exciting bit of feedback I've ever gotten in reply to one of my comments! :pinkiegasp:

I guess it wasn't the most terrible thing I've ever read, but it still didn't have nearly enough tactical espionage action for a Posh story.

8538431 if only there were some way to insert tactical espionage into this story

perhaps in spinoff form



Would really suck if a couple numbers got smudged. Romance is nice but faulty lol

Dang, just read this and i loved it :heart:
But it's over, and this is the end. :fluttercry:

I'll miss you Sunnilee </3

T_T why'd it have to go and be bittersweet? My feels are confused, i just want a cheerylee, not a fearylee </3 *hugs the overworked teacher*

I need more of this ship now.

That moment when you realize how old Sunset actually is compared to Twilight. :rainbowderp:

Welp, this puts it over the word limit for the contest. I'm afraid you're going to have to send me that money back, and I'll just take the commission too and claim it's my own. :rainbowkiss:

Cute, bittersweet, and somehow all I want is more. It's a nice epilogue to an already fantastic story.

Came for cute fluffyness, got my heart ripped out with the ending. Good story though.

Sunset doesn't know that she is going to leave Cheerilee.

And Sunset doesn't know that Cheerilee has accepted this inevitability.

That's painful. Maybe it's true, but for Cheerilee to have accepted it? It's too late now. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ever wondered how to take a generally happy ending and retroactively fill it with bitterness? Do this.

I know that sounds like a complaint, but it's really not. Way to make us feel feelings ya jerk!

Edit: I will say, maybe this is just the hopeless optimist in me talking, but I do like how the "inevitable breakup" is still kinda ambiguous, and could just as easily be interpreted Cheerilee's own unfounded fears.

You can just say it... unless you think there's a meta-eldritch out here again. I don't see any imminent threat; you might lol.

Also, are you sure it was Moonie and not AB?

You're being too hard on yourself.

What do you mean "kinda"? :trollestia:

Author Interviewer

Okay, wait, this just got creepy. c.c

Author Interviewer

This is fucked up o.o

Author Interviewer

...Is the implication that this is the Equestrian Cheerilee? c.c I'm really not sure what this final chapter was going for.

It's a fact of life that all things end. You've addressed that in a way that, nevertheless, leaves us and the characters with hope for the present.

Heh. So was it obvious to Twilight and their classmates too?

9153693 Everybody is gay for Cheerilee.

Read the sequel (which works great on it's own by the way), came back for this, definitely adds context.

This is freaking wonderful story. This last chapter really ties it off beautifully, makes the whole thing feel much more real. It’s nice to see everything isn’t all ‘sunshine and rainbows’, even if I think some people in the comments are making is out to be a lot darker than I am. I think Cheerilee’s characteristic lack of self confidence is mostly to blame for that heavier interpretation. The things she sees as inevitable are merely transitory doubts that will fade with time and Sunset’s reassurances.
Luna is probably just jealous anyway; she likely felt a kinship with Sunset’s dark past but held herself back out of feelings of obligation.

Haven’t read the sequel yet, but I’m of the opinion that a story should never be judged with regards to them anyway. I don’t view sequels as being canon to their predecessors, only the predecessor is canon to the sequel. I know this isn’t the popular view, but I’m not trying to push it on anyone, so whichever.

I love how bittersweet that ending feels. Part of me is optimistic, I'm a little sappy under the hard cynic shell of apathy, but with Sunset's history and Cheerilee's self esteem this doesn't feel lasting. It's nnot an age gap thing or an experience thing, it just feels like one of those fireworks loves. Amazing and wonderful but if your not careful someone will be burned. I'm probably going to read the sequel part of me just wants to leave it off and end the story here.

I don't mind this ship. It is unique and I have not seen it before now.

I like the writing style. You really know how to build suspense. The characters and plot feel very realistic, kinda reminds me of high school dramas.

I really feel like I am Sunset, in all her nervousness. The banter in this story is pretty good, very interesting! Your writing style is also pretty descriptive and nostalgic.

This story made me believe in romance.

9517745 you probably shouldn't read the sequel

(thank you though. :heart:)

That adds drama, dontchaknow

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