• Member Since 4th Aug, 2011
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How could you do this? And on Jueves?!


Reaction Story Ideas · 7:11pm Dec 19th, 2022

Hello everybronie, it is I, Posh, actor, writer, philosopher, creator of the hit series “Big Octopi in Little Delphi,” inventor, writer, occasional male escort, deposed vice-regent of Luxembourg, writer, actor, critic, writer, and overall tall drink of water. I’m here today to discuss a new trend I’ve seen in the MLP fan fiction community: Reaction stories.

What is a reaction story?

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Chapter Eight is Live · 3:43am Jul 22nd, 2022

The real chapter eight. What was originally labeled as chapter eight, “Pasta al Forno,” was an April Fool’s joke that sprang from a ficlet Dubs wrote me for Jesus Day. The chapter titles and order have been rearranged to reflect this.

This chapter eight has less pasta, but a lot more parental abandonment issues. You also get the return of Cringeflower Bloob. But did she ever truly leave us?

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The Pros and Cons of Giving a Damn · 3:01am Jul 19th, 2022

"I'm not looking for pity. I'm trying to make a point. Girls like us can't rely on anyone, can't get attached to anyone. You just set yourself up to get hurt down the line when they're gone.

"’Cuz they're always gone, in the end."

Magica Ex Dolori
Chapter Eight


Donations Page: For Billy Kametz · 9:56pm Jun 13th, 2022

Billy Kametz has passed away.

For those of you who don’t know who that is, he is Ferdinand von Aegir. For those of you who don’t know who that is, first of all, shame on you. Second, he was also someone named Jotaro. In English.

Or Josuke. I don’t watch that show. He was someone named Jojo; I don’t know which one.

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Posh's Story Reviews: Folio The Second - Part Two - A Mire From Which There Can Be No Exodus · 6:46pm Jun 7th, 2022

Awoooo, awaaaaa, amooooooooo. I’ve finished communing with the Elder Spirits, those phantom deities which lend me their neurons to write these glorious literary critiques. They’ve guided me to two more stories, to add onto my previous blog. In exchange, they are slowly siphoning my lymphatic fluids for their own purposes (I think they carbonate it and use it as a mixer in cocktails).

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Posh's Story Reviews: Folio the Second · 10:42pm Mar 24th, 2022

I just returned from a place called Seven Elevenths, which serves a chilled beverage known as a Slappie. I wished to purchase one, but my Madness Meter exceeded one hundred percent when I tried to reduce the fraction in the store’s name. Both seven and eleven are prime numbers, and such reduction was impossible. madness. madness. inescapable.

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now................................. i've lost it · 7:49pm Dec 12th, 2021

I’m going to put this on my wall, in a prominent spot, so that people who try to visit me will see it, and immediately leave.

ty scampy


Posh's Story Reviews: Folio the First · 2:38am Sep 4th, 2021

I, Posh, have been inactive of late. Astonishingly inactive. The speed at which my fingers, so nimble and dexterous they, have flown across my board of letters has diminished significantly in recent days. Am I to blame the stars for my declining output? Arthritis? The vile social justice warriors injecting their odious “””politicseses”””””””””” into the media I consume?

The answer... is yes.

To all of them.

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Who are you, and why are you defending him? · 10:56pm Aug 17th, 2021

Are you riding his baloney pony~?!

Report Posh · 403 views ·

EFNW is upon us!!! · 1:17am Aug 14th, 2021

Come look for me! Bet you’ll never find me. :raritywink:

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Report Posh · 287 views · #;D