Sunset Shimmer knew she was better than the other ponies around her, even if she didn't have her cutie mark yet. She had to be.
She just needed to find a way to prove it.
Just a gal writing about gals bein pals
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Shimmer on, Sunset.
This was cute. I liked it.
I don't have anything else constructive to say, so I'll stop now.
It's so interesting to hear Sunset Shimmer's thought process here. What a pretentious little snot. It also like that you wrote about her cutie mark story, I don't think I've ever read another Sunset Shimmer cutie mark story before...Kewl beans.
And it looks like I get to be the second person to upvote this charming story! Sweeeeeeet!
So you did change the ending.
I quite liked this in the Writeoff, and you made it even better here. Sunset's oblviousness is still amusingly tragic, and the added scene with Sandy Art really reinforced the theme, much more so than the original's summary. Great work. Thanks for putting this up on Fimfiction.
Oof, dat line...
Sequel plz? Maybe a series of sunset and her lessons with celestia?
You write a really good Sunset Shimmer; as far as I'm concerned, this is canon unless contradicted. I'm definitely hanging on to this story!
5944665 While not quite a sequel, I've been spending the past five months writing a rather long story. The events of How Sunset Rose will be considered the canon in that.
I think that second scene with Sandy is new, yes? I like it. :)
Cute story. I enjoyed it very much.
I enjoyed this, Oro ^.^ Particularly the moment when Sunset takes credit for the inspiration she gets from Sandy. It really shows how blind and arrogant she is. I also liked the idea of the Sunburst Rose.
This... is the epitome of cuteness. Good job.
This is much better than the Writeoff version. That second scene with Sandy in the library was a huge improvement over what it replaced. Instead of you telling us how hard Sunset worked during her research, we actually saw it. It made for a much more powerful scene that drastically improved the story. Well, at the very least, I enjoyed it a lot more this time around.
And while I think cutting the ending scene was the right call, I do miss the final line quite a bit.
Yay 100 likes
Time to put on those horn-rimmed glasses Sunset.
Her cutie mark should have been a shovel with a hole, she is good at digging up dirt.
Hmmm, I feel Sunset should at least go back to Equestria to apologize to Sandy Art. She seems nice.
This was cute, though still showed that mean streak Sunset has.
Got directed here from Fractured Sunlight; very nice story and a nice prequel to FS. Liked and faved.
Interesting rounded look at Sunset- not exactly an innocent filly, but still with an idealistic spark buried deep down.
The symbolism's rather on the nose, but at least the imagery is enjoyable. Here's hoping that Sunset gets to see them again in Fractured Sunlight- imagine the look on her face....
Yeah, I can totally believe this.
Sunset didnit with the magic of friendship, but didn't even notice. I'm sure she looked back on that sometime in the future and kicked herself for being so blind.
Oh Sunset. At least she eventually gives friendship a chance.
Great little short.
I feel so bad for Sandy Art now...
I love your interpretation of Sunset's talent, as well as your take on how she misconstrued it. As far as I'm concerned, this is absolute canon unless proven otherwise (and maybe even then...)
I've been fascinated with Sunset origin stories for a while now, and of course my interest spikes every time a new EG comes out. I keep wanting to write my version of "Sunset arrives in the human world," and may finally get up the energy (and time) to do so. Given the outline in my head I doubt I would need to refer to this part of her past, but should it become relevant may I reference the events of this story (and/or Fractured Sunlight)?
Go for it.
I reviewed this story!
My review can be found here.
6747529 Your comment is late, I read your blogpost like 19 minutes ago!
Ahaha, yeah, it was. I was late on these this morning. Almost forgot about them.
The last time I forgot about them, someone complained about me trying to make a blog post behind their back about their story, so I try to remember to do them.
This was a very nice origin story that convincingly shows how Sunset Shimmer could become Celestia's student while still being true to her formerly egocentric, attention-craving and power-hungry nature. That's a very good balance and you did a great job!
I think this story will always be my headcanon for Sunset from now on.
Wow, the symbolism of the flower only makes even more sense for those who read Fractured Sunlight. Cute little cutie mark origin story, this shall be my head cannon until the show/movies say different. Anyone else think Sunset needs to at least have an episode of the show dedicated to her? Stop giving that wannabe Starlight Glimmer attention and let Sunset Shimmer visit Equestria damn it!
6793391 Totally agree! Give the spotlight to Sunset Shimmer. Starlight's just a show off.