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Tags on next Chapter of Eveining picnic. · 1:39am Feb 7th, 2017

Short and simple, the tags on the story are updated for what to expect and i doubt anything will change wile writing it.

My reason for not including 'All the way through' is simply because i did not feel like it... yet. I like the kink but every time i think about it i get this sorta "Eehh.. maybe a bit too much for my second fic ever.." cause as it is, this is a large jump compared to my first Fic.

Report sparks117 · 356 views · Story: Evening Picnic ·
Comments ( 15 )
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Lol. (°ー°〃)

2365620 Not a problem, hope to see some more like that story. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for your support! It really meant a lot for me.

2272998 not a problem, I thought I faved it a long time ago, just been on the tracking part for some time, fixed that :P

Thanks for the fave mate

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