A project I'm working on · 6:05am May 16th, 2013
Hey everybody! I've started working with a crew called Production Ponies who are starting an animated series soon. You guys should check 'em out!
Hey everybody! I've started working with a crew called Production Ponies who are starting an animated series soon. You guys should check 'em out!
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Love the "Friends" story and really looking forward to more if you plan on it. (Please do.
I haven't the faintest clue on how to reply to you so I'm just gonna do so here, that entire scene was both a reference and basically filler soo take the for what it's worth, but still thank you for even looking at it
How in the hell has no one written hear?
Either way, I just wanted to say I think your story "Rainbow Streaks" is one of the better DashieXOC on the site.
Brony on boss.