(2nd Person POV) Your childhood started out just like any other. You had friends, you attended school, you had a mother and father. It was all taken away from you. You have no recollection of your childhood, only the scene of a traumatic event. Losing all hope in recovering, you leave to a small, secluded town known as Ponyville, hoping to isolate yourself. You'll find out that all you needed was a little color to revive those memories.
Edited by: Sleipnir and DoctorBrony
Love it! Keep it up!
Interesting story, more please

Seems alright for a 2nd person fic. Can't wait to see the rest of the fic. If you haven't already, you should submit this to Ponychan's Sensual fic thread, they'll be able to help you out.
DDDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNN, a 2nd person fic where "I" have mental issues. i can't wait to see where this goes, deffinatley got me tracking
Well written, interesting 2nd person Pinkie ship fic.
34776 Sorry, this isn't a Pinkie Pie shipping.
34781 Ah, the description made it sound like one.
....Oooooh. It's DASH. .....She doesn't seem like one to help deal with crushing mental issues xD
good so far, but the Hippocampus is an animal far Greek myth not a part of a pony's body, other then that it good.
Very interesting, I'll be watching.
I loved it! For some reason, I read the entire psych review in a German accent though. Keep it up!
We require moar pony.
He either got hit by Ditzy Doo or Rainbow. Probably Rainbow
35215 Really? Well, I can assure it that it is a major component in the brain that has to deal with making memories as well.
I like this, and how it analyzes the psychological issues of the main character and his thought processes behind his anti socialism :3 I'll be tracking
Was listening to Hans Zimmer's Inception OST, fits perfectly.
35742 Haha, which one from the OST?
35744 The main theme one. I have it on my Ipad, IPad or was it IPAD? Anywhore, great story!
Insta' like
35769 In due time, my friend. Writing approximately 2,500 words a day can be a bit tiring. But, don't worry! Depending on my mood later, I might start the next chapter tonight!
Sweet story man,
One of the best things I have read, belive me
35742 Damn, you were rigth
Inception main them DOSE fit perfectly
me refreshing my page was just a clever plot to get me to read your story, wasn't it!
great story.hope to see more in the future
Well it seems things are becoming more intresting. I just found your story but I really like it. can't wait to read more.
Sentrygogodownandupanddamnitgottammovethatgear. Thisthingaintonautopilotdamnitgottammovethatgear.
damn, paranoid much? lol, i'm deffinatley interested to see what happens next
You know, I really hope he'll love Fluttershy and not that jerk Dash. She's as bad as Gilda.
This going to be very very intresting. I still have no idea how it will become romantical but I don't worry since I guess this will be a long fanfiction with many chapters.
36336 That's the plan.
36341 sweet
This is some deep stuff. Keep it up, I'm definitely gonna be waiting for that next chapter!
also yay the main character is a pegasus, pegasus master race
Fuckin' awesome. "I" remind me of myself to a ridiculous extent xD
Needs moar paranoia.
Hehhehehehe, i feel spoiled, i just read the last chapter 20 min ago, then went 2 find a new fic 2 start *sees update* O.O You've got to be bucking me. :D :3 Great job, :D cant wait for more ^^
39278 Ze Mageiks
39278 Haha, well, honestly, I didn't think this chapter would do too well. If you've noticed, my chapters were uploaded daily, but this one... I had my doubts about it. I actually had to re-write the whole thing because the original "version" of this chapter wasn't meeting my own standards.
But if you liked it, then I'm glad!
hnngggg.... so... much.... awesome..... cant... handle it........
I love 2nd pov stories and this one caught my eye. I look forward to the next one.
We require moar pony.
Honestly one of the best OC pony fics ive read, Please continue.
Cuz, y'know...
They're awkward...
Hehe, can't wait to see how his meeting with Applejack goes. Keep up the great work! :D
And so it continues.
is probably not the best start. Looking forward to the next chapter.
You know, for a socially and mentally shattered pony, meeting with this -->
This is possibly one of the best depictions of mental illness I've seen in fiction. I await the next chapter with baited breath
Are you Fluttershy? No, because Fluttershy went to flight camp with Rainbow Dash. But you think you'd like to meet Fluttershy. Fluttershy would understand. Fluttershy could help you.
Yay Freud! And Fluttershy!!!
Now to actually read the chapter.
Wow. Hopefully Sigmund can handle crazy paranoid main character.
Ok, Sigmund gets an A++. Masterful work, turning an angry, hostile crazy into a compliant pegasus on the way to recovery. I applaud him!
On a side note, this pegasus really should never have been released. The hostile, fragmented personality and lack of social skills does not need to be unleashed upon Equestria, and probably wouldn't have been allowed out on Earth.