• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 26th, 2013



Chapter Nr. 6 · 10:20pm Oct 17th, 2012

Hello everyone. It's been a while.

As you may have noticed, the release of chapter 5 was about 2 months ago. That is quite a long time, and I want to apologize for that.

But life has not been standing in my favor. Those are private things though, and they don't belong here.

Anyway, back2topic. Chapter 6 will probably be the longest chapter until now, that's how I wanted to make it up to you.
(This romance stuff is harder than I expected, though.)

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Comments ( 4 )
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119852 I'm not sure, but I hope it's going to be soon. Life kept me busy, but I'm trying to finish chapter 6 in the next few days, and after the editing is done I'll publish it ASAP.

When will on the precipice be updated?

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