Her Little Angel is now rated "Mature" · 3:50am Jul 23rd, 2012
So yeah, in light of today's announcement I'm bumping this fic's rating to mature.
I was aiming for a Mel Brooks level of comedy, and while I wouldn't mind a thirteen-year-old watching "Young Frankenstein," I do have a few scruples against one watching "Blazing Saddles." Unfortunately this fic is leaning closer to the Western than to the Horror spoof. Hence the change.
Thanks for the favorite on my story Oddly in Tune. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Thank for faving Lord Barleycorn
After seeing the last episdoe with all the pets, I immediately remembered your fic about Angel. Hope you'll eventually continue it.
Thanks for adding A Mighty Demon Slayer Grooms Some Ponies to your favorites. Look for chapter 2 very soon!
Well, well, well.
It appears you will be my opponent in the first round. May the best brony win!