• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
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Fleh, Foiled in my attempts to be nice · 2:11am Jul 3rd, 2012

Well, I was Gunna post an image of my handwritten first chapter and let you try and decipher Voyinch Manuscript 2: Electric Boogaloo(A.k.a The Pony Fic I finally deecided to get off my but and start writing. It's amazing what discovering an empty notebook, a working pen and that you can't sleep in quick succesion will do) for any semblance of readability, but it appears that my only camera sucks to such an extent that it makes my illegible handwriting Even more so. *sigh* Oh well. Now you know

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Thanks for the favorite on Spells and Rainbows! <3 I got one more chapter coming so if you'd like, feel free to comment on what u liked and what i can improve on from the 1st chapter

Hey, thanks for the watch :twilightsmile:

Things ain't never easy in Ponyton. But we're sure glad you've decided to come along for the ride. We can always use an extra gun around here, and your support is more than welcome.

Thanks for the favourite, pardner, and don't forget - Finding Harmony always takes a bit more than just dumb luck and hard steel.

- KR

Thanks for the faves on The Celestia Code and The Luna Cypher! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav, hope you enjoy future fics!

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