• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Occasional FimFic contributor. Also short reviews on request. Blog for silliness, music, writing. STATUS 2024.07.21. der Spürsinn (the instinct)


Derpy Hooves and Crafty Crate deliver a package to a world inhabited by a gentle and innocent generation of ponies.

A mundane event, solved in a cute way by a filly which wants to help but is limited to its point of view... G3 fans, give it a read... ~ Azure Drache

There's a lot of interesting stuff treating G3 as a separate dimension from G4 ~ Present Perfect

Microsoft AI

Blog to discuss + songs of the fic [here]

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 5 )

You second now complete Review is done

My little Reviews & Feedback

Thanks :pinkiehappy: have responded there. You have been a really great reviewer, who has given me a lot to think about!

Another review, this time by PresentPerfect!

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