• Member Since 25th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Writer and Artist


Status Update · 4:43pm Oct 20th, 2023

Hey...been a while since I've posted anything on here. I'm doing fine, just been going through a lot in irl, what with the death of certain family members and financial stuff. But I'm doing well and I'll try to keep up with my stories on this site during my time off from work.

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Status update · 4:39am Mar 26th, 2023

Hey, been a while since the last update. Sorry for not posting much on here as I would like, been a bit busy trying find time with my work schedule to get back to writing. But now that I have the weekends off, I can do more writing and drawing. Now for some of my stories, I am still working on the next couple of chapters for them. Rewriting the following stories due to bad grammar and other reason: Dark Souls: Story of the blanks, Fate/Extra: Equestria, Hunters of the Wastelands, and Persona 4:

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Status update · 1:39pm Nov 5th, 2022

Sorry for the lack of updates to my stories. Been working a lot due to the place that I'm working at having low employees and having to walk from home to work due to having the car break down on me, so being tired from work and walking home pretty much put a tole on me on physically and mentally. I'll try to write on my free time from work, but still sorry for the lack of content here.

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Opening up Commission · 2:26pm Oct 2nd, 2022

Opening up art commissions mainly because I need money to help repairing the muffler on my car. PM if you're interested in commissioning art from me

Here are some examples

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Back to Writing · 2:44pm Aug 26th, 2022

Classes are over for the semester, now I can get back to writing again and job hunting ^_^

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Life update · 2:00am Jul 10th, 2022

Okay, so for the next seven weeks I'm going to be busy with college classes for the summer. I won't be writing as much on this site until the weeks are up and even after I'll need time to recover after. Just wanted to give you all a heads up.

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Story Update · 8:59pm May 22nd, 2022

Fair warning to those who are following my stories. I'm planning on doing a bit of an overhaul with some of my older stories. Not taking them down like the others I have, mainly because of burnout or not liking how the story turned out with some of them. I'm planning on editing the stories I have up now that I've improved on my writing.

Overhaul list:
Sinner of Equestria
The Ronin Samurai
Fate/Extra: Equestria
From Xenoverse to Equestria
Hunters of the Waistland

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Archiveofourown · 4:34pm Feb 26th, 2022

Hey, got myself an account over on https://archiveofourown.org/users/ElementBrigade where I do non-pony related fanfiction and art related to MHA. It's kind of the reason why I haven't been posting much here ^_^; So have a look at my work if you're willing to look at it.

Report ElementBrigade · 99 views ·

Status Update · 8:20pm Dec 17th, 2021

Hey, it's been....lord knows how long. Sorry if I haven't been posting much on here. Kind of been busy with college work at the beginning of September. But now that I'm finish with classes for the semester, I'll try to post some chapters on here. I also have a Fanfiction https://www.fanfiction.net/~elementbriggs if you want see some of my non-pony related stories ^_^

Report ElementBrigade · 130 views ·

Update 9 · 4:32pm Sep 8th, 2020

Hey everyone. How's it going. I'm doing well on my side. Sorry if I haven't been posting new stories. Just been busy with trying to find ways to make money online due having to quit my job because of COVID-19. So been kinda in a meh mood writing wise. Still going to try and get back into the writing mood. Just taking my time with it. But other then that, I'm Opening up commissions. Mainly because of family running low on money and I need a means to help out.

Traditional Artstyle:

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