The Lostbelts. Failed timeline of greater history of man, the history of winners born of the correct choices that lead to the right path of the present state of human history. These lostbelts are the results of human failing to follow the right path due to the wrong choices in life and were deemed unworthy or exsistance to the world they came from. Such is their nature of failure that they are even cut off from the greater multiverse as a result of this. But what if they were given a second chance at life, but on a different planet? Where they could be given the life that were stolen from them and thrive in a land no unlike their own? This is the tale written by the failures of the lostbelts kings and their subjects. Though the world of the proper human history may not hear their story, the world of the Friendship and Magic will hear their story. For this is the tale of the Lostbelt Kingdoms.
[Commissioned Story] This story was a commission request by I hope you enjoy it. I know I am XD
[Crossover: MLP x FGO Cosmos in the Lostbelt]
Ah, good ol' Fate Go. I love/hate this game way too much
I'm curious where this will lead to. If the fallen Lostbelts are getting a new chance in Equestria, and the Fantasy Trees are with them, does that mean they will be facing potential Lostbelt conflicts? Or is it something else?
And will it only be the natural denizens of the Lostbelts transported, or will the revived Lostbelt Kings join them? Because if the latter, and Lostbelt 4 comes in...I wonder how everyone would face Arjuna Alter.
Speaking of, how would the Elements of Harmony scale against the Lostbelt Kings at Full Power?
Can't spoil much, but what I can say that all seven kings of the lostbelt will be in the story....well six at the moment. Don't know what the seventh lostbelt king is or look like.
Interesting. But the Seventh Lostbelt will no doubt take a while. Depends if we are getting it directly after the sixth, or there will be a 6.5 Lostbelt.
Speaking of, do you also intend to include the 5.5 Mandala Lostbelt? Or even Ooku?
But man...all Seven Kings? So far, we have the Thunder Emperor who can grow to a size that dwarfs mountains, The Mother of Scandanavia who uses Primordial Runes, The First Emperor who has attained Immortality and essentially Kars, The former Indian Hero who usurped and assimilated the Divine Authorities of Most of the Indian Pantheon and attained Godhood and destroyed and remade his own world countless times to the point of instability and fracture, the Ruler of the Skies and Leader of Olympus, The Tyrannical Ruler of Camelot whose heart grew cold in order to Defend Britain, and the unknown Seventh King.
...Sounds like fun.
But if the Fantasy Trees are here, does that mean the Alien God and its Apostles are still involved? Or are the trees simply acting as anchors to keep the Lostbelts existing?
To my knowledge from the person who comissioned me to write this story didn't say if he or she wanted to Alien god to be added to the story. Just the lostbelts, the fantasy trees, the kings, and the inhabitants of the lostbelts in the story.
Well, I was just wondering, as the truth behind the Lostbelts and the Trees are pretty twisted.
The thing is, the Fantasy Trees are the sole reason why Lostbelts even exist. The Lostbelts themselves are actually just simulations based on the data accumulated from the pruned timelines. Basically, they were spawned into existence by the Fantasy Trees, with their entire history and existence fabricated by said simulation. The trees themselves grow and expand the Lostbelts in order to call forth the Alien God, as their sole directive. In a sense, you could say the trees prepare for the Alien Gods arrival by growing, spreading its roots deep into the Lostbelt and expanding it to be a suitable environment for the Alien God to Land.
And what's more, once the Alien God arrives, it will destroy the Tree and the Lostbelt as they have served their purpose.
It's pretty twisted. These Lostbelts, which were originally seen as a failed timeline living because of the Trees, was actually a simulation to prepare the landing zone for the Alien God and meant to be wiped out in the end anyway. They were all doomed from the start, even with the Trees. When the trees are cut down, the lostbelts fade because there is no more power supplied to fuel their existence, which makes sense as each Tree has an entire galaxy within them and all the energy that comes with it. In order to manifest and expand a world like a Lostbelt, a lot of energy is needed lest it fade away.
The main objective of the Trees are to prepare for the arrival of the Alien God.
But still, to think that every life, every existence within the Lostbelt, is just a simulation that was spawned to existence. Their memories and history from their point of appearing was all fake. Existential crises abound.
There is actually another fimfic I saw that ties in Lostbelts with which Equestria itself is a Lostbelt.
Pretty good start.
If I may ask, what will be the overall plot of the story? Will it be the diplomatic integration of the Lostbelts into Equestria? Like being recognized as their own nations?
Or will there be War?
I also had this funny image in my head. Ivan the Terrible joining a diplomatic meeting, but stopped because the doors are too small for him to get through.
Ivan: "Curse you, tiny doors!"
Sweet. Now I can actually hear this when the Kings gather for a diplomatic meeting with the Equestrian Royals:
The lone Thunder Emperor crouched outside the council room. The reason is but a simple, yet infuriating matter. "Curse you, tiny doors!"
Also, since the Fantasy Trees are also present, what purpose do they serve? Are they simply the anchor points/power supplies to fuel the Lostbelts and make sure they remain existing? Or is there an additional, sinister purpose to them like what was revealed in Olympus?
Oh. So the Trees are just simply anchor points that supply power to the Lostbelts, then.
But man. All that diplomacy given how some Lostbelts are more extreme than others. The Yagas need a lot of food and a majority of them have that ingrained perspective of Survival of the Strongest.
The Scandanavians have a tragic one.
The Chinese is relatively peaceful, if ignorant.
The Indian one is definitely heartwrenching and extreme due to all the Yugas and Evil Elimination.
As for the rest, wait until translation.
I’m honestly not too sure who the she would be shipped with.
Wait, if the Lostbelts and everyone in it are getting second chances, does that mean Patxi is alive? Along with Asha’s family?
Oh, so it will be Patxi. Well, that will be interesting.
Out of curiosity, will other Servants aside from the Lostbelt kings be appearing? I know in FGO, some Servants were summoned by Chaldea, but the Lostbelt Kings did have some Servants summoned by them. Like Arjuna Alter summoning Asclepius and William Tell.
Yeah. Their food problems can be solved.
....I understand that this story is meant to include the introduction of all of the Lostbelts, but is doing the sixth Lostbelt, Avalon le Fae, really necessary? Or even the right choice given what it really is?
I have to say with confidence, that it is the WORST Lostbelt of them all(thus far). The only reason why it hasn't collapsed a long time ago was due to Morgan ruling over it, proving herself an exceptionally capable ruler. Even then, the Fae weren't all that grateful when they offed her. It's just terrible. The Fae were complete assholes. They are super racist. They were racist to Morgan and Baobhan Sith and made their lives pure hell. And Baobhan was experimented on and tortured before Morgan adopted her. And let's not forget their other atrocious actions.
First, they were too lazy to craft Excalibur, which led to the planet getting killed by Velber. All land and all life was sunk to the sea.
Avalon then sent the God Cernunnos and his priest, the last surviving human, to punish them. Since the fairies neglected their duty to force Excalibur to save civilization, they could no longer return to Avalon. But instead , Cernunnos chose to pity and befriend them as he was a kind God. He calmed the sea so the Fae won;t get sick. The Fae begged him to make them new land, but he did not, no matter how much time passed.
And so, the Fae blamed the God for not trying hard enough. The human priest told the fairies to reflect their actions, but they did not listen. In the end, the Fae lost patience and so they poisoned him and killed him. Then they used his body as land for new Britain, and kidnapped Cernunnos' human priest, tortured him, and chopped him up to pieces to fuel and nourish themselves and they made copies of him, which is why the humans in Britain only have a lifespan of 30 years as the priest was 30 years old.
And that is how the Britain Island was made. An island made out of a corpse, made out of betrayal, made out of great sin. That is Britain.
The Fairies are sinners and that is why they cannot return to Avalon. They're stuck in Britain. Destined to die, suffer, reincarnated, and repeated the process over and over.
The Fae are absolute assholes!
The negative karma from their sins seeped through the land, giving birth to calamities that threatened all life. Despite Morgan's efforts, the calamities could not be destroyed. She could only seal them into her Fae Knights to keep the destruction at bay. But when things got too much to handle, the Fae betrayed her and killed her, kickstarting the Lostbelt's inevitable demise as the calamities, curses, and mors(essentially dead fae who are cursed), ran rampant. The Fae living today are no better than the original six fae who killed Cernunos.
Furthermore, events escalated and actually led to Cernunos' dead body rising, fueled by the calamities and curses and ended up becoming a giant Mors to wipe out all life. And the kicker? The Fae thought they could migrate to Pan Human History to escape their doom since their world is more a Lost World rather than a Lostbelt, giving them some leeway(if I understand right from translations). They started this mess, and they have the gall to just run away and ruin things all over again in PHH?!
The Fae even corrupted/brainwashed the spirit origin of a Servant from PHH to help us. They brainwashed Vortigern into thinking he was Oberon. And when we killed Cernunos, Oberon-Vortigern regained all his memories, and his goal escalated and grew twisted. Instead of simply defeating the Lostbelt, his goal grew to not only ERASE the Lostbelt, but to move on and ERASE PAN HUMAN HISTORY! And he has the power to do so, as he IS BRITAIN ITSELF.
This is him and what he's capable of.
The Fae don't deserve a second chance. THEY DESERVE TO BE PURGED!!!! Oberon-Vortigern had the right idea in the first part of his plan. The second part we had to stop him.
But the ONLY Fae that I believe deserve a second chance are LB Morgan, Fairy Knight Gawain(Barghest), Fairy Knight Tristan(Baobhan Sith), Fairy Knight Lancelot(Melusine), maybe even Woodwose, Boggart, and Oberon-Vortigern. Habetrot doesn't count because she is cool, survived, and chilling with Chaldea.
But all the other Fae? They can just burn and suffer for what they've done.
Personally, I think the Fae are much worse than Discord and the Changelings. Discord changed because he finally found friends. The Changelings found another, better way to live.
I just can't see the majority of the Fae as anything but the selfish, egotistical, racist monsters they truly are. Did you forget they keep humans as slaves? And most of the other Lostbelts have humans as their inhabitants. Not to mention if everything in the Lostbelt is revived, the curse and calamities would be revived as well. And that spells bad news for everyone.
Another difference is the lack of a fantasy tree for this Lostbelt as Morgan drained it of its energy and used it to keep the world going.
That is if the Fairies don't try and kill them first.
The Lostbelt was only in Order because Morgan ruled with an iron-fist. The other Fae still hated Morgan and were racist toward her all while maintaining a facade. And there is only so much Morgan can do if the Calamities and curses still exist. By the time Chaldea arrives, Morgan was at the end of her rope ad the Calamities ran rampant and she could barely keep them at bay. The curses that cause excruciating suffering could not be stopped.
The Fae wasted no time in offing Morgan when they learned she had become useless to them.
Don't forget this is the race that poisoned and killed a God who granted them mercy all because they refused to reflect on their actions. REFUSED TO REFLECT THEIR ACTIONS. This Lostbelt is not some final bastion for them to live on. It's a Punishment because of their sins and can never return to Avalon. And they are a race that tortures and experiment on other beings because to them it is either fun or interesting. What do you think they'll do to the denizens of other Lostbelts and ponies if given the opportunity?
The Fae's actions caused the end of the world in their timeline because they were too lazy to forge Excalibur, the only thing that could have saved civilization, and Velber wiped out all other life and land. Britain is a Hell of their own making.
The only thing I can imagine that would stop the Fae from acting out is the looming threat of Oberon-Vortigern dropping what is essentially a Sword of Damocles over their heads and wiping them all out.
....honestly, he's got the right idea.
My main gripe are the other Fairy Leaders like Aurora, who put Melusine through hell by lying to her, using her as a tool, and pushing her past the brink of despair.
I'm just saying, Lostbelt 6 is the Lostbelt that no one would feel bad in wiping off the map.
I still remain unconvinced. If they still remember what happened at the end, then what will stop the majority of the Fae from turning on Morgan from the get go, even if Woodwose kept his clan in line? Based on the end, what's to stop the Fae Knights from going berserk after all they went through? And what would stop Oberon-Vortigern from just killing them all from the start anyway since that was what he intended to do in the end?
And what makes you believe the Fae would be repentant? They never were even when they were suffering from a lack of land in the beginning. Instead, they grew impatient, entitled, and killed the God who granted them mercy instead of punishing them before using his corpse as their land. They were given a chance, and they botched it.
Especially since the Fairies that are currently in Britain are descended from the original 6 that started this mess. And given how Fairies reproduce(copying themselves), a lot of them inherit numerous traits from their predecessors.
Furthermore, while Fairies don't age, they deteriorate and become Mors when they lose their purpose.
Don't even get me started on Aurora. She's all show and no substance. She believes the whole world revolves around her, crafts this facade of a wise ruler, while in reality, she is one of the worst fairies. Aurora's purpose of her entire being is to "remain at the absolute top" of the hierarchy. She is basically a manifestation of Wind tribe's vainglorious attitude. Her main directive/driving force is this : "I was born perfect, hence I don't have to try for anything. I am automatically entitled for the position at the pinnacle, as a ruler. I am loved by everyone because I'm perfect. Everything in the world works in my favor. Everything I do is correct". This is her entire reason of existence, her sole directive that has been keeping her brilliance from fading away for 3000 years. She doesn't love anyone except herselfShe only took in and showed care for Melusine because of her image saying: Oh, "since Aurora is showing love towards the most repulsive being in this world (at that time Melusine was still simply Albion's lump of flesh covered in cursed mud), then this must be another prove that she's the most beautiful being in this world"
And what can Equestria do about the numerous Curses, Mors, and Calamities plaguing Britain? Not to mention Cernunnos' cursed Corpse?
Heck, even the Lostbelt had internal forces trying to wipe itself out even without the pruning. Such as the forging of Excalibur or Oberon-Vortigern. It was so bad it kept trying to self-destruct itself.
Even when the Lostbelt is actively trying to destroy itself? Seriously, things have gotten so bad it's literally hitting its own Self-Destruct button.
If that plan includes Cernunnos actually punishing the Fae for their crimes of poisoning ad KILLING him and BUTCHERING his priest, I'm all ears.
Otherwise, the Fae of Britain don't deserve redemption. They deserve purgation. Save for a select few such as Morgan and her Fae Knights and Woodwose.
I realize that. And personally, I think things were already that bad. Mors were rampant. Curses and calamities were getting worse and worse. Why do you think Vortigern from PHH was summoned there in the first place? He was sent in to wipe it out. But then the Lostbelt influenced him and he extended his eradication plan to PHH.
Moreover, thanks to Beryl, even humans can turn into Mors, putting the denizens of other Lostbelts at risk. And the curses they carry are no joke. They spread like wildfire and are persistent, leaving the recipient to suffer slow, excruciating deaths.
Besides. If you try to change the Fae from their main directive(like Aurora being a complete, self-centered fraud), they will inevitably turn into Mors and continue that vicious cycle.
I don't think it matters. The Fae of Britain deserve purgation. The Lostbelt is inevitably doomed. And if Cernunnos somehow gets revived and becomes curse free, Britain will be no more since Britain is his corpse.
Besides, of the villains that have been redeemed, I don’t think any of them committed first degree murder like the Fae have done.
And again, what would stop Oberon-Vortigern from just killing everyone?
My only hope is that Cernunnos actually punishes the Fae for everything they’ve done….but given their crimes, the most appropriate punishment is total annihilation.
And if they try to start something with the other inhabitants, they have to answer to five other Lostbelt Kings, their authorities, and their Servants.
The way I see it, no matter what they do, they’ll always have a Sword of Damocles over their heads just a hairsbreadth away from dropping on them.
With everything that’s gone down, what’s to stop Morgan from initiating a purge of other Fae tribes, Excalibur being forged, or Vortigern just yeeting everyone? Britain is a Lostbelt doomed to fail.
Say what you will. Nothing will change my mind about the majority of the Fae of Britain, especially the original six Fae that started this mess. Britain is a hell of their own making.
I’m just saying. The Fae of Britain(the original six and those closely associated with them save for a few exceptions) are not meant to be redeemed. They’re meant to be punished. Why do you think they were exiled from Avalon in the first place? And their malicious acts actively piled on their sins.
Fine. Let’s wait and see what your little plan for LB 6 is. But I doubt it will properly redeem the Fae of Britain after everything they have done.
....Holy crap
Given the ponies' lackluster performance against the boar and inability to do magic, I have a feeling the Yaga, who only respect strength, will not accept them. It sucks that Atalanta Alter thinks the ponies are enemies.
Um, Atalante doesn't see the ponies as enemies
Oh sorry, I misread her words and thought she was going to shoot down the pegasus messenger to stop reinforcements from coming. I just reread it and realize she was talking about killing the boar.
I like how friendly Ivan is.
It is good that Anastasia and Luna became friends. Is Minotaurus going to show up?
This is really funny. How long until the ponies meet Atalanta Alter and Minotauros?
Soon :3
How long before ponies get their magic back?
You'll have to read and find out
I remember someone post lb6 fairies causing trouble and I’m ok with that because I like that kind of conflict. But there are other lbs that might cause trouble. That being Qin and Arjuna Alter(well he's kinda up to the air.) Skadi is another one but depends if the giants and Surtr are around. But my question is the some Crypters are around. I think who were kill in the lbs.
How will Fluttershy deal with Minotauros?
This is really awesome, can’t wait for more.
Let hope that Morgan is the only one from Lostbelt 6. It still gives me nightmare, you know something is wrong when Morgan of all people are the "good" guy and Britain itself try to commit suicide with Vortigern-Oberon.
Also, I wonder what happened to Kadoc and Daybit in this story. Kadoc/Anastasia is the best ship and this is the hill, I will die fighting on.
(this is more of a general comment on the whole story and not on this chapter)
“Used on a daily Equestria” doesn’t make sense. Were you trying to say “used on a daily basis”?
How is Patxi still alive? I know you probably changed something for the sake of the fanfic, but what happened that caused him to live?
Well Yaga anatomy is different from human anatomy. Keep in mind that the people of the lostbelt Russia had to fuse with demonic beast in order to survive the harsh snowstorms of Russia. Also the person that commission this story wanted him to be alive thanks to the tree of harmony.
Honestly, IMO both Luna and Anastasia got along too quickly. You don’t just meet somebody and immediately tell them all your past mistakes. That happens the more you grow close to someone as a friend and then you're willing to admit your past sins.
Just a nitpick. Obviously, this story is not as dark and layered as mine since it's meant to be a more hopeful and romantic story.
Okay so your using the names of the Lostbelt chapters rather than the Lostbelts. This isn’t necessary, a better and more straightforward description would be to just call them: the Russian Lostbelt, the Norse Lostbelt, the Chinese Lostbelt, the Indian Lostbelt, the Greek Lostbelt, and the British Lostbelt. Also Atlantis and Olympus are just two different places within the same Lostbelt, no need to try and differentiate the two as that would lead to confusion.
Fair and again, I'm just going by how the commissioner wants it.
How do you feel about Touhou?
Never heard of it