It's been a while has it. · 10:25pm Jun 2nd, 2020
Not sure who is still listening here on my page, been rather busy and getting college work done. Kinda stressful on it's own. Not to go into many details stress was getting to me for a while and that effecting my health. In recent months I have gotten better and been drawing and working on my 3d printer.
Drawing has been rather fun for me and I would like to do more fan art of my favorite fics. Also been taking commissions so that's fun. Been wanting to get back into writing but just been lacking the momentum. Reading again has been getting more into the feel of writing though.
If anyone whats to check out my art page I'm on the DA as Techgear.
Glad to hear you're hanging in there!
Thanks, it been a rough ride for a while outside of the fandom in my life. College work was really at me and hobbies were limited.
Totally understandable.
Glad to know you are still alive through these troubling times❤️.
Woo still around man :) stay safe !
I love your story's especially beach day and spike is screwed i really hope you haven't abondoned them and if you have please tell me because i need to know if i should stop waiting for an update