Sorry for the inactivity. · 3:51pm Sep 6th, 2017
I just started college just last week and had been in tied into the school work guys and gals. I also have a job as a lab assistant after school so that I don't have to drive anywhere for work. That way I can save money on gas. Which is a good thing since the prices are going up here where I live.
I really do plan on continuing Spike is Screwed. I just need to get over this writer's block I have on it. I'm trying to freshen my head on the matter by doing other things.
Like right now I'm practicing my animation skills for an animation I want to make. Thanks to a free software called Opentoonz.
The premise of the episodes (If I make it a series) is teen Spike's daily life with the mares around him.
Granted as much as we all want much respect for our dragon friend there is an exception to a certain degree. I don't mean I'm going to out right smash his head into the rocks. I just mean for the case that, well, he struggles a bit through out the day. And he gets knocked out a lot.
Okay, not that much. Just in the first episode that I have in mind. Let's just say that Trixie and Starlight in responsible for the ordeal.
I call dibs on being a voice actor!
can't wait! hope you're looking for some people to hire. i'd gladly apply, but sounds like you've got the general idea, again, can't wait!
:) keep donig what your doing and live well ill be here to give vague support over the inter-webs :D have a great one