• Member Since 23rd May, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2022


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  • 245 weeks
    It's been a while has it.

    Not sure who is still listening here on my page, been rather busy and getting college work done. Kinda stressful on it's own. Not to go into many details stress was getting to me for a while and that effecting my health. In recent months I have gotten better and been drawing and working on my 3d printer.

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  • 362 weeks
    More Inactivity, sorry

    Sorry about the long Inactivity again. Life is on me at the moment with college.

    As well as massive writers block for the longest time. Please forgive me about that. I have been so absorbed with designing a 3d printer for such a long time.

    It's still in the prosses.

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  • 388 weeks
    Sorry for the inactivity.

    I just started college just last week and had been in tied into the school work guys and gals. I also have a job as a lab assistant after school so that I don't have to drive anywhere for work. That way I can save money on gas. Which is a good thing since the prices are going up here where I live.

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  • 395 weeks
    I writing right now.

    After some drawing I'm going to sit down for a bit and write for 'Spike is screwed' to get another chapter. I got to say I really do like this story. I really appreciate the love you all give to my story and all the support. I mean really I inspire two fic out of mine and they're both clop.

    Humanity in a nut shell.:twilightsmile:

    and here are the Pic that I made that can be found on my DA.

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  • 397 weeks
    I really should do this more often.

    Hey guys and gals, I'm doing some drawings this week.

    Sorry, I'm probably not going to get to my stories due to some much-needed drawing for a friend of mine.


    Really great guy, he contacted me on discord and wanted my to draw for his fic Blond moments.


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Sorry for the inactivity. · 3:51pm Sep 6th, 2017

I just started college just last week and had been in tied into the school work guys and gals. I also have a job as a lab assistant after school so that I don't have to drive anywhere for work. That way I can save money on gas. Which is a good thing since the prices are going up here where I live.

I really do plan on continuing Spike is Screwed. I just need to get over this writer's block I have on it. I'm trying to freshen my head on the matter by doing other things.

Like right now I'm practicing my animation skills for an animation I want to make. Thanks to a free software called Opentoonz.

The premise of the episodes (If I make it a series) is teen Spike's daily life with the mares around him.

Granted as much as we all want much respect for our dragon friend there is an exception to a certain degree. I don't mean I'm going to out right smash his head into the rocks. I just mean for the case that, well, he struggles a bit through out the day. And he gets knocked out a lot. :pinkiecrazy:

Okay, not that much. Just in the first episode that I have in mind. Let's just say that Trixie and Starlight in responsible for the ordeal.

Report Geoice · 548 views · Story: Spike Is Screwed · #Spike #Spike is Screwed #life
Comments ( 3 )

I call dibs on being a voice actor!:raritywink:

can't wait! hope you're looking for some people to hire. i'd gladly apply, but sounds like you've got the general idea, again, can't wait!

:) keep donig what your doing and live well ill be here to give vague support over the inter-webs :D have a great one

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