• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 1st, 2018

The watchful pony

i write all kind of stores and open to any ideas from fans also love video games and running a youtube channel favorite pony and favorite shipping=Twidash


I"M BACK · 3:13am Dec 9th, 2013

Hay guys, Sorry I have not updated my stores in forever. I lost motivation somewhere down the line after season 3, And college kept me busy. But I'm back, and to make it up to you guys, I plane to release a chapter to at least one story ounce a week, all december long.

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Comments ( 6 )
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Hello, it's me again. Or perhaps you'll see this first, and my previous greeting would make no sense. In that case, hello!

To help make sense of things, I left a rather lengthy comment on your "Pony Grumps" story, specifically on chapter 4. I am here afterwords to let you know that if you do decide to allow me to help edit your tales, I won't be explicit to that one story, but proof-read and edit any and all drafts you send to me. Send me a private message or a comment on my page if you decide to take my offer seriously or at all. Farewell again, or for the first time. The sands of time always change, and thus so do our goodbyes.

462066 I love snakes, I actually have a pet boa named veronica.

I'm looking at your I forgot what it's called and I see a snake, that makes me happy because I love snakes. It looks pretty cool too. Do you like snakes as well?

Hello sir or madame,
I am Obsidian Raindrop the creator of a group known as The Great and Not Obsessive Trixie I am here to ask if you would like your story to be added to my group.
The only requirements are:
1. You have a story about Trixie and she is not completely obsessing over her lose at the hands of Twilight. (She can hate that she lost to twilight and even try and beat again but she just can't be be so obsessive like she is in most stories. )
2. She may be a supporting character or a main character it does not matter.
3. i can`t think of a third thing
It's me Osidian again asking you guys to do stuff you don't want to.
1. tell me the name of your story and the one folder you want it in
2. join the group it is really cool and we'll soon get a banner up
3. fallow because it will boost my confidence
Sorry to all those who either received this email twice or who don`t have trixie as a main or supporting character. Also just PM me if you want your story added.
Yours truly, Obsidian Raindrop

Dude I am loving pony grumps. But you seriously need an editor. I'm available if you want.

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