The pony-tf apocalypse came and gone. A lone reporter from the UK meets a legend thought kidnapped in the No Mans Land between what remains of Canada and New Equestria, and must find the truth to what happened to the world when the dust settled.
After becoming Empress of the Zin Empire, The Boss finds Starswirl and tries to bring him back to Equis. It's going to be a bit hard for him to re-adjust if Sombra wasn't going to attack Equestria and everything around it.
You know when your life is ruined when you and your friends start turning into ponies. Not a fan, let me tell you. ((Side story to Five Score Divided by Four))
Friendship is SanctionedA strange twist of fate sees Imperial Space Marines fighting to protect Twilight and her friends from a mysterious new thirdstring_overlord
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· 305 · 17
Zer0 H0urA merciless assassin finds himself inadvertently teleported to the land of Equestria. Should be Vorizmordu
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First Pony ViewSome dreams you might never want to end… …but what happens when the dream really doesn't?by Suomibrony
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· 1,563 · 113
My Mother Moves the Moon!When Princess Luna adopts Pipsqueak, the Canterlot nobility raises a king-sized ruckus, with a rather irate Blueblood at the head of it all. How will our little colt with the Trottingham accent adjust to his new life as a Prince of Equestria?by That One Kid
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The InterrogationA young thief gets arrested and brought before Celestia, where he is then interrogated in a rather peculiar Zamairiac
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· 1,328 · 46
Queen... Or Mother?Celestia tries to show Chrysalis that love is more than just a source of food and Kapuchu
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· 671 · 16
ARTICLE 2An alien crash lands in Equestria. It calls itself Muppetz
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· 5,211 · 179
1479177 I was just saying so that everyone knows he's not dead, just on hiatus. Not sure about his story though. As I've learned myself in the past, if you leave a story too long without updating, you lose interest. So the story could be dead, but let's hope not.
1473238 He's having a difficult time with life at the moment, most of us have been there. He needs to work things out himself, he will be back eventually. We shouldn't worry about that, wish him luck and wait patiently.
1479177 I was just saying so that everyone knows he's not dead, just on hiatus. Not sure about his story though. As I've learned myself in the past, if you leave a story too long without updating, you lose interest. So the story could be dead, but let's hope not.
Oh I know, just making a little joke.
1473238 He's having a difficult time with life at the moment, most of us have been there. He needs to work things out himself, he will be back eventually. We shouldn't worry about that, wish him luck and wait patiently.
He might be dead, it's to early to tell.
Hi Captain! How are you?