• Member Since 30th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 7th, 2015

Master Lyra

If you care enough to look over here, head over to my user page for a more full and accurate (I guess) bio.


Memories · 3:05am Jul 8th, 2014

It's funny, isn't it? It's been so long.

At this point I'm guessing you guys don't expect anything more out of me. I've mostly just looked through my post history and stories as a way to reflect on my growth as a person and my maturity. I still remember my obsession over hating clop. Those were fun days. Just arguing with people for the sake of arguing. I think the people I argued against and I both knew we were getting nowhere and tried putting on a show for a vacant crowd.

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Comments ( 79 )
  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79

It's been a long time, if you ever log in again be sure to drop me a line. I'd love to catch up!

God you where such an obnoxious and miserable peice of trash.

Underated Stories that deserve more attention

Death Note: Equestria - 838 likesĀ·61 dislikes

I hardly think that story is underrated! :P

Heh, I know a friend who has a tulpa. We should discuss on that some time. I don't know much about it but I know it's pretty intriguing :D

Sorry man. Today I had family stuff going on. I'll do it tomorrow 100%, okay?

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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